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2014 Pilot Discussion

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CactusPilot1 said:
I know he's a member and already on the APA's general discussion. It won't be hard to pick out the CLOWNS when they show up. Ucrapa's Continental and Freedom scabs need not apply.
Freedom Airlines?
"The airline was established in March 2002 and started operations in October 2002. It was the launch customer for the Bombardier CRJ-900. The airline was started so that Mesa Air Group could fulfill its contractual obligations to operate the CRJ-900 as America West Express for America West Airlines. Establishing Freedom was necessary as Mesa Airlines was also operating as US Airways Express under a code share agreement for US Airways. US Airways' collective bargaining agreement with the Air Line Pilots Association prohibited contract carrier code share arrangements with regional jet carriers, if that carrier operated aircraft with more than 70 seats. Mesa Airlines, therefore, could not operate as US Airways Express and operate the CRJ-900."
Wiki, but it is a correct historical summation.
The america west pilots ignored the fact that Freedom operated from 2002 to 2010 as an awa feeder.   
Your thoughts please?
EastCheats said:
They'll hear from the Original Cactus pilots if they do allow those ####s in.
I'm certain that would both AWA and truly intimidate them all at the APA, most especially given the moral "quality" of "the Original Cactus pilots". Heck, just the Ansett adventure alone must hugely inspire the American folks. No need to even start on the convicted drug runners in the west's proud heritage. Thanks for the usual laughs. 😉
"They'll hear from the Original Cactus pilots..." What will they hear? "This is Sparta!"...? No matter. I'm sure "you'se" will all be seen as both much deserved comrades, and perhaps even new role models for them all, well, were I even half as delusional as yourself, that is.
If the APA truly has real standards for preventing strikebreakers from entering their ranks; it's a sure bet they'll not overly concern themselves with what's said from either east or west on the matter, but feel perfectly free to keep on pounding hollow and insignificant chests, while delusionally fantasizing how "important" your little minority really is to them.
P.S. Don't forget to show them the clip of your magnificently moral Johhny M. asking the CEO if he can "turn in" supposedly fellow pilots. It's at least fair to let them know just exactly what the true "quality" of people they're now being stuck with is. If that's not enough to dazzle them all; don't fail to mention how supportive of management "you'se" were during the "fuel school" debacle, as well as how loudly the west cheered for a court injunction against ALL the pilots here. Proudly proclaim all "you'se" fine history of actions. I mean really; what's not to love about your little "army"? 🙂
EastUS1 said:
I'm certain that would both AWA and truly intimidate them all at the APA, most especially given the moral "quality" of "the Original Cactus pilots". Heck, just the Ansett adventure alone must hugely inspire the American folks. No need to even start on the convicted drug runners in the west's proud heritage. Thanks for the usual laughs. 😉
"They'll hear from the Original Cactus pilots..." What will they hear? "This is Sparta!"...? No matter. I'm sure "you'se" will all be seen as both much deserved comrades, and perhaps even new role models for them all, well, were I even half as delusional as yourself, that is.
If the APA truly has real standards for preventing strikebreakers from entering their ranks; it's a sure bet they'll not overly concern themselves with what's said from either east or west on the matter, but feel perfectly free to keep on pounding hollow and largely insignificant chests, while delusionally fantasizing how "important" your little minority really is to them.
P.S. Don't forget to show them the clip of your magnificently moral Johhny M. asking the CEO if he can "turn in" supposedly fellow pilots. It's at least fair to let them know just exactly what the true "quality" of people they're now being stuck with is. If that's not enough to dazzle them all; don't fail to mention how supportive of management "you'se" were during the "fuel school" debacle, as well as how loudly the west cheered for a court injunction against ALL the pilots here. Proudly proclaim all "you'se" fine history of actions. I mean really; what's not to love about your little "army"? 🙂

Our record safety record speaks for itself. So does PMUS. There's nothing your Hudson hero can do to erase that. How about those pro's in Philly? A retard memo comes to mind. You should be proud.

Strikebreakers should not be allowed yet you let them in USAPA's inner circle. Hypocrites.
EastCheats said:
Our record safety record speaks for itself. So does PMUS. There's nothing your Hudson hero can do to erase that. How about those pro's in Philly? A retard memo comes to mind. You should be proud.

Strikebreakers should not be allowed yet you let them in USAPA's inner circle. Hypocrites.
USAPA rests its case APA, your witness america west pilots and army of lyingitas. 
EastCheats said:
Our record safety record speaks for itself. So does PMUS. There's nothing your Hudson hero can do to erase that. How about those pro's in Philly? A retard memo comes to mind. You should be proud.

Strikebreakers should not be allowed yet you let them in USAPA's inner circle. Hypocrites.
I can't help but notice you've no apparent defense to offer for anything listed in my post. No surprise there, since no viable defense could even possibly BE offered. No matter. There's no need to try and sell me anything. We're discussing the APA's possible actions and perceptions here. Take it up with them.
Oh! I almost forgot. DO make sure "you'se" proudly prove and proclaim your almost inconceivable level of naive ignorance, by way of trumpeting your "record of safety".  It might be gently suggested that you should examine the tragedies American has endured first though, and realize just how incredibly infantile your jackazz brayings will seem to them. Hmm...disregard that last. I think it's in the east's best interests to, instead of offering advice on how to NOT present "you'se"selves as idiotic children, to simply suggest that "you'se" all continue on with your proven behaviors. I can't even imagine anything that would serve to disgust the folks at American more.
This is a very convenient forum, for a discussion regarding the differences of opinion amongst the East and west pilots. 
It is an inconvenient and unusable mode, for the attempt by west pilots, to rewrite the history of pilot labor groups and their record of actions to promote the pilot profession.
CactusPilot1 said:
Did you play golf with someone cooking up the Cactus 18 bullschit? The RICO charges leveled against pilots in a failed attempt to quiet those who spoke out against an injustice. You never proved the case, in fact dismissed with predjudice. That means DON'T BOTHER THE COURT AGAIN with your BS claim. Do you think I just walked in a lawyer's office yesterday? This has been going on for years and I have a well established relationship with those who know my opponents very well. I've been waiting for you to get that Ucrapa security blanket stripped so you can't hide behind that fake union anymore.
I thought the suit was because you guys sent poop through the mail and made bogus phone calls on the safety hotline.

