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2014 Pilot Discussion

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luvthe9 said:
Pretty much sums up the last 7 or 8 years, when will the westies learn.
Never, or at least far too late. All that's left to do now is offer up some chuckles at the strange little foibles of our species and sit back and watch the play unfold. After all; "This is Sparta!"..and I hear there will be an intermission show hawking "liberty" ties and well-worn out, but still collectable/trade-them-with-your-friends etc "Integrity Matters" T-shirts! While I'd say that the "fat lady" sang the funeral dirge for the nic long ago...well...at least the tickets to the never-ending circus here are free. 😉
Give 'till it hurts "spartans"! "Anything but the Nic can be damned whatever the consequence."  That from the incredible strategists of the umm..."army" of leo-whatever. Against that awesome "brilliance" one might at least briefly consider: "Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man." General George Patton.
luvthe9 said:
Their loss and that is fine by me, let them rot in PHX.
PS. Did you get the courage up to bid captain?

"Let them rot in Phoenix."??? I'm at a loss. I'm a commuter and my first choice for a base is PHX. I understand your anger towards the Nic, but you really expect the west pilots to hand over their seniority to pilots, many of whom didn't even bring a job to the merger, so they can bid east? I must really be out of the loop, because I don't get it.

Beancounter said:
"Let them rot in Phoenix."??? I'm at a loss. I'm a commuter and my first choice for a base is PHX. I understand your anger towards the Nic, but you really expect the west pilots to hand over their seniority to pilots, many of whom didn't even bring a job to the merger, so they can bid east? I must really be out of the loop, because I don't get it.
Who didn't bring a job to the merger? US pilots had lifetime recall rights. You guys need to rethink the crap you were fed. How many mergers have there been where furloughed pilots were given at least some credit for their time served? Lots.
Beancounter said:

"Let them rot in Phoenix."??? I'm at a loss. I'm a commuter and my first choice for a base is PHX. I understand your anger towards the Nic, but you really expect the west pilots to hand over their seniority to pilots, many of whom didn't even bring a job to the merger, so they can bid east? I must really be out of the loop, because I don't get it.

As a group; I expect the west pilots to maintain a "righteously" indignant, wholly clueless and fully litigious state of "consciousness" and to be played for fools/"useful idiots" and sheared like sheep by the APA. Whatever supposed "strength" as might even be whimsically imagined for the west's position and circumstances seems purely delusional. Any perceiving things otherwise are, imo, wallowing in fond fantasies of nic-like "special" treatment and are entirely oblivious to the present conditions and circumstances.
Give the logic of things even a moment's thought. The west assumption/fantasy is that the legal and actual CBA for the US pilots will shortly become entirely impotent and non-existent...yet the mighty AOL will magically hold sway in anything?....Seriously? 😉 There are varying degrees of just-plain-crazy, but the current west fantasy, much like all that've preceded it, has to just be laughed at. Where's your "power" to at all influence the APA supposedly coming from?...The west's fantastic successes in courts to date? 🙂
Jokes aside; what possible, real-world/non-"spartan" reason does the APA actually have for indulging ANY of your wishes at all?
Pi brat said:
Who didn't bring a job to the merger? US pilots had lifetime recall rights.  You guys need to rethink the crap you were fed. How many mergers have there been where furloughed pilots were given at least some credit for their time served? Lots.         
Recall rights are not a job and how many of those other airlines were in Chapter 11 facing possible Chapter7? 
Beancounter said:
"Let them rot in Phoenix."??? I'm at a loss. I'm a commuter and my first choice for a base is PHX. I understand your anger towards the Nic, but you really expect the west pilots to hand over their seniority to pilots, many of whom didn't even bring a job to the merger, so they can bid east? I must really be out of the loop, because I don't get it.

