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2014 Pilot Discussion

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EastCheats said:
The East LLC will not represent the West with the APA's approval. You are mistaken about the Nic. He's on the APA's list of acceptable arbitrators.

So wrong, there be no NIC, where have you been the last few years.
A320 Driver said:
Two angry West pilots on this page...neither one understands the protocol agreement and that it defines how the SLI will be processed. It's signed by all parties (didn't need West buy in) and will be carried out, Harper be damned. IF the West wins the first arbitration, they will use the list effective December 9th, 2013. The protocol agreement says nothing about the NIC. I did see the proposed and updated NIC list Snap put out. Nice touch designating themselves 767 pilots. Nice try...
You guys always fail to understand the that critical 5% of the story when you know it's bad news. Status quo HARDLY PRECLUDES the Use of the Nic or something that looks a hell of a lot worse from your perspective.
Res Judicata said:
You guys always fail to understand the that critical 5% of the story when you know it's bad news. Status quo HARDLY PRECLUDES the Use of the Nic or something that looks a hell of a lot worse from your perspective.
Have you considered the potential downside for you guys? Have you been right about anything?
Pi brat said:
Have you considered the potential downside for you guys? Have you been right about anything?
We've never considered quitting when Leonidas' winning strategy defeated USAPA. Why would that be the downside? Your beloved union is DECERTIFIED. AWE
Decision by Court. This action came for consideration before the Court. The
issues have been considered and a decision has been rendered.
IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that pursuant to the Court's Order of
January 10, 2014, judgment is hereby entered as follows: judgment in favor of
Defendant US Airline Pilots Association on Count I and Count IV, judgment in favor
of US Airways, Inc. on Count II, and a judgment of dismissal without prejudice on
Count III. This action are hereby terminated.
Judge Silver
The money shot sir.
IMHO.  johnny mac, former west alpa mec leader, stepped in front of Mr Parker in a phx crew meeting and accused East pilots of running both engines and apu, and not asking for direct, was a scab like incident.
eric auxier and tony the self appointed Christian tbone biker were scab like in the internet trash talk videos, making fun of east pilots just trying to improve their pilots lifestyle, well just check it out apa.  Their behavior is documented by video. 
america west pilots did everything they could to work against a union, that is scabbing in IMHO.
EastCheats said:
The East LLC will not represent the West with the APA's approval. You are mistaken about the Nic. He's on the APA's list of acceptable arbitrators.
Do you nit understand the difference between "the Nic" (the abomination issued in May, 2007) and "Mr. Nic."
How can an egregiously unfair list of names be on a list of arbtrators, who are human beings?
CactusPilot1 said:
We've never considered quitting when Leonidas' winning strategy defeated USAPA. Why would that be the downside? Your beloved union is DECERTIFIED. AWE
Exactly.  Party over for the Usapians, but they still think they are in control of us.  Nope.  Not any longer.  No more terrorizing west pilots for defending their seniority rights. 
The APA is completely on board with supporting a west committee, this is the nail in the USAPian coffin... 
7 years of a failed union jihad against the west, over. 
Cannot wait to start rubbing some noses around here!
nycbusdriver said:
Do you nit understand the difference between "the Nic" (the abomination issued in May, 2007) and "Mr. Nic."
How can an egregiously unfair list of names be on a list of arbtrators, who are human beings?
I can answer that. Our #1 dropped over 500 numbers with the ruling yet was will to accept it.
prechilill said:
Exactly.  Party over for the Usapians, but they still think they are in control of us.  Nope.  Not any longer.  No more terrorizing west pilots for defending their seniority rights. 
The APA is completely on board with supporting a west committee, this is the nail in the USAPian coffin... 
7 years of a failed union jihad against the west, over. 
Cannot wait to start rubbing some noses around here!
Did you read that article from USAPA's favorite Ted Reed ? http://www.forbes.com/sites/tedreed/
West pilots are more than happy to point out his biased opinion:
The flawed ruling, which resulted from binding arbitration, has never been implemented"

That guy is such an ####...
Of course the ruling is flawed...our number one guy dropped to number 518! WTF!

Please put asstard reeds name in your header!!!!!!!!!
The flawed ruling, which resulted from binding arbitration, has never been implemented – resulting in separate seniority lists within the pilot ranks at US Airways, nine years after the merger.
"AS_HO-E" is FAR too kind.
Nothing but, 'flawed' journalism... blatent eastho_e mouthpiece... POS !!
F'tard !

Would'nt it be just SWELL if somewhere in the near future, Nicolau himself gets to explain the 'FLAWED' nature of his list... ( in a forum that has TEETH for once ).
Ted Reed you fuggingmoron...when two parties can't agree, they go to arbitration to let someone else decide: ergo, you give up YOUR RIGHT TO DECIDE AN OUTCOME!!! Was the nic fair!?! HELL NO....but WE, BOTH PARTIES, agreed to BINDING FUKKING ARBITRATION.
You truly can't fix STUPID

Why is it this jaghoff's drivel and half facts that some call news articles, appear so prominently throughout front pages on the web? Next question is, who is going to make his mortgage when usapa is forced to liquidate!
a controversial arbitrator’s pilot seniority ruling
controversial 2007 Nicolau seniority arbitration ruling
The flawed ruling
an outcome that so far has eluded everybody else
Eluded the deluded maybe! What a douche.

Ted has never managed to understand Binding Arbitration. I've personally told him that Binding Arbitration has been an industry standard way of solving union/union and company/union problems for years. He just doesn't understand that...Most people who don't like where they ended up in a Binding Arbitration simply cry in their beer....they don't form new, pretend unions...
But the bombshell here is not Reed, it's Wilson.

Those are pretty large statements coming from Wilson before the mini-arb even gets underway. Could quite possibly give us the seat regardless of the mini-arb outcome.
He also gives a good glimpse of how he hopes this SLI goes. Notice his phrase about guys getting W/B's "who had that expectation when they were hired".
That he publicly states he thinks we need to be there is HUGE, and it's really all we need from Wilson. His other opinions are irrelevant as the panel will do what THEY think needs to be done, but they do give insight as to how APA will argue at the big one.
It will NOT please the East to hear his support for our seat, and that alone puts a smile on my face.
So, nothing but good news here.

Spot on. Not often you get a union leader, or any politician, to go on record like that.
Good news indeed
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