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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Threats, threats and more threats. No wonder catpiss could not get hired anywhere else. Another nut job just like ole tire iron man. Your going to lose it catpiss and your wife wont be laughing anymore. 
CactusPilot1 said:
For the last friggin time, you do not place furloughed pilots above actively flying plots, especially when those pilots were working for the company who bought yours. The fact you can't accept an arbitrator's ruling speaks volumes of your lack of morals and character. I'm not going to stand by and watch you steal our seniority like a thief! Not a chance.
Amen, brother.  It's been noble keeping these thieves contained this long, now they have nowhere to go without USAP.  Turn out the lights.
Hawkhunter said:
Threats, threats and more threats. No wonder catpiss could not get hired anywhere else. Another nut job just like ole tire iron man. Your going to lose it catpiss and your wife wont be laughing anymore.
Threats? Seriously?

It was U-Saps who threatened JJ with parking lot justice, there was an incident where there was an assault in the Ucrapa office, police called. I welcome the day one of you pull a stunt like that with me. Police were called to remove West reps. You got a pass the company ignored the abuse.
It's all the West's fault.....RIGHT
No way would I fool with you! Not after you told me in the PM how you made two East pilots run away from you with tears after you got done with them on the van ride to the hotel. You are one tuff dude man! And the Catpiss18 got a pass along with the scab who stole my personal information. Damn your cool! LMFAO
Hawkhunter said:
No way would I fool with you! Not after you told me in the PM how you made two East pilots run away from you with tears after you got done with them on the van ride to the hotel. You are one tuff dude man! And the Catpiss18 got a pass along with the scab who stole my personal information. Damn your cool! LMFAO
I responded to your Catpiss PM rant.

The East pilots were abusive to the van driver trying to leave early and the flight attendants on my crew behind. I made it very clear to them the van does not move until the crew boarded. There will be no leaving my crew behind. I invited them to get off if they had a problem with it. I never heard another word from them.

East trait: Very pushy until someone pushes back. LMFAO
prechilill said:
Amen, brother.  It's been noble keeping these thieves contained this long, now they have nowhere to go without USAP.  Turn out the lights.
Good riddance

Thise who had the misfortune of serving as West Reps described the scumbags as pure evil.
CactusPilot1 said:
For the last friggin time, you do not place furloughed pilots above actively flying plots, especially when those pilots were working for the company who bought yours. The fact you can't accept an arbitrator's ruling speaks volumes of your lack of morals and character. I'm not going to stand by and watch you steal our seniority like a thief! Not a chance.

Seriously, You don't think the APA is going to try to put all the guys they had furloughed for years ahead of all of us, you better wake up boy.
Claxon said:
Read closely Wilson's statement west pilots.
" But the final list generally met the goal of satisfying pilots who had WIDEBODY EXPECTATIONS WHEN THEY WERE HIRED......"
Wilson lures west pilots to the table so the question may be asked.
"Eric, please write the number of widebodies based in PHX, which your group had expectations to fly when they were hired. "
No wide body's for you, PreChill is still welcome for a seat sniff now and then.

It would be stupid to go it alone, you have NOTHING and bring NOTHING to this merge.
Sorry cupcake no rant from me. Not exactly how you described it but okay. Last year one of your circle jerk friends left us behind with no problem. The van driver felt bad about it and said they laughed. I guess that's okay in your eyes though because your super cool. Your starting to bore me so I am done with you. Must be something being a cool scab like you. LMFAO 
prechilill said:
Amen, brother.  It's been noble keeping these thieves contained this long, .

You really show your stupidity with a statement like this, let's think about whose been
"contained", locked in PHX with no upward movement, meanwhile the east enjoys rapid growth, new hires in wide body's and one year captains, have not seen this in my 33 years here. Please stop making a fool of yourself, you also embarrass the rest of your group.
Hawkhunter said:
Sorry cupcake no rant from me. Not exactly how you described it but okay. Last year one of your circle jerk friends left us behind with no problem. The van driver felt bad about it and said they laughed. I guess that's okay in your eyes though because your super cool. Your starting to bore me so I am done with you. Must be something being a cool scab like you. LMFAO
I left out the part how they couldn't get their bags off fast enough while I got a good laugh with the FA's. Cut and run like a yellow lanyard wearing POS.

Close enough?
CactusPilot1 said:
I left out the part how they couldn't get their bags off fast enough while I got a good laugh with the FA's. Cut and run like a yellow lanyard wearing POS.
Close enough?
Kind of funny, I see the fools run off the van to try to get out of those 675 dollar ties, we all get a laugh and how stupid someone would have to be (or desperate) to throw that kind of money away.
Catpiss1, glad you finally got spellcheck on your computer, that term MALFEASANCE, you use probably got misinterpreted by 18 pilots who spelled it MAILFECES, glad a donation of $675 took care of morons problems!
CactusPilot1 said:
East trait: Very pushy until someone pushes back. LMFAO
"You'se" hotel van "heroics," personal stature and gym membership are all most impressive indeed. Don't mind me...Just checking in to see if any "spartan" had PM'd about the flying wager. Not surprisingly...No. Feel free to resume your schoolboy chest pounding. 😉
P.S. It might serve to at least up the ante a bit, as did another proud "soldier" in your "army", by proclaiming a "varsity letter jacket" or two, Sigh...Whatever gets ya' through the day kids.
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