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2014 Pilot Discussion

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cltrat said:
luv so what has happened this time to make them disappear yet again?
Perhaps at least a small dose of reality finally penetrated even the extremely dense walls of "sparta"? Well, either that, or they're all over at the APA board trying to pretend themselves not the sort who directly ask of the CEO how they can "turn in" their "fellow pilots", and equally pretend that so many of them didn't enthusiastically promise to scab against any union actions, or are perhaps just too busy polishing their management-issued-knee pads...Who knows?...Who cares? Thankfully; It ain't like they count for much in the grand scheme of things anymore.
The internet experience with at least their most vitriolic fantatics/"village idiots" never amounted to anything more than a curious study of Arrested Development anyway...I do miss prechill's "T minus" countdown clocks though. Those were always good for some serious chuckles. 😉
Phoenix said:
New East Perm Bid out.  15-1.  Check your bids to avoid surprises. 
It's a nice bid. CLT losing some 767 flying to PHL, but overall, a lot of movement.
New Group IV Captains: 33
New Group III Captains:   2
New Group II  Captains: 35
New Group I   Captains:   5
That's 75 new Captains system wide.
Plus adding 78 New-hires...
algflyr said:
It's a nice bid. CLT losing some 767 flying to PHL, but overall, a lot of movement.
New Group IV Captains: 33
New Group III Captains:   2
New Group II  Captains: 35
New Group I   Captains:   5
That's 75 new Captains system wide.
Plus adding 78 New-hires...
A petty point nowadays, but whatever happened to: "The nic will be crammed down your throats!"...."This is Sparta!"...? 😉
Claxon said:
.....That was an incredible run for Polsinelli and Marty. They stole millions and the west got zip.
So, it seems P.T. Barnum was right: "There's a sucker born every minute"...but I must take exception to word "stole" here, since those foolish, mighty "spartans" gave their cash up willingly, even enthusatically, and caveat emptor must reasonably apply here.
For any that still feel the need, permit me to help in at least spurring tie sales for your "righteous" quest:   http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/libertynecktie.html
...And let us not forget the Push for "Justice":  http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/contribute.html
A320 Driver said:
Neither does APA. Looks like both sides agree that a negotiated settlement is best all around. As long as they are talking/negotiating, I see it as positive.
Agreed that would reasonably be the best for all concerned , but I cynically smell this as just being another parker ploy to extend the proceedings, rather than resolve anything. I hope I'm wrong, but see nothing in observed history to base that hope on.
To date this management team's done nothing more than fully validate the old cliche of "How can you tell if they're lying?..Their lips are moving"....
They hired glass for this for a reason, and it certainly wasn't to establish even the slightest bit of "trust" or good faith....
An honest question: Would you actually even trust such as these to babysit your grandchildren?...Unsupervised? I sure-as-hell wouldn't.
EastUS1 said:
Agreed that would reasonably be the best for all concerned , but I cynically smell this as just being another parker ploy to extend the proceedings, rather than resolve anything. I hope I'm wrong, but see nothing in observed history to base that hope on.
To date this management team's done nothing more than fully validate the old cliche of "How can you tell if they're lying?..Their lips are moving"....
I get your point and I am as cynical as anyone. Point of interest though is an apparent change in posture with senior management. In the DFW crew news, arbitration was the word of the day because we were "so far apart". Same with Parker's interview yesterday with the media. Wonder why the change of heart? Maybe it was a bluff from the get-go or maybe the total loss of confidence in management that would be a consequece of pressing forward with the arbitration...I don't know. But I will judge any negotiated settlement on it's own merit.
The catch 22 here is that arbitration buys us nothing and concessions don't make sense in times of record profits. I hope we can strike a balance everyone can live with. It's obvious to me now that management's idea of parity with Delta is in pay rates only and has been from the start.

In any case I think those with the mindset that we are going to make up for the last decade in pay and benefits are going to be very unhappy in the future. The media and the flying public don't care as long as fares are reasonable. Our worth will be defined by our savy at the negotiating table more so than our value as employees. Welcome to corporate America...
A320 Driver said:
I get your point and I am as cynical as anyone. Point of interest though is an apparent change in posture with senior management. In the DFW crew news, arbitration was the word of the day because we were "so far apart". Same with Parker's interview yesterday with the media. Wonder why the change of heart? Maybe it was a bluff from the get-go or maybe the total loss of confidence in management that would be a consequece of pressing forward with the arbitration...I don't know. But I will judge any negotiated settlement on it's own merit.
The catch 22 here is that arbitration buys us nothing and concessions don't make sense in times of record profits. I hope we can strike a balance everyone can live with. It's obvious to me now that management's idea of parity with Delta is in pay rates only and has been from the start.

