GOOD LETTER!!!!!!!!!................
I hope you all got to listen to the Phone Tree Meeting last night because they had some good questions asked and some excellent answers given.
My take away from it was to recap the history of these negotiations which are as follows:
We signed a very restrictive and in my view a totally inadequate MOU which gives us little return for the unheard of profits being made. It restricts us from taking advantage of the huge profits that this airline will have in the future.
On Nov 11, the company came to us with what sounded like an offer to fast track the MOU provisions by 'giving' us a raise now that would bring us up to current Delta rates plus 3% starting Dec. 1, 2014. This was not done out of the goodness of their heart. They believe that by giving us a pay raise now before the new Delta /United pay rates, they will have lower payroll costs than Delta/United well into the future.
However, the company added contractual provisions that were concessionary but refused to give us information on the value of those give backs. They asked to modify the scope clause so they could add 5 seats for the largest commuter jets. They also extended an additional year to the amendable length of the contract helping to keep us well under the pay rates of Delta/United for at least an additional year. Oh, and no profit sharing.
The union pointed out in their counter proposal that Delta Pilots will get about 15% in addition to their pay in profit sharing, so asked for Delta rates plus 10% with no profit sharing. In addition, they asked that the A-321 be added to Group III pay rates, an average of 5:20 per day and told them that scope was off the table and asked once again for the value the company was placing on the concessions they asked for.
The company refused the union's offer, took scope off the table as a "good will" gesture to foster better relations, then added 5 seats on to the smaller commuter jets by-passing the scope clause (so much for fostering better relations) and adding many times the seats. They are also not interested in addressing any quality of life issues.
Parker and Kirby tried to by-pass the union by taking their show on the road to DFW with Parker's usual "Awe shucks, guys. I'm just like you" shtick. It sounded sincere until you look behind the scenes. No one asked why the company refused to give the APA values on the concessions. Parker did explain why the company will not give profit sharing. Ever watch a tap dance? He had some convoluted reasons that only airlines and car companies give profit sharing and he doesn't think that is the correct way to pay its employees. So, OK, give us Delta Rates plus 10%! Will someone please remind him that we are an airline and oh, don't forget silicon valley among many other industries that reward their employees with profit sharing for efficiency. The two most successful airlines get profit sharing. Of course, he said doesn't get profit sharing, just bonuses based on company performance. Isn't that profit sharing by another name?
Management has given the APA until tomorrow, Friday, Nov 21 for the APA to take the company's offer or go to arbitration. This is typical of how the company negotiates as both Paul DiOrio and Paul Music pointed out in answers to questions. The company never moved off it's original position, so we have been negotiating with ourselves. Now with the Friday deadline, once again the company wants us to fast track this contract, refuses to give us information and has told us in essence "Your signatures or your brains will be on the paper before we leave the room." The MOU and LOA 93 all over again, except we don't have to play that game.
So, you have to understand that this 'offer' of more pay was a ruse. Does the company want to go to arbitration? Paul DiOrio doesn't think so. He rightfully points out that if we have to go to arbitration, it will be seen as a failure on Parker's part, especially after the promises he made to investors. I agree it will be a failure and he will never get the pilots back on his side. He has created a rift that for a relatively few dollars, never needed to exist. But I feel it was never a serious offer and we will just have to take our 3% raise now, go to arbitration if necessary and get the new Delta-United average pay raise in January 2016.
Paul Music answered the question that asked if the company has shown a willingness to negotiate in good faith? His answer was they have not. He stated, "that going to arbitration is a company failure and the company will never be a world class carrier." But what it has done is unify all the parties now in the APA. East, West, legacy AA are all now on the same page. It's not just the east pilots that understand who we work for. Now everyone does. If the APA had orchestrated a way to unify all of us, they couldn't have done it as well as management has.
Bob Frear pointed out in a question asked is the entire APA Board is unified on this. His answer was an unqualified "yes."
There were also reps from other bases such as DFW and LAX that added to the sense of unity.
No one knows what the next step will be. My guess is that the company will announce we are going to arbitration this Friday and then start a publicity campaign with press releases that we were offered large pay rates and we turned it down. Ron Nelson suggested we may have to counter that with our own press releases and a demonstration before the BOD, shareholders and customers. And so, the conflict between the pilots and the company will begin. Hopefully, after the initial salvos, Parker/Kirby will realize it's to their benefit make us partners in this New American. I believe it's impossible for a airline to be great with 15,000 unhappy pilots and 30,000 unhappy flight attendants.
Listening to the answers to the questions, there was no doubt in my mind that no one in the APA is grandstanding or behaving in a way that discredits us. They seem measured in their responses and are making reasonable requests. Instead, I heard a sense of sadness that this management is the same as their old management but I also heard determination that they won't be intimidated into making a bad choice.
One thing is for sure, CLT and PHL are being well represented.
Delta and Southwest management must be salivating.