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2014 Pilot Discussion

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CactusPilot1 said:
I spent the better part of my day with an attorney who is very familiar with Labor Law. Let's explore your threat. I know the players here, one in particular who doesn't like bag stickers, online posts that he does not like, ties and drops them on a desk. Some of these are the same players who have been harrassing pilots and think they are protected from personal liability. There are many ways on getting info on who your accusers are.
Employees are allowed to speak out about their working conditions and speak out about those conditions. Are you familiar with an organization called the National Labor Relations Board? There are free speech protections.
"That agency is the National Labor Relations Board, or NLRB. This board was established in 1935 to enforce our nations basic labor law, the National Labor Relations Act, and is responsible for maintaining U.S. labor law and protecting workers rights to organize. But its also the protector of employees right to speak out online about working conditions without fear of firing or discipline.
Social media free speech has become an important and growing focus of the NLRB. Acting Labor Board General Counsel Lafe Solomon noted that there has been a strong uptick in the number of social media cases handled by the Board, including over 100 cases involving social media since 2010. These include:
Discussing Work Conditions: At Hispanics United of Buffalo, a nonprofit social services provider in New York, Mariana Cole-Rivera started a Facebook thread, asking, Lydia Cruz, a coworker feels that we don't help our clients enough at HUB. I about had it! My fellow coworkers how do you feel? Her colleagues immediately voiced their support, writing, Try doing my job. I have five programs and What the hell, we dont have a life as is. Cole-Rivera and four caseworkers who responded to her lost their jobs. But the NLRB found that their posts were the type of concerted activity for mutual aid that is expressly protected by the NLRA, since it involved a conversation among coworkers about their terms and conditions of employment, including their job performance and staffing levels. The judge ordered that the fired workers be fully reinstated to their jobs with back pay."
You also have to be aware of state laws concerning public policy.
"There are a number of states that have laws that prohibit employers from terminating employees when the terminations are in violation of public policy. In other words, these laws stop employers from firing employees for reasons that the public would find morally reprehensible or ethically wrong. These laws are often difficult for employers to follow, as morals and ethics are subjective and will vary from state to state. It is not uncommon for some state laws to differ form the laws of other states."
The accused have to right to sue:
Yes you can sue someone for calling your employer and trying to get your fired by knowlingly providing false information. Calling your employer and giving false information would be "slander," which is a form of defamanation (the other type of defamation is "libel," which are written statement.
Nuff said. I hope I made myself clear.
Trader, I hope you took notes.
I really don't care what lawyer you played golf with, rode fair rides with or whatever. You and an East poster were puffing up about how you might confront each other at work and I asked the question to remind you that confrontations at work are a good way to end up unemployed. You sure are sensitive for one who likes to pop off at everyone that doesn't subscribe to your way of thinking. Now run along and play with your lawyer buddy.
A320 Driver said:
I really don't care what lawyer you played golf with, rode fair rides with or whatever. You and an East poster were puffing up about how you might confront each other at work and I asked the question to remind you that confrontations at work are a good way to end up unemployed. You sure are sensitive for one who likes to pop off at everyone that doesn't subscribe to your way of thinking. Now run along and play with your lawyer buddy.
Agreed in full. The workplace, most certainly among supposed "professionals" at least, is NO place to not "play well with others."  No one's yet been proved "tough"-by-typing in this world of ours, and schoolboy fantasies of ferocious interaction at work should always remain just that. Plently of more private venues exist for such. All of us are there to serve the traveling public who are trusting us with their very lives. There is simply NO/zip/zero excuse ever, repeat EVER, for not conducting ourselves accordingly in the work enviornment. I don't care for what nyaah, nyaahs may be exchanged in internet nonsense, but seriously "kids"...We ain't schoolboys...Just grow up.
EastUS1 said:
I'd guess the same. The irony being that those still angrilly fantasizing over some lost nic gift are clearly missing out on enjoying the huge bounty they've already been served by now being part of a hopefully powerhouse airline, that will afford them all FAR better careers than they could have even possibly dreamed of before, and all that made possible only through "merging" with the east operation.
I see an immediate "minus vote" for even that. All I can say is that if some in "sparta" are determined to stay "stuck on stupid"/"the nic is it" and wallow in self-imposed anger and misery...well...have fun with that. That seems a sad waste of life to me, but it's entirely your choice as to how you see the gift of any given day of life. Don't expect your anger and frustration to matter to any but yourselves.
A320 Driver said:
I really don't care what lawyer you played golf with, rode fair rides with or whatever. You and an East poster were puffing up about how you might confront each other at work and I asked the question to remind you that confrontations at work are a good way to end up unemployed. You sure are sensitive for one who likes to pop off at everyone that doesn't subscribe to your way of thinking. Now run along and play with your lawyer buddy.
