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2014 Pilot Discussion

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mrbreeze said:
The whole thing was handled by the JS committees, West and East.....I spoke with both. I also gave them my word that I wouldn't discuss it on here anymore......understand?
Now, go try to screw over some other "brother" of yours.
You're the one who brought the subject up in the first place by being a tattletale.
traderjake said:

You're the one who brought the subject up in the first place by being a tattletale.

JS Committee called me......now get off my back.
mrbreeze said:
JS Committee called me......now get off my back.
The JS Committee told you to post on a public web board that a crew taxied past their gate in PHL?
traderjake, on 22 Oct 2014 - 4:15 PM, said:
From The Hangar: 
"This is the same jumpseater who admitted to taking allegedly incriminating pictures of a West crew on the flight deck during flight."
Is this true breeze?
prechilill said:
Yes, it's true. He went to the Chief Pilots and they basically told him to leave it alone, to act professional- which, apparently, he doesn't do very well all the time. Breeze is a troublemaker.
Seeing this can't fail to make one's heart glow. Never have two people been more perfectly made for each other than Pre and Jake....Sigh!, But then; there's this east-west family factions distress to consider, so I sadly doubt it can end well, soulmates or not. “For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” 😉
EastUS1 said:
traderjake, on 22 Oct 2014 - 4:15 PM, said:
From The Hangar: 
"This is the same jumpseater who admitted to taking allegedly incriminating pictures of a West crew on the flight deck during flight."
Is this true breeze?

Seeing this can't fail to make one's heart glow. Never have two people been more perfectly made for each other than Pre and Jake....Sigh!, But then; there's this east-west family factions distress to consider, so I sadly doubt it can end well, soulmates or not. “For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” 😉
Chippie will be jealous. Traitor and chili are now sniffing seats?
traderjake said:
The JS Committee told you to post on a public web board that a crew taxied past their gate in PHL?
Obviously, you are just trying to push my buttons. I am through talking about this, however, if you want to meet and discuss the facts sometime, let me know....or give me a call.
mrbreeze said:
JS Committee called me......now get off my back.
Just like a pot sitting/back peddling wuss. Come jumpseat with me, Lynch. I will eat your lunch all the way to Philly. Welcome aboard. You get the Jumpseat, Rebecca gets First Class. Which is a lot more than you have.
CactusPilot1 said:
Just like a pot sitting/back peddling wuss. ........ I will eat your lunch all the way to Philly.
Merely "I will eat your lunch.." as a promise of gentlemanly hospitality to a cockpit guest? Really? Just that? Hmm....Must be a bit of an off day. "You'se" left out any heroically roared fantasies the likes of how "This is Sparta!" I can barely imagine anything more than yet another 1/8th inch depth of drool, at the most, hitting your keyboard from this latest post. That's hardly up to your usual standards. Are you feeling OK?
mrbreeze said:
Obviously, you are just trying to push my buttons. I am through talking about this, however, if you want to meet and discuss the facts sometime, let me know....or give me a call.
I'll push your buttons for stirring the pot while you're sitting there on the Jumpseat to Philly. It's part of my 10000' flow.
CactusPilot1 said:
I'll push your buttons for stirring the pot while you're sitting there on the Jumpseat to Philly. It's part of my 10000' flow.
You inadvertently pushed the wrong button. 
CactusPilot1 said:
Just like a pot sitting/back peddling wuss. Come jumpseat with me, Lynch. I will eat your lunch all the way to Philly. Welcome aboard. You get the Jumpseat, Rebecca gets First Class. Which is a lot more than you have.
Ya know, I screwed up and crossed a line with what I stated one day on here while I was pissed about the way I was treated on one of your flights, and how that individual...after shaking hands and stating that that was the end of the ordeal, posted all my personal info on the Cactus forum.  
You guys have a right to be upset and I deserve some flack for that. However, I think it would be a good thing if you checked with your PHX JS rep and get his take on things. 
I did apologize for my actions, but if I get an ass chewing for what I did, I probably deserve it.....I did cross a line. But if the conversation veers off into SLI or anything beyond the stupid statement that I made, I will not sit still and take that. 
So, check with your JS rep and get the facts....I will not be a target for you frustrations with SLI. Again, no video or pics were taken. Has anything surfaced in that area? No, there is nothing. I am trying to be fair, so take your shots.
CactusPilot1 said:
I'll push your buttons for stirring the pot while you're sitting there on the Jumpseat to Philly. It's part of my 10000' flow.
Stir what pot?  
We on the east have know you jerks have been losers for decades...long before 2005.
Now, you know you're losers, too.
Denial is not a river in Egypt...it's just one step on the road to acceptance, i.e. PHX and little buses for the rest of your career.
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