That's fine, stay there if you want your a minority most want to come east and steal our wide body jobs and upgrades, which I have no problem with if your DOH can hold that position, by the way there is no NIC soon anger, just feel sorry for the westies Ferguson and Koontz screwed them over.
traderjake said:
Recall rights are not a job and how many of those other airlines were in Chapter 11.....?
American. Just even try selling your rancid BS to them. Good luck!...You'll need it.
Pi brat said:
Who didn't bring a job to the merger? US pilots had lifetime recall rights. You guys need to rethink the crap you were fed. How many mergers have there been where furloughed pilots were given at least some credit for their time served? Lots.
I'm sorry, but recall rights at a liquidated airline isn't worth squat. Yes, I know AWA could have well entered BK without the merger. I was more talking about the new hires that weren't on the property at the time of the merger.

EastUS1 said:
American. Just even try selling your rancid BS to them. Good luck!...You'll need it.
Beancounter said:
I'm sorry, but recall rights at a liquidated airline isn't worth squat. Yes, I know AWA could have well entered BK without the merger. I was more talking about the new hires that weren't on the property at the time of the merger.

Ah! So US liquidated?...When did that happen in the real world? No matter. Perhaps a moment's consideration should be given the east new hires gaining 190 CO slots, not to mention all those that regained or got Group 2 CO slots, some even from those lowly furloughed fellows? "at the time of the merger" was nearly nine years ago, btw. Actual day-to-day reality has nothing whatsoever to do with whimsical notions from nine years ago...never has and never will in any aspect of life.
traderjake said:
Understood jake, if makes sense that if you're on a "Bender", well, your perverse excuse for "logic" is more understandable. 😉 Perhaps you should get back to us after you sober up.
EastUS1 said:
Ah! So US liquidated?...When did that happen in the real world? No matter. Perhaps a moment's consideration should be given the east new hires gaining 190 CO slots, not to mention all those that regained Group 2 CO slots, some even from those lowly furloughed fellows? "at the time of the merger" was nearly nine years ago, btw. Actual day-to-day reality has nothing whatsoever to do with nine years ago...
You can tell yourself whatever you want over and over again, it still won't make it true. Without the merger US was gone. That doesn't mean America West didn't need the merger, it did. If you face the reality I think you'll better understand why the Nic came out like it did. The agreed to way of integration was career expectations. What did you think the list was going to look like? I think US brought tremendous value to the merger with AWA and we wouldn't be in the current merger if the first hadn't happened. Good for us all in the long run.

anger, auxier and peeper, what was your pilot position in 2005 and what pilot position do you hold now?  Let me assist you, you have been 100 percent stagnant in your position.  You are in the PHX regional base in the same position you held since 2005.  You are now showing up in merger seniority talks with those facts. 
Your lack of assistance in gaining a contract for all USAPA pilots turns out to be your downfall.  No nic unless a combined contract.    An alleged Christian biker, a blogger and a failed gun dealer, you were hired by america west because of your lack of credentials.
Beancounter said:
Without the merger US was gone.
Very possibly, but it didn't happen. What if's, perhaps and maybe never have even the slightest thing to do with actual, living reality. Had any of us turned left, rather than right at a given traffic light, or even left home a minute sooner or later, we might well have become mere statistics for tragic road accidents. How exactly should our good fortune to have thus far escaped disaster "entitle" anyone to ANYTHING? We've all seen sad accidents. If on a particular day I'd forgotten that I'd left my ID in the house while getting into the car, went back and got it, and that extra 2-3 minutes kept me from being in a multi-car pile-up on the freeway, which another pilot got stuck in...should I then presume myself amazingly intelligent, far more "worthy", somehow even "special", and fantasize that I should be given at least 10+ years more instant "seniority" over him for his bad luck?
Beancounter said:
You can tell yourself whatever you want over and over again, it still won't make it true. Without the merger US was gone. That doesn't mean America West didn't need the merger, it did. If you face the reality I think you'll better understand why the Nic came out like it did. The agreed to way of integration was career expectations. What did you think the list was going to look like? I think US brought tremendous value to the merger and we wouldn't be in the current merger if the first hadn't happened. Good for us all in the long run.

Please refer to Addington 9th Circuit Court ruling, the declaratory judgment ruling and the DFR 2 ruling.  You lost your ass in all the court cases, get over it. 
Your ten years of stagnation is tantamount to Darwin's theory.
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