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2014 Pilot Discussion

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nycbusdriver said:
I don't think so.  I think that slide is only to keep from dropping a trip (if you want to.)
Take a look at vacation slide in "Vacation 101". You can slide to get access to those days you couldn't bid. You just cant move it outside of the bid month. I didn't like this system at first look, but after reading through everything, it does offer some flexibility and I like knowing what I received in a vacation bid so I can bid accordingly on the other rounds. Gonna take some getting used to.
Okay...if that is there, then I guess it's true.
Next question, will the company, i.e. the "new" AA, still allow that three-dy slide if it causes a trip drop, or is it at "scheduler discretion"?
IMHO, the first thing that should be done when all the schedulers are in Ft. Worth is to assign every ex-US scheduler to work the legacy AA bases, and vice-versa.  
From: B767pilot@aol.com
To: b767pilot@aol.com
Sent: 10/14/2014 7:56:15 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Deliberate sabotage
There continues to be a spat of deliberate sabotage on airplanes that were previously flown by west crews.  Windows left unlocked, shoe polish on headsets, ink on thrust reverse levers, switches left in odd positions.  This can be every dangerous since we are now flying west airplanes with switch positions that are opposite to what we normally see and can go unnoticed.
If you get an airplane with any of these, please let your chief pilot know as quickly as possible so they can track down the individuals and fire them for deliberate sabotage.
It's hard for me to imagine a professional pilot resorting to this behavior, but as we have seen, we are not dealing with professional pilots in some cases but malcontents that act like spoiled brats.
Bill Glynn
end_of_alpa said:
From: [/size]B767pilot@aol.com
To: b767pilot@aol.com
Sent: 10/14/2014 7:56:15 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Deliberate sabotage
There continues to be a spat of deliberate sabotage on airplanes that were previously flown by west crews.  Windows left unlocked, shoe polish on headsets, ink on thrust reverse levers, switches left in odd positions.  This can be every dangerous since we are now flying west airplanes with switch positions that are opposite to what we normally see and can go unnoticed.
If you get an airplane with any of these, please let your chief pilot know as quickly as possible so they can track down the individuals and fire them for deliberate sabotage.
It's hard for me to imagine a professional pilot resorting to this behavior, but as we have seen, we are not dealing with professional pilots in some cases but malcontents that act like spoiled brats.
Bill Glynn

There is a meeting today in DFW to try to clear up some grieviences, this will also be brought to their attention of the APA.
nycbusdriver said:
Okay...if that is there, then I guess it's true.
Next question, will the company, i.e. the "new" AA, still allow that three-dy slide if it causes a trip drop, or is it at "scheduler discretion"?
IMHO, the first thing that should be done when all the schedulers are in Ft. Worth is to assign every ex-US scheduler to work the legacy AA bases, and vice-versa.
I agree 100%. So many times we've seen scheduling make it up as they go along and force us to complain to the Chief Pilots (almost total waste of time) or file a grievance. What it says, how it reads and what it means, has too often has been up to interpretation...most often to our disadvantage.
end_of_alpa said:
From: B767pilot@aol.com
To: b767pilot@aol.com
Sent: 10/14/2014 7:56:15 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Deliberate sabotage


There continues to be a spat of deliberate sabotage on airplanes that were previously flown by west crews.  Windows left unlocked, shoe polish on headsets, ink on thrust reverse levers, switches left in odd positions.  This can be every dangerous since we are now flying west airplanes with switch positions that are opposite to what we normally see and can go unnoticed.
If you get an airplane with any of these, please let your chief pilot know as quickly as possible so they can track down the individuals and fire them for deliberate sabotage.
It's hard for me to imagine a professional pilot resorting to this behavior, but as we have seen, we are not dealing with professional pilots in some cases but malcontents that act like spoiled brats.
Bill Glynn
luvthe9 said:
There is a meeting today in DFW to try to clear up some grieviences, this will also be brought to their attention of the APA.
I smell a rat. Is this another Cactus 18 conspiracy of made-up charges thrown out of court? Who's to say one of Bill's follower's did not come in the flight deck with his shoe polish kit and go to work? Hey, look what the West crew did. Talk about low, you know no boundaries. I'll go with Eastie's past behavior which is right up there with those false ID theft charges. Shame on you. Thank you for sharing that email. I've got a few ideas myself how to handle this situation.
EastCheats said:
I smell a rat. Is this another Cactus 18 conspiracy of made-up charges thrown out of court? Who's to say one of Bill's follower's did not come in the flight deck with his shoe polish kit and go to work? Hey, look what the West crew did. Talk about low, you know no boundaries. I'll go with Eastie's past behavior which is right up there with those false ID theft charges. Shame on you. Thank you for sharing that email. I've got a few ideas myself how to handle this situation.
I do as well. I don't buy it either, considering the source. So, WEST crews are sabotaging airplanes. Hey Bill, let's see the proof. I'm going to start getting the names of the East crews taking the airplane to see if there is a pattern of a different sort.
EastCheats said:
I smell a rat. Is this another Cactus 18 conspiracy of made-up charges thrown out of court? Who's to say one of Bill's follower's did not come in the flight deck with his shoe polish kit and go to work? Hey, look what the West crew did. Talk about low, you know no boundaries. I'll go with Eastie's past behavior which is right up there with those false ID theft charges. Shame on you. Thank you for sharing that email. I've got a few ideas myself how to handle this situation.
Claxon said:
When do you start blaming yourself for your current situation?
I heard the Ucrapa spokesperson got his membership rejected yesterday. Did he have something in his past that the APA did not like? Maybe they have higher standards than Ucrapa?

Your thoughts please.
CactusPilot1 said:
I heard the Ucrapa spokesperson got his membership rejected yesterday. Did he have something in his past that the APA did not like? Maybe they have higher standards than Ucrapa?
Your thoughts please.
HA! It's true, the official Spokesman of the SCAB Former Bargaining Agent fake Union is a verified SCAB and is not allowed membership into the APA. How apropos!

That pretty much sums up USCABA in a nutshell.
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