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2014 Pilot Discussion

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nycbusdriver said:
Not only are you pathetic...you know Phoenix is absolutely correct.
You're the one who's pathetic, trying to justify stealing the jobs and a mutually agreed upon seniority arbitration from your fellow employees.
traderjake said:
You're the one who's pathetic, trying to justify stealing the jobs and a mutually agreed upon seniority arbitration from your fellow employees.
Ouch.....another clever riposte.  I think that's called the "I'm rubber; you're glue" comeback.  Most of us left that behind in thrid grade.
traderjake said:
You're the one who's pathetic, trying to justify stealing the jobs and a mutually agreed upon seniority arbitration from your fellow employees.
This is the reason why the union here will NEVER get the traction or unity it needs to deal on a level playing field with the company.  I trust Kirby and Parker after all these years more than 1600 West pilots who feel the same way Dan does.  Or the APA who think that "arbitration" is the answer to unified principles of professional unionism (not that they can rebuild the trust, that door has already been opened).  Remember Jon Mac standing up at the meeting wanting to know how to report East pilots taxiing on three engines?  Dan and the West will report you for doing ANYTHING against the company.  
Dan says it has....you East pilots can't be trusted!  I won't have your back in ANY job action, legal or otherwise.  Count on it!
You can take that to the bank.
Better take the contract they offer now.....arbitration will be a loser for us, as it has almost ALWAYS been.
Let's refresh our memories for a moment:
You have the Chip/Dan/ALPA group on the East
You have the former Piedmont now US Airways whom many felt cheated with the Kagel award
You have the former Allegheny/Mohawk/PSA
You have the West group in PHX
You have the TWA group in STL
You have the new hire CAPTAINS (now that the new FAR's have kicked in) that just want job security and MORE MONEY
You have the former furloughed MDA
You have the former furloughed West
You have the FURLOUGHED APA pilots (about 900)
You have TENS OF THOUSANDS OF COMMUTER PILOTS qualified to fly our equipment for half the cost of current pilots
You have the former APA pilots who feel arbitration is better than sticking to seniority principles of unionism like the other unions
You have the West pilots who will report ANYONE doing ANY ILLEGAL JOB ACTIONS
You have three unions who have had federal injunctions and major fines levied against them (USAPA, APA and Delta)
So I just have to ask the question:  who gives a rats hindquarters about scope?
Claxon said:
The APA pilots at AAL have figured out the likes of Mitch Vaselino.
It is said the faces of the PHX reps " visibly blanched" when the APA legal counsel stated the Nicolau was dead.
See my previous post.  The West pilots are THE reason why the APA will NEVER prevail in contract negotiations with the company.  They are like many of the NEW pilots coming up the ranks from the commuters, I want it and I want it NOW.  Their plan is scorched earth....I thought that was true of just a few of them when USAPA started but after all these years I have come to realize that it's true of ALL OF THEM.  The "jihadi's" of the West.
Give it up on scope.  They're not worth it.
end_of_alpa said:
See my previous post.  The West pilots are THE reason why the APA will NEVER prevail in contract negotiations with the company.  They are like many of the NEW pilots coming up the ranks from the commuters, I want it and I want it NOW.  Their plan is scorched earth....I thought that was true of just a few of them when USAPA started but after all these years I have come to realize that it's true of ALL OF THEM.  The "jihadi's" of the West.
Give it up on scope.  They're not worth it.
The APA is not up to Glass. They have already made numerous tactical errors. Parker is fixated on an america west style advantage. Low benefits and no profit sharing are his style.
Glass will deliver again. The america west group will again help him as they helped Franke take down the Ansett pilots. A decent hourly wage sucks them in. They don't get the other benefits because they never had them at Mesa and Trans States.
end_of_alpa said:
  Dan and the West will report you for doing ANYTHING against the company.  
Dan says it has....you East pilots can't be trusted!  I won't have your back in ANY job action, legal or otherwise.  Count on it!
You can take that to the bank.
Total BS.
The  guy you can trust is the one you know where he stands.
The one who when asked "Where's your yellow lanyard" answered "I'm not on board, so don't so anything illegal".
end_of _alpa is bitter because his union accomplished nothing and now he wants APA to fail.     
traderjake said:
Total BS.
The  guy you can trust is the one you know where he stands.
The one who when asked "Where's your yellow lanyard" answered "I'm not on board, so don't so anything illegal".
end_of _alpa is bitter because his union accomplished nothing and now he wants APA to fail.     
I don't always agree with how EofA says his message, but I disagree that he wants the APA to fail. He is just telling you the way he sees it. The APA agreed to cost neutral with the hope that Parker was really going to be different this time. He doesn't think he will be and have have my doubts. We'll see.
A320 Driver said:
Wonder what's next for the F/As?
Not much to wonder.... It's spelled out and agreed to inn the F/A MOU.
Arbitration that is equal to industry leading, which was agreed to at 111$ million per year. Arb can adjust from an agreed upon list (hourly rate, bennies, work rules etc.) to aDJUST TO 111$ million. Arb awards it, no vote, no issue.
traderjake said:
Total BS.
The  guy you can trust is the one you know where he stands.
The one who when asked "Where's your yellow lanyard" answered "I'm not on board, so don't so anything illegal".
end_of _alpa is bitter because his union accomplished nothing and now he wants APA to fail.     
You can say I'm bitter but I'm not.  But I can tell you that I'm NOT wanting APA to fail, but just like you I have been telling us about doing the same thing and failing again and again is insanity.  I have SAID that you need to look in the mirror as a group and see what you see.  Everyone sees it differently for themselves and therefore sees it differently for the union.
I know where you stand, Dan.  I can TRUST that what you're saying strips all of us of our professional dignity and I WON'T STAND WITH THE LIKES OF YOU.
Pi brat said:
I don't always agree with how EofA says his message, but I disagree that he wants the APA to fail. He is just telling you the way he sees it. The APA agreed to cost neutral with the hope that Parker was really going to be different this time. He doesn't think he will be and have have my doubts. We'll see.
im back..!! said:
Not much to wonder.... It's spelled out and agreed to inn the F/A MOU.
Arbitration that is equal to industry leading, which was agreed to at 111$ million per year. Arb can adjust from an agreed upon list (hourly rate, bennies, work rules etc.) to aDJUST TO 111$ million. Arb awards it, no vote, no issue.
end_of_alpa said:
I know where you stand, Dan.  I can TRUST that what you're saying strips all of us of our professional dignity and I WON'T STAND WITH THE LIKES OF YOU.
I stand with APA, now we know where you stand. 
You are bitter because the rest of the world rejects DOH for pilot seniority integration.
traderjake said:
I stand with APA, now we know where you stand. 
You are bitter because the rest of the world rejects DOH for pilot seniority.
 You are quite wrong with your statement. The rest of the world does not reject DOH for pilot seniority. Perhaps some of the world. 
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