In any case I think those with the mindset that we are going to make up for the last decade in pay and benefits are going to be very unhappy in the future. The media and the flying public don't care as long as fares are reasonable. Our worth will be defined by our savy at the negotiating table more so than our value as employees. Welcome to corporate America...
Agreed in general Driver, but, as has the been the sad case for too many years already; it seems we still "live in interesting times." I trust nothing not to be just some cheap ploy from these sorry sorts of "people." These are individuals who's entire lives have been based on "It's ALL about MEE!" contrivance and convenience, most of whom haven't, at least by way of public presentation, ever grown beyond the level of wasted and inherently narcisisstic frat boys. I challenge any to rationally explain their strangely, but clearly proudly public behavior otherwise....? One doesn't reasonably expect any straight-up, honest and honorable dealings from such "kids"...Ever...Period.
"Point of interest though is an apparent change in posture with senior management..." I'll believe only what I see,...as I assume, will you. You/I/We all know though, that "apparent" is purely for kids and wishful thinking...Let's hope for the best. but always look closely at "the man behind the curtain".
"But I will judge any negotiated settlement on it's own merit." Indeed Brother, as we all should.
Claxon said:
The last meet for greed did them in. It is said Marty finally came clean and told them the Nic was DOA and DOH was the order of the day. That was an incredible run for Polsinelli and Marty. They stole millions and the west got zip.
Where is 700UW telling all of us that, speaking from his huge union experience, there is no way that the arbtrated Nicolau seniority list can be scrapped?
EastUS1 said:
So, it seems P.T. Barnum was right: "There's a sucker born every minute"...but I must take exception to word "stole" here, since those foolish, mighty "spartans" gave their cash up willingly, even enthusatically, and caveat emptor must reasonably apply here.
For any that still feel the need, permit me to help in at least spurring tie sales for your "righteous" quest:   http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/libertynecktie.html
...And let us not forget the Push for "Justice":  http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/contribute.html
I wonder how the tie sales are going these days?  Maybe a bit of a lull before the holiday buying season?  :LOL:
nycbusdriver said:
I wonder how the tie sales are going these days?  Maybe a bit of a lull before the holiday buying season?  :LOL:

Funny, I don't see to many ties these days, wonder if they were told not to wear them. I think we are going after AOL for court costs which they will owe us, maybe they can have a bake sale in PHX?

Don't get excited about the the company still wanting to negotiate, just part ot their master plan, sure they will sweeten the pot a bit and we will all believe we are getting a better deal till it's all over and then we find out how bad we really did........LOA93 and the POS MOU.
luvthe9 said:
Funny, I don't see to many ties these days, wonder if they were told not to wear them. I think we are going after AOL for court costs which they will owe us, maybe they can have a bake sale in PHX?
Don't get excited about the the company still wanting to negotiate, just part ot their master plan, sure they will sweeten the pot a bit and we will all believe we are getting a better deal till it's all over and then we find out how bad we really did........LOA93 and the POS MOU.
Only contract you'll ever be happy with is one you write yourself!
A320 Driver said:
Only contract you'll ever be happy with is one you write yourself!
As you were the first to sign on to LOA93 and the MOU I would bet, I would be very happy to get something very close to Delta which I think we all deserve, maybe you don't think your worth that but I'm sure the rest of us do.
Considering the ongoing negotiations related to the JCBA, I believe it to be in the best interest of the pilots for our current base representatives to remain in their positions. I am respectfully withdrawing my name from the ballott for the position of Vice-Chairman PHL.

I consider it a privilege to serve on both the Training and Membership Services Committees and will continue to work on behalf of our pilots in this capacity. I stand in full support of our APA Board of Directors and officers as they work to obtain a leading inustry contract for all our members.

In Unity,

Captain Barry Marshall
A320 - PHL
luvthe9 said:
As you were the first to sign on to LOA93 and the MOU I would bet, I would be very happy to get something very close to Delta which I think we all deserve, maybe you don't think your worth that but I'm sure the rest of us do.
I'm 50/50...
I voted against LOA93 and for the MOU. From people who know, the MOU was a pathway to the merger which is the ONLY reason you can even fantasize about anything close to the Delta contract. Your worth is decided at the bargaining table before you ever see it. Dean and the rest of the negotiators are working every angle they can to get us the best that we can get. They deserve our support and appreciation. There is always a chance that money is left on the table but it makes no sense to agonize about it.
Looking backwards and forwards at the same time is not possible. Your criticism betrays your unhappiness.
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