They've no possible reason to care about any whine served up by any that are their competitors for seniority placement, east or west, but good luck with "you'se" usual umm..."presentations" anyway. 😉
If "you'se" want a guaranteed strategy for truly impressing them all, just make sure to tell them how AWA "saved" everyone, how much your "Integrity Matters" and don't forget to play your "perfect safety record" at every opportunity. Extra points will no doubt be given if attacks on the crew's actions on 1549 are included. If all that's not enough to instantly have them eating out of your hands, well, hit 'em up with how completely worthless their furloughed folks were, and why there should be no question about your "righteous" placement via at least the nic (or from Res: "the nic on steroids") into their list. Point to their recent bankruptcy and loudly declare how and why that makes them all "worth" far less than yourselves, and DO make sure they see that clip of Johhny M. asking the CEO if he can "turn in" other pilots. In other words; just keep on being your selfless, "righteous," unfairly "victimized" and wholly lovable selves, and I'm sure all will go well for "you'se".
Oh, and should "you'se" need a little extra punch to impress; pass on the phone records proving just how much "respect" your bunch has for union Safety Hotlines, and don't forget to tell 'em all just how safe their personal data and social security numbers will be once a "spartan" gains access to them.
Good Luck! 😉