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2014 Pilot Discussion

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"The board voted to elect CA David Schoppaul to serve as Strike Preparedness Committee chairman." ~~ APA News Digest, today.

This is an implicit acknowledgement that APA understands they will never strike. Never. If you suppose otherwise then you must implicitly accuse the APA of being ignorant of the infamous goat video.

It's called being placed in the "parking lot."
Phoenix said:
"The board voted to elect CA David Schoppaul to serve as Strike Preparedness Committee chairman." ~~ APA News Digest, today.

This is an implicit acknowledgement that APA understands they will never strike. Never. ....
Either that or "The board" completely consists of congenital idiots. Who could better "inspire the troops" than that pathetic fool, after all?
"Follow me (bleat) to a strike people!"..."How could we fail?"..."I have over a whole thousand bleating 'spartans' that, depending on their momentary whims of course, are maybe ready to go!"..."Management will be utterly crushed!" 😉
Phoenix said:
"The board voted to elect CA David Schoppaul to serve as Strike Preparedness Committee chairman." ~~ APA News Digest, today.

This is an implicit acknowledgement that APA understands they will never strike. Never. If you suppose otherwise then you must implicitly accuse the APA of being ignorant of the infamous goat video.

It's called being placed in the "parking lot."
The APA has the exact same traits as ALPA.  They have NEVER remembered their history.  But you are absolutely correct.  There will NEVER be an effective strike by the pilots here at AAL even if they call for one.  With the leadership of David Schoppaul the goat video is the reason why you have an East, West, TWA, LAPA, whatever faction here.  Look at what happens with the JCBA negotiations now.  The JCBA ball is in the hands of the Company and it will most likely ALWAYS be in the hands of the company.  In fact, read this from the DCA reps and then tell me pilots have any say in how their going to fare in 2019:

APA DCA Update: October 21, 2014

"DCA Pilots,  

We have recently had a significant rise in negative pilot-other employee interactions (flight attendant, agent, ramp worker, etc.).  The pilots involved have handled the incidents professionally.  Unfortunately, other employees have filed complaints against pilots.  AA Human Resources (HR) rightly must response to complaints, but sometimes cannot see the forest for the trees.  Many times the situation is a he said-she said case.  There are no witnesses and HR has difficulty determining what really happened.  Management just wants the situation to go away, and rushes to place negative entries in employee files (permanent electronic PEH entries for pilots).  HR generally finds in favor of the other employee.  They simply don't like pilots.  Bill and I continue to fight this negative Management Culture that still exists at AA.

Pilots are the leaders of our airline, a position that upsets HR.  Dont allow others to diminish your FAA authority, especially when the safety of the flight is involved.

Our Advice:  

1.Have another pilot present as a witness in potential pilot-employee confrontations
2.Keep calm and avoid any physical contact 
3.Withdraw if a situation becomes confrontational
4.Document the event in writing while facts are fresh. (Save an NS of the flight, get employee name/num) 
5.Notified your local APA Professional Standards Committee member
6.P2s or ASAPs if required.



Posted by: Chip Munn <chipmunn@yahoo.com


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end_of_alpa said:
The APA has the exact same traits as ALPA.  They have NEVER remembered their history.  But you are absolutely correct.  There will NEVER be an effective strike by the pilots here at AAL even if they call for one.  With the leadership of David Schoppaul the goat video is the reason why you have an East, West, TWA, LAPA, whatever faction here.  Look at what happens with the JCBA negotiations now.  The JCBA ball is in the hands of the Company and it will most likely ALWAYS be in the hands of the company.  In fact, read this from the DCA reps and then tell me pilots have any say in how their going to fare in 2019:

APA DCA Update: October 21, 2014

"DCA Pilots,  

We have recently had a significant rise in negative pilot-other employee interactions (flight attendant, agent, ramp worker, etc.).  The pilots involved have handled the incidents professionally.  Unfortunately, other employees have filed complaints against pilots.  AA Human Resources (HR) rightly must response to complaints, but sometimes cannot see the forest for the trees.  Many times the situation is a he said-she said case.  There are no witnesses and HR has difficulty determining what really happened.  Management just wants the situation to go away, and rushes to place negative entries in employee files (permanent electronic PEH entries for pilots).  HR generally finds in favor of the other employee.  They simply don't like pilots.  Bill and I continue to fight this negative Management Culture that still exists at AA.

