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2014 Pilot Discussion

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snapthis said:
I can answer that. Our #1 dropped over 500 numbers with the ruling yet was will to accept it.
Did you read that article from USAPA's favorite Ted Reed ? http://www.forbes.com/sites/tedreed/
West pilots are more than happy to point out his biased opinion:
The flawed ruling, which resulted from binding arbitration, has never been implemented"

That guy is such an ####...
Of course the ruling is flawed...our number one guy dropped to number 518! WTF!

Please put asstard reeds name in your header!!!!!!!!!
The flawed ruling, which resulted from binding arbitration, has never been implemented – resulting in separate seniority lists within the pilot ranks at US Airways, nine years after the merger.
"AS_HO-E" is FAR too kind.
Nothing but, 'flawed' journalism... blatent eastho_e mouthpiece... POS !!
F'tard !

Would'nt it be just SWELL if somewhere in the near future, Nicolau himself gets to explain the 'FLAWED' nature of his list... ( in a forum that has TEETH for once ).
Ted Reed you fuggingmoron...when two parties can't agree, they go to arbitration to let someone else decide: ergo, you give up YOUR RIGHT TO DECIDE AN OUTCOME!!! Was the nic fair!?! HELL NO....but WE, BOTH PARTIES, agreed to BINDING FUKKING ARBITRATION.
You truly can't fix STUPID

Why is it this jaghoff's drivel and half facts that some call news articles, appear so prominently throughout front pages on the web? Next question is, who is going to make his mortgage when usapa is forced to liquidate!
a controversial arbitrator’s pilot seniority ruling
controversial 2007 Nicolau seniority arbitration ruling
The flawed ruling
an outcome that so far has eluded everybody else
Eluded the deluded maybe! What a douche.

Ted has never managed to understand Binding Arbitration. I've personally told him that Binding Arbitration has been an industry standard way of solving union/union and company/union problems for years. He just doesn't understand that...Most people who don't like where they ended up in a Binding Arbitration simply cry in their beer....they don't form new, pretend unions...
But the bombshell here is not Reed, it's Wilson.

Those are pretty large statements coming from Wilson before the mini-arb even gets underway. Could quite possibly give us the seat regardless of the mini-arb outcome.
He also gives a good glimpse of how he hopes this SLI goes. Notice his phrase about guys getting W/B's "who had that expectation when they were hired".
That he publicly states he thinks we need to be there is HUGE, and it's really all we need from Wilson. His other opinions are irrelevant as the panel will do what THEY think needs to be done, but they do give insight as to how APA will argue at the big one.
It will NOT please the East to hear his support for our seat, and that alone puts a smile on my face.
So, nothing but good news here.

Spot on. Not often you get a union leader, or any politician, to go on record like that.
Good news indeed
Well ignore Ted, did you see what Wilson said in that article?
"As a model for seniority integration, Wilson said he looks to the Delta/Northwest integration.

