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2014 Pilot Discussion

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"spate" not "spat"...   "spat" is what we're having...   or maybe what Ray Rice and his girlfriend had...   or maybe someone "spat" in your seat.  (That's a joke, btw for all you haters...)   Incidentally, CP office says "How stupid do they think we are..."  But seriously, for the rest of us that just keep driving them around;  If you jump in one that overnighted in Phx,  our mechanics routinely turn off all the switches and habitually open the windows..., especially at this time of year.  (where do you think that they grab a nap?)   Just check your switches and windows, especially the ones up on the mx panel.  ...the shoe polish is BS.  However, if brought in by an East crew, just check for an aft drain mast.   KTGSD!
CactusPilot1 said:
Your thoughts please.
You employed the quintesential phrase of Claxon...

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Phoenix said:
You employed the quintesential phrase of Claxon...
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Did I infringe on any of his trademarks? Emphasis on sarcasm.
EastCheats said:
I smell a rat. Is this another Cactus 18 conspiracy of made-up charges thrown out of court? Who's to say one of Bill's follower's did not come in the flight deck with his shoe polish kit and go to work? Hey, look what the West crew did. Talk about low, you know no boundaries. I'll go with Eastie's past behavior which is right up there with those false ID theft charges. Shame on you. Thank you for sharing that email. I've got a few ideas myself how to handle this situation.

The only rats around here are in PHX, I would watch my step with your history.
luvthe9 said:
The only rats around here are in PHX, I would watch my step with your history.
If you hate it so much in Phoenix, then sell your place in Tempe and find a home on Woodlawn. I hear there are places for lease.

EastCheats said:
I smell a rat. Is this another Cactus 18 conspiracy of made-up charges thrown out of court? Who's to say one of Bill's follower's did not come in the flight deck with his shoe polish kit and go to work? Hey, look what the West crew did. Talk about low, you know no boundaries. I'll go with Eastie's past behavior which is right up there with those false ID theft charges. Shame on you. Thank you for sharing that email. I've got a few ideas myself how to handle this situation.
Speaking of "Hey, look what the West crew did."  Here's perhaps the proudest-ever moment in all of "spartan" history, and even made national news. http://leonidas.cactuspilots.us/Rico/Rico%20District/65-17%5B1%5D.pdf
It would help "you'se" typically "righteous", wholesale BS out a lot if your group had EVER established even the slightest shred of credibility. Methinks "you'se" doth protesteth too much. How can anyone reasonably imagine that infantile fools who gleefully conspired to, and actually then did clog a union Safety Hotline with calls, deny jumpseats for no valid reasons, and even "lynch" dolls in cockpits, are in ANY way above other forms of "cute" sabotage?
"I'll go with Eastie's past behavior..." Seriously? OK then. What have "you'se" got to compete with the above-mentioned?
Sigh..I know, I know: Naah....it all never happened. Even if it did, you can't prove it! Well, even if you can prove it; no one's gotten fired or convicted!...And the dog ate my homework anyway!..."Integrity matters!"..."This is sparta!", etc, ad nausuem. We'll just take "you'se" word for everything here..
Anyone even approaching a "professional" on either side should be concerned with simply stopping the nonsense, NOT having their only "thought" being to immediately look for ways to appear blameless. That no west posters here evidence even so much as the slightest concern for possible sabotage, of however small a nature, should speak volumes to all readers.
EastCheats said:
If you hate it so much in Phoenix, then sell your place in Tempe and find a home on Woodlawn. I hear there are places for lease.

Live east coast son.
luvthe9 said:
Live east coast son.
You aren't fooling anyone. I'm on to your act too.When did you move? We're glad to see you gone. After throwing JR under the bus, you are going to have a hard time living anywhere. We saw what you, Luv, tried to do to our pilots you should have expected a favor in return and you got what you deserved.

You were taught a lesson in:

CactusPilot1 said:
...... you are going to have a hard time living anywhere. We saw what you, Luv, tried to do to our pilots you should have expected a favor in return and you got what you deserved.

You were taught a lesson in:

Examine the above post while considering my earier observation: How can anyone reasonably imagine that infantile fools who gleefully conspired to, and actually then did clog a union Safety Hotline with calls, deny jumpseats for no valid reasons, and even "lynch" dolls in cockpits, are in ANY way above other forms of "cute" sabotage?
"You were taught a lesson in:

PAYBACK" ....?
At what level of responsibly mature, personal constraint should such people be imagined to be?
EastCheats said:
I smell a rat. Is this another Cactus 18 conspiracy of made-up charges thrown out of court? Who's to say one of Bill's follower's did not come in the flight deck with his shoe polish kit and go to work? Hey, look what the West crew did. Talk about low, you know no boundaries. I'll go with Eastie's past behavior which is right up there with those false ID theft charges. Shame on you. Thank you for sharing that email. I've got a few ideas myself how to handle this situation.
"I've got a few ideas myself how to handle this situation." Care to share them? "If" anyone's in ANY way messing around with passenger-laden aircraft, or, as you would imagine, trying to set up others for sanctions; I'd think one thing ALL sane pilots could immediately agree on is that all such BS behavior needs to be stopped. If you've suggestions for ensuring that last; I'm all ears.
Res Judicata said:
HA! It's true, the official Spokesman of the SCAB Former Bargaining Agent fake Union is a verified SCAB and is not allowed membership into the APA. How apropos!
That pretty much sums up USCABA in a nutshell.
A fake union cleaned his clock. I wonder what a real one will do?
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