Pilots are the leaders of our airline, a position that upsets HR.  Dont allow others to diminish your FAA authority, especially when the safety of the flight is involved.

Our Advice:  

1.Have another pilot present as a witness in potential pilot-employee confrontations
2.Keep calm and avoid any physical contact 
3.Withdraw if a situation becomes confrontational
4.Document the event in writing while facts are fresh. (Save an NS of the flight, get employee name/num) 
5.Notified your local APA Professional Standards Committee member
6.P2s or ASAPs if required.



Posted by: Chip Munn <chipmunn@yahoo.com
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I'll go even further than the DCA reps:  The pilots get no respect because they can't even respect themselves.  In any case I am glad everyone is moving over to the APA forum to beat the crap out of each other.  I for one am glad the trash finally goes to the dump where it belongs.  I can get back to being the professional Line Captain this company wants and needs.  
See you all out on the flight line.  
I won't be at the picket line.
nycbusdriver said:
The dues were collected for representational issues, not only collective bargaining concerns.
Dues money was  spent on lawyers to fight you west morons off.  Was that "collective bargaining"?
Dues money was spent on CAPA.  Was that "collective bargaining"?
Dues money was spent on Harvey Watt.  Was that "collective bargaining"?
You idiots didn't complain about of lot of non-bargaining issues being dealt with by USAPA, but NOW it's all about USAPA's loss of collective bargaining status.
Is there any oxygen at all left in Phoenix?
I think the goal here is to tie up monies that USAPA will use to pay legal defense for Addington II and merger related costs. If they can't beat USAPA in court, maybe they want them to no-show.
A320 Driver said:
I think the goal here is to tie up monies that USAPA will use to pay legal defense for Addington II and merger related costs. If they can't beat USAPA in court, maybe they want them to no-show.
Uhhhh...I think its the other way around.
A320 Driver said:
I think the goal here is to tie up monies that USAPA will use to pay legal defense for Addington II and merger related costs. If they can't beat USAPA in court, maybe they want them to no-show.
I think the "goal" is to have the money that is rightfully owed to all US Airways pilots returned.  Imagine if ALPA had behaved in the fashion that the LLC from one of the 50 states is behaving when ALPA had been decertified. Sending bills? Holding "elections"? Who are the members of this new "USAPA"? and why does anyone think it's legal to just commandeer their monies and assume that anyone actually WANTS to be a member of this random LLC? USAPA the CBA is history as are ALL of it's protections. The 4 "national officers" are playing a very dangerous game with people that would like nothing more than to watch them hang.  Certainly there's an East pilot among your group that doesn't feel like forfeiting several thousands of dollars to a rudderless, pointless LLC.
Metroyet said:
I think the "goal" is to have the money that is rightfully owed to all US Airways pilots returned.
Sigh!..."Sure" you do. 😉 While in your case "I think" was of it's self good for laughs...well, small wonder that one of the most vitriolic, spittle and froth drooling "spartans" that's ever posted failed even basic FBI lie detector testing. 🙂
EastUS1 said:
Sigh!..."Sure" you do. 😉 Small wonder that one of the most vitriolic, spittle and forth drooling "spartans" that's evr posted failed FBI lie detector testing. 🙂
I think in yet another alcoholic haze, you've confused who I'm supposed to be. USAPA LLC of the state of North Carolina has no right to keep 13 million dollars of dues money collected as per the Railway labor Act. An assembly of FEDERAL laws to which they no longer have  any conceivable connection.
Metroyet said:
I think in yet another alcoholic haze,you've confused who I'm supposed to be
By no means, nor have you any reason to arrogantly imagine that I at all care about "who" you imagine you're "supposed to be",  I don't. Whoever and whatever you fantasize that you are "supposed to be" but have never actually done in life's suitable only for your own strange little dreams. I simply accept you, as I always have, as being an obvious idiot.
Good luck with "you'se" umm..."spartan" fantasies.
I am however, just a bit concerned with "spartan" finances, so I'd suggest you immediately purchase a few dozen more ties: http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/libertynecktie.html
P.S. For purely the sake of universal amusement, or admittedly clinical interest: exactly who are you/do you even imagine that "you'se" are "supposed to be"?..But somehow fell short of? If you're indeed anyone who's worth bragging about "knowing" as even an internet "acquaintance"..let's hear it?  Who do you really imagine you're "supposed to be"? You're clearly, at the very least "important" enough to instruct "the state of North Carolina" on what it "has no right" to do...? You must indeed be a both a very accomplished person and sage legal counsel, at the very least?