In that case, he said, the list “was developed in such a way that ten years down the road it will be fair and equitable.” He noted that pilots’ career expectations were generally met. Now, he said, “Delta is running on all cylinders. That is what we want to do.”"
The Nic didn't do that and using it now will keep others from reaching that point.
CactusPilot1 said:
We've never considered quitting when Leonidas' winning strategy defeated USAPA. Why would that be the downside? Your beloved union is DECERTIFIED. AWE
Delusions of grandeur. AOL had NOTHING to do with USAPA's decertification. Their end came about just like their birth did, by NMB ruling.
The downside is that the lists in effect are the status quo. If you are completely separate, what fleet goes with that list? How many widebodies do you have? When was your junior pilot hired?
Pi brat said:
Well ignore Ted, did you see what Wilson said in that article?
"As a model for seniority integration, Wilson said he looks to the Delta/Northwest integration.
In that case, he said, the list was developed in such a way that ten years down the road it will be fair and equitable. He noted that pilots career expectations were generally met. Now, he said, Delta is running on all cylinders. That is what we want to do."
The Nic didn't do that and using it now will keep others from reaching that point.
Ted says no NIC, so it will be close to DOH/LOS, bottom line! Time to sue the APA?
Pi brat said:
Delusions of grandeur. AOL had NOTHING to do with USAPA's decertification. Their end came about just like their birth did, by NMB ruling.
The downside is that the lists in effect are the status quo. If you are completely separate, what fleet goes with that list? How many widebodies do you have? When was your junior pilot hired?
For the last friggin time, you do not place furloughed pilots above actively flying plots, especially when those pilots were working for the company who bought yours. The fact you can't accept an arbitrator's ruling speaks volumes of your lack of morals and character. I'm not going to stand by and watch you steal our seniority like a thief! Not a chance.
CactusPilot1 said:
For the last friggin time, you do not place furloughed pilots above actively flying plots, especially when those pilots were working for the company who bought yours. The fact you can't accept an arbitrator's ruling speaks volumes of your lack of morals and character. I'm not going to stand by and watch you steal our seniority like a thief! Not a chance.
Better try to sell that to the APA boys with all of their furloughs they have had.
  "On September 26, 2007, as part of the integration efforts following the merger of US Airways Group and America West Holdings in September 2005, AWA surrendered its Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) operating certificate. As a result, all future mainline airline operations will be conducted under US Airways’ FAA operating certificate. In connection with the combination of all mainline airline operations under one FAA operating certificate, US Airways Group contributed one hundred percent of its equity interest in America West Holdings to US Airways. As a result, America West Holdings and its wholly owned subsidiary, AWA, are now wholly owned subsidiaries of US Airways. In addition, AWA transferred substantially all of its assets and liabilities to US Airways. All off-balance sheet commitments of AWA were also transferred to US Airways. This transaction constitutes a transfer of assets between entities under common control and was accounted for at historical cost".
Your welcome!!!!! :lol:
CactusPilot1 said:
For the last friggin time, you do not place furloughed pilots above actively flying plots, especially when those pilots were working for the company who bought yours. The fact you can't accept an arbitrator's ruling speaks volumes of your lack of morals and character. I'm not going to stand by and watch you steal our seniority like a thief! Not a chance.
It's not your seniority. Your status quo seniority is what you have in PHX.

I guess you missed all the other SLIs where furloughed pilots were placed ahead of active pilots. Some study might do you well Mr. Angry. What are you going to do this time if it doesn't go your way?
EastCheats said:
I hope he runs into you, I know who I would put my money on. He'd pluck you like a chicken.
And get fired. Best thing for all of us as he obviously has issues.

Want to reply to my posts?
EastCheats said:
I hope he runs into you, I know who I would put my money on. He'd pluck you like a chicken.
What difference does a seniority number make when he is in jail from an assault charge?
We've never considered quitting when Leonidas' winning strategy defeated USAPA. Why would that be the downside? Your beloved union is DECERTIFIED. AWE[/quote

ALPA- decertified. USAPA, served its purpose into the merger.
Have another chuckle on me.
Read closely Wilson's statement west pilots.
" But the final list generally met the goal of satisfying pilots who had WIDEBODY EXPECTATIONS WHEN THEY WERE HIRED......"
Wilson lures west pilots to the table so the question may be asked.
"Eric, please write the number of widebodies based in PHX, which your group had expectations to fly when they were hired. "
snapthis said:
I can answer that. Our #1 dropped over 500 numbers with the ruling yet was will to accept it.
And you realize that the reason for that decision was slotting by equipment?  If the next SLI goes to arbitration, and the panel decides similarly, your #1 will likely slide to about #1500 given the plethora of wide-body aircraft flown by LAA, and the number (lose 767s; gain 330-200s) still being flown by East.
If it does get slotted by equipment, the East truly has won its battle since the attrition has taken care of those Nicolau threw under the bus in 2007.
We're good with slotting over here.  Good luck to you.
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