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2014 Pilot Discussion

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CactusPilot1 said:
You aren't fooling anyone. I'm on to your act too.When did you move? We're glad to see you gone. After throwing JR under the bus, you are going to have a hard time living anywhere. We saw what you, Luv, tried to do to our pilots you should have expected a favor in return and you got what you deserved.
You were taught a lesson in:
Never moved son been east since the mid 50s, everything that has been done to you, YOU have all done it to yourselves, I'll put this up again and again you just keep reading the last line.

"Our former MEC and our union leadership played a very high stakes game of poker by not dealing at Wye River. Freund was right, we were risking everything..and right now, it looks like we lost. They need to take responsibility for that."

Bottom line you guys screwed up and made the wrong choice, we offered the NIC you turned it down, you were and continue to be lied to by Ferguson, Koontz and Harper and it has cost you dearly. We all get mad at ourselves when we make the wrong choices.
dariencc said:
The Vikings would be so proud of young Johnny Jerkov.  The first male of their bloodline to list his Facebook likes as Dancing with the Stars and American Idol.

Please, say it ain't so, that's just not right!
EastUS1 said:
That no west posters here evidence even so much as the slightest concern for possible sabotage, of however small a nature, should speak volumes to all readers.
You're point is well taken but I'll add a correction.  I believe Lynyrd Skynyrd condemned that sort of activity.  Not really surprising, he is a classy guy.
cltrat said:
which one called himself 320 fighter pilot?  lmao
That would be FBI and Secret Service lie detector reject Mark C. Doyal.  Just another strange flight of fantasy from a documented and rejected compulsive liar.  He might indeed be clinically insane.
Straight from a good friend and longtime FBI Special Agent, the lie detector part of the interview is a non event that flags very few aspiring G-Men.  It is in fact a way to screen nut cases early in the process, so that very few resources are wasted before they are given the bum's rush.  It is heavy on sexual deviancy issues such as rape porn addiction, compulsive masturbation and underage sexual fantasies.  Most applicants breeze through the process none the worse for wear, though a bit embarrassed by the shockingly graphic questioning.
A small number of applicants sit rigidly staring straight ahead, flop sweat pouring down their foreheads, as the lie detector machine threatens to short out the J. Edgar Hoover Federal Building.  The meter swings wildly past the red line while the highly trained FBI technicians calmly read the scripted questions that evoke only the mildest quivers from the vast majority of applicants.
American Airlines will now inherit the fruit of Elise Eberwein's casual, "fun" America West HR hiring process.
C. Within three (3) business days of either the NMB decision or membership vote triggering dissolution (hereinafter, the “commencement date”), the National Officers shall make a determination as to whether existing circumstances present, or may present in the future, the need for collective legal action on behalf of the pilot group, including, but not limited to, representation in seniority integration proceedings. In the event the majority of the National Officers determine that such a need exists, the dissolution commencement date will be deferred until, in the judgment of a majority of the National Officers, the need for collective legal representation no longer exists. If, in the judgment of a majority of the National Officers, available funds exceed the expected costs of collective legal representation, the excess monies may be distributed in accordance with paragraph A of this section. The President shall break any tie votes among the National Officers.
dariencc said:
You're point is well taken but I'll add a correction.  I believe Lynyrd Skynyrd condemned that sort of activity.  Not really surprising, he is a classy guy.
No argument whatsoever there. I respect LS as well. His postings, regardless of being at odds in opinion, are always rational. My earlier was perhaps poorly chosen verbage, if it seemingly indicated the entirety of west pilots, the majority of whom I've ever personally talked with being pretty much decent guys...save for some glaring-eyed, protruding-lower-lipped "spartan" FO's, and of course the one total jackazz of a "captain" that, while literally in the process of shaking my offered hand, smirkingly denied my jump seat passage coming home from vacation. The intended thought was aimed at current west posters, the likes of the "We didn't do it!...And you can't prove it!" sorts of idiotic children.
dariencc said:
The Vikings would be so proud of young Johnny Jerkov.  The first male of their bloodline to list his Facebook likes as Dancing with the Stars and American Idol.
You simply can NOT even be suggesting those to be anything other than the most dreamed of entertainment and activities for mighty warriors seeking an honored place in Valhalla...? 😉  Everyone knows that a real Viking hopes to die with a sword or axe...umm....I mean a remote in his hand, to gain entrance, after all.
Like it or not west pilots, the lessor of your two evils is USAPA, in the current merger sli integration.  Your DFR attempts in the past are not likely to be any more fruitful in the near term.
I am only the messenger that brought you the bad news.  APA has a history of seniority list integrations that will repeat itself if you allow it to. 
cltrat said:
which one called himself 320 fighter pilot?  lmao
Hey, be fair here. Once anyone's crossed the border into Fantasyland so deeply as to imagine themselves "spartan soldiers" in a make-believe "army", not to mention "battle" tested "knights" and even "dire wolves"...well...why not an Airbus "fighter pilot" as well? "This is Sparta!/Check Six!/Autopilot ON!" 😉
Doug Parkers letter accepting the nicolau list and alpa president john praters letter regarding the delivery of the nicolau list, mentioned it was contingent on having an East and west pilot jcba to be consummated. 
dariencc said:
That would be FBI and Secret Service lie detector reject Mark C. Doyal.  Just another strange flight of fantasy from a documented and rejected compulsive liar.  He might indeed be clinically insane.
Straight from a good friend and longtime FBI Special Agent, the lie detector part of the interview is a non event that flags very few aspiring G-Men.  It is in fact a way to screen nut cases early in the process, so that very few resources are wasted before they are given the bum's rush.  It is heavy on sexual deviancy issues such as rape porn addiction, compulsive masturbation and underage sexual fantasies.  Most applicants breeze through the process none the worse for wear, though a bit embarrassed by the shockingly graphic questioning.
A small number of applicants sit rigidly staring straight ahead, flop sweat pouring down their foreheads, as the lie detector machine threatens to short out the J. Edgar Hoover Federal Building.  The meter swings wildly past the red line while the highly trained FBI technicians calmly read the scripted questions that evoke only the mildest quivers from the vast majority of applicants.
American Airlines will now inherit the fruit of Elise Eberwein's casual, "fun" America West HR hiring process.
Doyal got hit early in the process.
I bet it was one of those questions about farm animals, from his Texas boyhood days.
He still tells big whoppers to Chippie.
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