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2014 Pilot Discussion

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President said something about a Mack Truck and holes....

Fellow pilots,

The APA national officers and board of directors received management's initial economic proposals today in the joint collective bargaining agreement negotiations, which we have posted to APA Negotiations. Although management has characterized its proposals as "comprehensive," they read more like a broad outline of the contractual areas management wants to discuss. From our vantage point, the proposals appear incomplete, as they do not address many of APA's quality-of-life-related negotiating priorities.

APA's board of directors will convene beginning tomorrow to discuss management's proposals and determine our next steps.
Nice payrates. Not that we'll ever see them!
Classic mgmt negotiating tactic: dazzle with dollars and give nothing else.
All the AA guys think the '5 seats' issue is off the table. HA! 
What do the pilots want FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS of the professional lives? Better vacation, sick, duty rigs, reserve system? That's going to cost something.
What do you think the negotiators want in return?
You guessed it!
Step back and think about what mgmt wants the airline network to look like 5 years from now. IMO, all 50 seaters are gone, replaced by E175s at 80 seats (big order for 320 jets on books now). 
For the union analysists, using that scenario, what will the impact be on mainline operations, and how can contract language be crafted to protect jobs and growth?
Remember, $$ can be taken away quickly - remember 9-11 and the BK's. Plus, the taxman loves it when we get a raise, 'cause he gets one too.
Here's my wish list/dream sheet (FWIW):
-Duty rigs: trip rig at 1:3
-Eliminate variable minimum day
-When I started, 49 days (7 WEEKS) was the max vacation. Let's start there.
-Two positive space coach family vacation passes per year (no worries about getting back and forth)
-Paid medical/dental/life - Yes, this means zero cost to pilots. Boeing includes it for their employees as 'part of compensation'.
-Profit sharing
-Better reserve system
-Sick time revamp for higher accrual, faster re-accrual after illness.
-$50 bucks a week for short term disability? They can do better than that. This is an insult that needs to be corrected.
-LTD: BIG ITEM!! NO OFFSETS! $8K cap needs to be eliminated.
-100K life insurance? What a joke. Buy us a 1M policy.
-Retiree medical/life insurance - who here is over 50? Raise you hands!
I'm sure you could add to the list. Make sure we get all we can get for the '5 seats', because that's what improving your life is going to cost.
Compare all of that to what United and Delta have and then you can assess the possibility that you might see any of it. They will not put themselves at a competitive disadvantage. Cost Neutral arbitration nets you $00. It pays to think in terms of what's attainable vs. what you want. The 81 seat scope was the touchy issue and it looks like that is gone for now. Contract duration is a big deal with the company wanting this thing to run through 2020 with 3% raises automatically every year.
Whatever you say Danny Boy. You have 10 times the posts than I have and you think I hang on to every word? I just think your a spineless POS who has no life and no friends. I will not bother you anymore with the obvious. I will leave my last post to you GFY!!! 
I think you're a lowlife who's p*ssed he spent 5 additional years on LOA 93, didn't get a DOH seniority list, and is looking for someone to blame.  
traderjake said:
I think you're a lowlife who's p*ssed he spent 5 additional years on LOA 93, didn't get a DOH seniority list, and is looking for someone to blame.
You sit in the right seat and forgo a pay raise of tens of thousands of dollars year after year, by choice, to KEEP your seniority. Idiot much? 😀
"Tonight at 6:00 P.M., the CLT & PHL Domicile Reps are holding a call-in Town Hall Meeting. They have extended an invitation to DFW pilots who wish to listen in. Expect an automated call shortly before 6 and follow the instructions if you want to attend.

If you miss the automated call or get dropped and want to rejoin, please go to either the CLT or PHL Domicile Pages on the APA website and find the link to listen in via the internet."
Phoenix said:
You sit in the right seat and forgo a pay raise of tens of thousands of dollars year after year, by choice, to KEEP your seniority. Idiot much? 😀
I'm in the right seat to work 8 days a month and avoid Reserve. 
I'm not in the right seat to try to renege on a mutually agreed upon seniority arbitration.
When I'm on my death bed I'm pretty sure I won't be thinking "Man, I wish I'd spent more time at work".  
traderjake said:
I'm in the right seat to work 8 days a month and avoid Reserve. 
When I'm on my death bed I'm pretty sure I won't be thinking "Man, I wish I'd spent more time at work".
You forgo money to KEEP the benefits of your seniority, and then look down your nose at others who you accuse of doing the same.

Truth be told it is unquestioned that you have had the immediate opportunity for more money in exchange for the benefits of your seniority that you prefer, but those you despise actually had no sure means of making more by capitulating.

You are just pissed that you couldn't enjoy the benefits of your seniority and get a pay raise too. Don't feel bad. We all want to have our cake and eat it too. 😀. And we are quite pleased that you and the westickles are POed. 🙂
😀 :lol: 🙂

When you claim to be pleased to KEEP the benefits of your seniority and only work eight days a month, I believe you! Yet when I say I am pleased to keep the benefits of my seniority you can't see it. :lol:
The APA pilots at AAL have figured out the likes of Mitch Vaselino.
It is said the faces of the PHX reps " visibly blanched" when the APA legal counsel stated the Nicolau was dead.
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