Did you play golf with someone cooking up the Cactus 18 bullschit? The RICO charges leveled against pilots in a failed attempt to quiet those who spoke out against an injustice. You never proved the case, in fact dismissed with predjudice. That means DON'T BOTHER THE COURT AGAIN with your BS claim. Do you think I just walked in a lawyer's office yesterday? This has been going on for years and I have a well established relationship with those who know my opponents very well. I've been waiting for you to get that Ucrapa security blanket stripped so you can't hide behind that fake union anymore.
CactusPilot1 said:
 Do you think I just walked in a lawyer's office yesterday?
Quite possibly. Who knows? Who cares? I'd hope it at least had a gym, so you could seriously impress all concerned. I'm less optimistic that they kept a hotel van and flight attendents around, so that you could properly display the fullest depths of your intellectual ability and legal acumen.
"DON'T BOTHER THE COURT AGAIN with your BS claim." Yet "you'se" continue to attempt such, even with 7+ years of functional failure....? Just sayin'.
"The RICO charges leveled against pilots in a failed attempt to quiet those who spoke out against an injustice." While I personally, wholly disagreed with that sizeable a hammer being attempted...would you care to have us all reminded of exactly what west behaviors prompted those actions? Hint: It was hardly about anyone seeking to "quiet those who spoke out against an injustice." Sigh...Try telling even some slight semblance of the Truth for once in your life. You might well find doing so to be a growth experience.
P.S. Not to wish the popping of any bubbles here, but, as amazing as it might seem to you; lawyers, not unlike any other subsets of overall society, (obviously "pilots" included), come in pretty much the same proportional percentages and flavors of just, plain, "relatively" stupid...That many of "you'se" have precious little in the way of formal education doesn't excuse you from not having at least that much general awareness.
EastUS1 said:
Akin to when "The nic will be crammed down your throats!"...and AWA was forever upgrading everyone to the left seat at 7 years? 😉
"a little of the glory of, well time slips away"? Yet the best "you'se" have to proudly offer of "glory", from previous postings, is a "varsity letter jacket"?
I don't have you figured for a bad person either snap, just one that's sitting a wee bit tipped over towards the thoroughly confused side of life.
Having put USAPA in the rearview mirror, I can enjoy my desert island, classic cars, and the Eagles on Oct 1.
Ol '55
EastUS1 said:
Quite possibly. Who knows? Who cares? I'd hope it at least had a gym, so you could seriously impress all concerned. I'm less optimistic that they kept a hotel van and flight attendents around, so that you could properly display the fullest depths of your intellectual ability and legal acumen.
"DON'T BOTHER THE COURT AGAIN with your BS claim." Yet "you'se" continue to attempt such, even with 7+ years of functional failure....? Just sayin'.
"The RICO charges leveled against pilots in a failed attempt to quiet those who spoke out against an injustice." While I personally, wholly disagreed with that sizeable a hammer being attempted...would you care to have us all reminded of exactly what west behaviors prompted those actions? Hint: It was hardly about anyone seeking to "quiet those who spoke out against an injustice." Sigh...Try telling even some slight semblance of the Truth for once in your life. You might well find doing so to be a growth experience.
P.S. Not to wish the popping of any bubbles here, but, as amazing as it might seem to you; lawyers, not unlike any other subsets of overall society, (obviously "pilots" included), come in pretty much the same proportional percentages and flavors of just, plain, "relatively" stupid...That many of "you'se" have precious little in the way of formal education doesn't excuse you from not having at least that much general awareness.
CactusPilot1 said:
Did you play golf with someone cooking up the Cactus 18 bullschit? The RICO charges leveled against pilots in a failed attempt to quiet those who spoke out against an injustice. You never proved the case, in fact dismissed with predjudice. That means DON'T BOTHER THE COURT AGAIN with your BS claim. Do you think I just walked in a lawyer's office yesterday? This has been going on for years and I have a well established relationship with those who know my opponents very well. I've been waiting for you to get that Ucrapa security blanket stripped so you can't hide behind that fake union anymore.
For all practical purposes USAPA is no more. You might try relaxing and moving on with your life.
A320 Driver said:
I really don't care what lawyer you played golf with, rode fair rides with or whatever. You and an East poster were puffing up about how you might confront each other at work and I asked the question to remind you that confrontations at work are a good way to end up unemployed. You sure are sensitive for one who likes to pop off at everyone that doesn't subscribe to your way of thinking. Now run along and play with your lawyer buddy.
CactusPilot1 said:
Did you play golf with someone cooking up the Cactus 18 bullschit? The RICO charges leveled against pilots in a failed attempt to quiet those who spoke out against an injustice. You never proved the case, in fact dismissed with predjudice. That means DON'T BOTHER THE COURT AGAIN with your BS claim. Do you think I just walked in a lawyer's office yesterday? This has been going on for years and I have a well established relationship with those who know my opponents very well. I've been waiting for you to get that Ucrapa security blanket stripped so you can't hide behind that fake union anymore.
Dismissed because the court stated it was a state court claim.  Not federal.
CactusPilot1 said:
Did you play golf with someone cooking up the Cactus 18 bullschit? The RICO charges leveled against pilots in a failed attempt to quiet those who spoke out against an injustice. You never proved the case, in fact dismissed with predjudice. That means DON'T BOTHER THE COURT AGAIN with your BS claim. Do you think I just walked in a lawyer's office yesterday? This has been going on for years and I have a well established relationship with those who know my opponents very well. I've been waiting for you to get that Ucrapa security blanket stripped so you can't hide behind that fake union anymore.
Pissed, because they know they had it and blew it. Next in line!
Visited the APA message board...

