[SIZE=10pt]"Eight months ago, our Joint Negotiating Committee came together with the difficult task of blending two contracts, two distinct cultures, and two very different operations. Comprised of seven LAA and seven LUS Flight Atten[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]- [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]dants, our team forged a strong unity as we worked through our differences. Together, we reached an agreement which will benefit all 24,500 Flight Attendants at the New American Airlines. [/SIZE]
For five intense months of negotiations, our JNC confronted management against a backstop of binding arbitration. Our team squeezed every possible dollar from this company, compromised only when absolutely necessary, and achieved the best contract possible. We have no doubt that ratification of this Tentative Agreement is the best course for Flight Attendants at the New American Airlines.
[SIZE=10pt]Rumors abound that there will be more negotiations or that by voting No we can miraculously retain profit sharing or somehow force the Company to abandon the implementation of a single medical plan for 120,000 employees at the New American. As the Flight Attendants directly involved in bargaining we can tell you this is not the case. Voting No will simply result in at least $82 million annually in cuts to the T/A. The arbitration will focus on whether the cuts should come out of areas such as wages, vacation days or 401(k) contributions. That is a predicament we strongly urge you to avoid. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]This is an industry-leading agreement in pay provisions and work rules. We are not asking that you agree with every sin[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]gle provision of this T/A. Rather, we ask you to focus on the key question we had to constantly ask ourselves during these negotiations: whether this Tentative Agreement is better than the alternative of binding arbitration? Here we believe there is no room for doubt. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]We urge you to take time to vote and make your voices heard. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]In Unity,
Your Joint Negotiating Committee [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Laura Glading - (JFK) Roger Holmin - (PHL) Lenny Aurigemma - (JFK) Vicki Balistreri - (PHL) Margaret Barnes -(DFW) Alin Boswell - (CLT) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Neil Fernandez - (IMA) David Hone - (PHX)
Paul Hartshorn Jr. - (PHL) Julie Hedrick - (SFO) Rick Knuth - (CLT) George Price - (CLT) Randy Trautman - (IMA) Michael Truan - (DFW) [/SIZE]