My mistake. I was misinformed. Guess that's why USAPA lost. Because it never happened huh?
Hope777 said:
Ok..let's go over the East record..tax evasion, suspicion of murder, upskirt photos, DUIs, holes shot in aircraft by FFDO, drug convictions, assault on security guard and the topper, Billy Mays dies after hard landing. I'll spare you the lousy safety record headlines.



Aug 6, 2007 - Tom Wales, an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Seattle who ..... James Anderson, at the time that http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2007/08/06/an-unsolved-killing

Aug 6, 2007 - Tom Wales, an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Seattle who ..... James Anderson, at the time that the case was dismissed, was a forty-year-old pilot for U.S. Airways, who lived alone in Beaux ...














I do believe that the majority of posts by certain pseudo contributors, offered by both sides, are not indicative of a proclamation of either sides final assessment, of the current and past situation.
EastCheats said:
Ok..let's go over the East record..tax evasion, suspicion of murder, upskirt photos, DUIs, holes shot in aircraft by FFDO, assault on security guard and the topper, Billy Mays dies after hard landing. I'll spare you the lousy safety record headlines.
Can we first re-solve the poignant point, of your indignation, regarding the eradication of those involved in the Freedom Airlines survival?
[SIZE=medium]Dear Phoenix Pilots,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Welcome to the Allied Pilots Association. Monday was a historic day for the former America West Airlines pilots as we moved into a new era. Today, we will not rehash the unfortunate history of the last 6.4120 years of "representation" under the former bargaining agent, as that is now largely behind us. We do want to thank those of you who volunteered to serve during those dark days and hope you will consider volunteering to serve with APA.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]We encourage you visit the APA website and ensure you are signed up to receive all APA email updates. While you are there, be sure to explore the many optional benefits available to you as an APA member under the “Benefits/Services” tab. We believe you will find most of those products to be cost-competitive and worth your consideration, especially in light of the new benefits package for 2015 and the upcoming enrollment period.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]We would like to thank the pilots of LAX, LAX Chairman CA Steve Roach and LAX Vice Chairman CA William Boyd, in addition to the Membership Committee, for working diligently to provide a seamless transition to APA membership for our pilots. We would also like to thank David Simmons for his willingness to continue watching after your interests from within the former bargaining agent, and we are grateful to Lee Fife and Jeff Koontz, who have accepted our DDRs on that board until it is properly dissolved.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]We are honored to continue serving you as your PHX reps and are ready to carry on ensuring your rights are defended and our collective interests advanced within APA and New American. We fully expect and are optimistic that better days are forthcoming, but we will remain vigilant for any unforeseen threats.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Again, we are pleased to welcome Phoenix to the APA and eager to get to work serving you while using the many powerful tools provided by your new union.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]John Scherff, APA PHX Chairman[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Eric Ferguson, APA PHX Vice Chairman[/SIZE]
EastCheats said:
Ok..let's go over the East record..tax evasion, suspicion of murder, upskirt photos, DUIs, holes shot in aircraft by FFDO, drug convictions, assault on security guard and the topper, Billy Mays dies after hard landing. I'll spare you the lousy safety record headlines.http://petergreenberg.com/2009/06/29/hard-landing-on-us-airways-related-to-billy-mays-death/http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2007/08/06/an-unsolved-killing
Aug 6, 2007 - Tom Wales, an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Seattle who ..... James Anderson, at the time that http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2007/08/06/an-unsolved-killing
Aug 6, 2007 - Tom Wales, an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Seattle who ..... James Anderson, at the time that the case was dismissed, was a forty-year-old pilot for U.S. Airways, who lived alone in Beaux ...http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-us-airways-pilot-sentenced-north-carolina-10-years-prison-tax-fraudhttp://mobile.philly.com/news/breaking/?wss=/philly/news/breaking&id=97151114&http://privateofficerbreakingnews.blogspot.com/2011/06/us-airways-pilot-arrested-for.html?m=1http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-03-26-339507393_x.htmhttp://www.post-gazette.com/local/west/2013/10/02/Tax-evasion-sentence-handed-down-for-ex-Army-Ranger-and-US-Airways-pilot/stories/201310020118http://www.timesnews.net/article/9047945/former-kingsport-pilot-denied-diversion-on-drug-convictionhttp://m.wsoctv.com/news/news/us-airways-pilot-convicted-of-2nd-dui/nDYhD/http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-us-airways-pilot-sentenced-north-carolina-10-years-prison-tax-fraudhttp://mobile.philly.com/news/breaking/?wss=/philly/news/breaking&id=97151114&http://privateofficerbreakingnews.blogspot.com/2011/06/us-airways-pilot-arrested-for.html?m=1http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-03-26-339507393_x.htmhttp://www.post-gazette.com/local/west/2013/10/02/Tax-evasion-sentence-handed-down-for-ex-Army-Ranger-and-US-Airways-pilot/stories/201310020118http://www.timesnews.net/article/9047945/former-kingsport-pilot-denied-diversion-on-drug-convictionhttp://m.wsoctv.com/news/news/us-airways-pilot-convicted-of-2nd-dui/nDYhD/
It's your happy place, I won't disturb ya. 😉
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