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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Metroyet said:
I think in yet another alcoholic haze, you've confused who I'm supposed to be. USAPA LLC of the state of North Carolina has no right to keep 13 million dollars of dues money collected as per the Railway labor Act. An assembly of FEDERAL laws to which they no longer have  any conceivable connection.
Sure Kevin
CactusPilot1 said:
Yea, some professional. I think I saw you at the theater years ago getting popcorn, Top Gun.
nycbusdriver said:
Well, this east pilot fully supports the USAPA national officers in their quest to see the fight to the finish...a fight that the west idiots only seem to prolong.  If it takes every nickel in the USAPA treasury, then so be it.
Same. They're the reason the Pilots will get what they get.
Black Swan said:
Good thing we voted profit sharing away.
It was a good thing and saved us from Armageddon, as documented by hair plug replacement infomercial superstar Captain Chip Munn.
I think we should listen to Captain Munn and surrender current Embraer seat restrictions.  The absolute worst thing that could happen to this pilot group would be to deny the company scope relief, as this could cause a "reaction" that would harm us.   This should make all of us very afraid. 
dariencc said:
It was a good thing and saved us from Armageddon, as documented by hair plug replacement infomercial superstar Captain Chip Munn.
I think we should listen to Captain Munn and surrender current Embraer seat restrictions.  The absolute worst thing that could happen to this pilot group would be to deny the company scope relief, as this could cause a "reaction" that would harm us.   This should make all of us very afraid.
No doubt. The company deserved to get the profit sharing back. We had no right to it.
Hopefully all reps will grant scope relief and surrender Embraer seat restrictions. It is the right thing to do.
dariencc said:
It was a good thing and saved us from Armageddon, as documented by hair plug replacement infomercial superstar Captain Chip Munn.
I think we should listen to Captain Munn and surrender current Embraer seat restrictions.  The absolute worst thing that could happen to this pilot group would be to deny the company scope relief, as this could cause a "reaction" that would harm us.   This should make all of us very afraid.
The woe of Armageddon was only a means of justification.. A thin smoke screen for the conscience...

The pilots proved themselves willing to vote for a sure and concrete benefit now (pay rates) in exchange for a possible risk of a theoretical fractional loss in the future (profit sharing)... Even though Doug talked about $1B synergies.

Because selfish motivations aren't seemly.. It sounds much better to deflect and to talk of saving others from rushing to Armageddon. Wahla... A selfless leader, rather than just self interested.

In the same way, do we have any doubt pilots are capable of choosing to allow a theoretical harm from scope for a concrete benefit now?
APA leadership asked management what I consider the key question on scope. "What are you going to do with it?" Crickets have a better response than the one they got. There is no need to modify scope when the playing field is level with the other legacy carriers. It's another sticking point that has the potential to hold up negotiations on the JCBA, nothing more, nothing less. IMO, it's the equivalent of DP saying repeatedly that there were no need for negotiations as long as the NIC was in dispute when the simple truth was a joint East-West contract would have been the closest thing to a legal mandate for the use of the NIC. But it saved the company a cool billion dollars, and every day the company can delay is another opportunity for the other labor groups to settle contracts that may be influenced by whatever the pilot group is able to negotiate.
It's all part of the game.
A320 Driver said:
APA leadership asked management what I consider the key question on scope. "What are you going to do with it?" Crickets have a better response than the one they got. There is no need to modify scope when the playing field is level with the other legacy carriers. It's another sticking point that has the potential to hold up negotiations on the JCBA, nothing more, nothing less. IMO, it's the equivalent of DP saying repeatedly that there were no need for negotiations as long as the NIC was in dispute when the simple truth was a joint East-West contract would have been the closest thing to a legal mandate for the use of the NIC. But it saved the company a cool billion dollars, and every day the company can delay is another opportunity for the other labor groups to settle contracts that may be influenced by whatever the pilot group is able to negotiate.
It's all part of the game.
If its a game, the unions have moved their own goal posts for decades.... It was the American Pilots that left ALPA largely because ALPA was going to cave on three pilot crews... then it was APA that went with B-scale... then DAL invented the huge carve out for jet regionals.. I hope APA won't be remembered as the one who leapfrogged UAL and DAL on scope.
Based on what I heard from APA leadership, I think they have a good grasp on what is at stake. The game I referred to was the one played by management to drag out negotiations. There will always be a NIC, or scope or something to drag this out so they don't have to spend any money. Remember, they needed us during the merger talks...not so much now.
From Now It's Our Turn..................."The airline's financial performance validates, in part, the APA leadership's support for the merger with US Airways. We believed that American Airlines needed an executive team committed to running an airline. We likewise believed that American Airlines needed to be bigger to compete effectively with Delta Air Lines and United Airlines. The merger addressed those needs."

Kind of worried about the APA, not sure if Wilson gets the big picture. Bigger isn't better, this place will never be the quality of Delta with our current management team, I'm sure most everyone understands the difference between the two teams.
They stole our retirement. They wouldn't even pay the 3 percent. They are light years apart from Delta management. Remember, use flaps 3 if you have at least 6000 feet of runway!
A320 Driver said:
Based on what I heard from APA leadership, I think they have a good grasp on what is at stake. The game I referred to was the one played by management to drag out negotiations. There will always be a NIC, or scope or something to drag this out so they don't have to spend any money. Remember, they needed us during the merger talks...not so much now.
"Not so much now" especially with arbitration or perpetual union extensions available.  But now that Jerry Glass is reportedly in the fray I suppose they are intending to get something negotiated.  
Perhaps the whole scope thing is just a distraction and a throwaway card.  What are they planning to make us give up (or not get in increases) to keep scope?  
Its the old peanut jar story again and again.  
CactusPilot1 said:
.... I think I saw you at the theater years ago getting popcorn, Top Gun.
Well, that's understandable, since "you'se" would necessarily have to go to the movies to even have any "Top Gun" fantasies in the first place, which is likely the same source of all the "This is Sparta!"..and we're "soldiers" in some "army", childish BS.
Phoenix said:
"Not so much now" especially with arbitration or perpetual union extensions available.  But now that Jerry Glass is reportedly in the fray...... What are they planning to make us give up (or not get in increases) to keep scope?  
Its the old peanut jar story again and again.  
Yep...Same old BS. Different day.
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