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2014 Pilot Discussion

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nycbusdriver said:
Being very (after 35 years) senior, I can truly say that the US system seemed much easier to figure out, and way more flexible.  But it gave all the best vacation to the most senior pilots.  The AA system at least "shares the wealth" a bit more, but the the system is so arcane it is not to be believed!  I wonder how they would feel if Parker foisted our ancient CATCREW system on them.
The float sounds intriguing, and maybe it will be something we love.  But until we actually see it in action, I am skeptical.  It sounds WAY too vulnerable to management interference, and this management team will take EVERY advantage if there is any in it for them.

Agreed, right behind you seniority wise which seems not to matter anymore and seems to be slowly being stripped away, non-rev now this. I don't think it will be as easy to get those floating days back as the AA guys have it now, but will see.
Don't get me wrong....I am not upset at all about the more egalitarian way of distributing the first week of vacation.  I just think the system is truly strange...like two or three days a month that can't be bid?  What's that about?  And not being able to carry vacation from one month into another?  Craziness!
My buddies at AA bid one or two weeks and float the rest.  They just call up crew sched when they want to drop a trip and use their vacation time (floated time).  Sure, previous US schedulers, if there will be any, will blow a gasket, but it's the way they do it. Any time unused is paid out at the end of Feb the following year.  The system sounds pretty cool to me. 
The Phx vacation person should be getting a kickback for the amount of days we get screwed out of. I know several pilots who have unsceduled days they been trying to use and have just been told there will be no open days the rest of the year. Jeez, We only got 21 in the first place, just loose them and no money. I lost a week in 2012 and swore it wouldn't happen again. I'm with NYC , as long as scheduling can say No, I'm skeptical.
nycbusdriver said:
Don't get me wrong....I am not upset at all about the more egalitarian way of distributing the first week of vacation.  I just think the system is truly strange...like two or three days a month that can't be bid?  What's that about?  And not being able to carry vacation from one month into another?  Craziness!
I think they compensate for that with the ability to slide the vacation 3 days either way.
I was told by the DC chief you call him to drop... seemed odd...also was hinting you need it to be something special to get off.. time will tell... like bus i dont trust em
flyer63 said:
I was told by the DC chief you call him to drop... seemed odd...also was hinting you need it to be something special to get off.. time will tell... like bus i dont trust em
I studied up on this a wee bit.  If you run out of your 60 hours of yearly sick time you can use floating days if you happen to have an unexpected illness. 
Of course the chances of this happening is very low, but it is a nice safety net if you should happen to have an unfortunate and unexpected yearly illness.
AWE Dog said:
The Phx vacation person should be getting a kickback for the amount of days we get screwed out of. I know several pilots who have unsceduled days they been trying to use and have just been told there will be no open days the rest of the year. Jeez, We only got 21 in the first place, just loose them and no money. I lost a week in 2012 and swore it wouldn't happen again. I'm with NYC , as long as scheduling can say No, I'm skeptical.
Who is this MYSTERIOUS Phoenix vacation person? Hey, maybe he's related to the seniority list person.

I know, it's the whole world against Easties.

I get it.

CactusPilot1 said:
Who is this MYSTERIOUS Phoenix vacation person? Hey, maybe he's related to the seniority list person.
I know, it's the whole world against Easties.
I get it.
Always with the drama...
CactusPilot1 said:
Who is this MYSTERIOUS Phoenix vacation person? Hey, maybe he's related to the seniority list person.

I know, it's the whole world against Easties.

I get it.

You sound like an angry west f/o.  Reserve f/o for ten years?  New hire East f/o's have their choice of Captain on 190 or f/o on wide body.  Your thoughts or lessons learned please.
Nice looking 650 dollar tie by the way.
Claxon said:
When do you start blaming yourself for your current situation?  
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me three times, its becoming a comfortable habit.
Fool me four times, my mind is enlightened and I finally see all the angry, gullible, hopeless scabs walking around everywhere (projection).  
Fool me five times, I buy a scarf of patriotism.  
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