The board of course is not anonymous so I expected a big change in the content....

So far it doesn't look any different, accept perhaps no one is carelessly throwing out the word "scab" (yet) in every post.. But that seems to be about the only self-restraint...

JJ is prolific, and his anonymous screen nameS here are illuminated.
Phoenix said:
Visited the APA message board...

The board of course is not anonymous so I expected a big change in the content....

So far it doesn't look any different, accept perhaps no one is carelessly throwing out the word "scab" (yet) in every post.. But that seems to be about the only self-restraint...

JJ is prolific, and his anonymous screen nameS here are illuminated.
Have the westicles told the APA pilots how the AWA saved US, and thereby saved AA?
That "Nic is it"?
nycbusdriver said:
Have the westicles told the APA pilots how the AWA saved US, and thereby saved AA?
That "Nic is it?
Not yet, but they certainly are playing the "woe is me" card trying to gain the AA pilots sympathy.  There were a few East guys on there for the last few days. But the West guys came in full force yesterday. They are really starting to flood the board...
algflyr said:
Not yet, but they certainly are playing the "woe is me" card trying to gain the AA pilots sympathy.  There were a few East guys on there for the last few days. But the West guys came in full force yesterday. They are really starting to flood the board...
That should endear them to the APA guys/gals.  I'm sure the APA pilots are all up for some pro-level whining, and sounds like they are about to get it.
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