"Who I'm supposed to be" (versus "who I actually am") seems to be the universally sorry trademark whining of the entire host of "spartans".....Try living with who "you'se" actually ARE for a change.
Metroyet said:
I think the "goal" is to have the money that is rightfully owed to all US Airways pilots returned.  Imagine if ALPA had behaved in the fashion that the LLC from one of the 50 states is behaving when ALPA had been decertified. Sending bills? Holding "elections"? Who are the members of this new "USAPA"? and why does anyone think it's legal to just commandeer their monies and assume that anyone actually WANTS to be a member of this random LLC? USAPA the CBA is history as are ALL of it's protections. The 4 "national officers" are playing a very dangerous game with people that would like nothing more than to watch them hang.  Certainly there's an East pilot among your group that doesn't feel like forfeiting several thousands of dollars to a rudderless, pointless LLC.
You see, it's because of your IGNORANCE as to what the law is.  Here, lets let Leonidas explain it to you in their motion to dismiss:
"2. The Complaint Alleges a Contract Dispute Between USAPA and Its Members, and Leonidas is Not a Party to the Contract.
USAPA seeks a judgment declaring that the actions of its officers were consistent with its constitution and bylaws. Compl. 18. Courts have long recognized that a union constitution is a contract between the union and its members. See United Ass’n of Journeymen & Apprentices of Plumbing & Pipefitting v. Local 334, 452 U.S. 615, 619-20 (1981); Parks v. IBEW, 314 F.2d 886, 917 (4th Cir. 1963).
As such, USAPA’s constitution is a contract between the organization and its members."
You guys can complain ALL YOU WANT.  But USAPA has to be sued for BREACH OF CONTRACT and to prevail on that "breach" the hurtle to that breach is EXTREMELY HIGH HERE.  If it were me, I'd be suing the lawyers for frivolous lawsuits and I believe that would be the ONLY way to get the nonsense to stop.  Your "threats" to the Officers are only lip service.  You want someone else to do to them because your powerless to do it yourselves hence your talk is all you have....TALK.
It really doesn't matter much now, by the time this works its way through the courts we'll be bidding each others bases on a combined seniority list in a few years.
Oh...enjoy that stroking the APA pilots give you on their forum.
EastUS1 said:
Yep, well, unless they've sold out a world's record production number of $675 ties, of course.  http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/libertynecktie.html
They talk about USAPA officers "hanging" yet the only VISIBLE evidence of hanging is the neckties they wear at work.  They are the laughing stock on the line and when the new uniforms are introduced next year I hope and pray the Company will announce a new STRICT policy that clearly delineates what is acceptable uniform.  Hopefully hats, coat (uniform, NOT LEATHER, even though I own the leather as well) and tie, strict shoe policy and overcoats.
Say what you want but I want a return to professionalism on the line and the respect we deserve.  Unions and fractionalisation have done nothing for this profession and after these latest "seniority" fiascos I have no interest in marching with West pilots, let alone being led by the likes of Schoppol.
end_of_alpa said:
They talk about USAPA officers "hanging" yet the only VISIBLE evidence of hanging is the neckties they wear at work.  They are the laughing stock on the line and when the new uniforms are introduced next year I hope and pray the Company will announce a new STRICT policy that clearly delineates what is acceptable uniform.  Hopefully hats, coat (uniform, NOT LEATHER, even though I own the leather as well) and tie, strict shoe policy and overcoats.
Say what you want but I want a return to professionalism on the line and the respect we deserve.  Unions and fractionalisation have done nothing for this profession and after these latest "seniority" fiascos I have no interest in marching with West pilots, let alone being led by the likes of Schoppol.
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Yea, some professional. I think I saw you at the theater years ago getting popcorn, Top Gun.
Metroyet said:
 Certainly there's an East pilot among your group that doesn't feel like forfeiting several thousands of dollars to a rudderless, pointless LLC.
Well, this east pilot fully supports the USAPA national officers in their quest to see the fight to the finish...a fight that the west idiots only seem to prolong.  If it takes every nickel in the USAPA treasury, then so be it.
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