mrbreeze said:About 6 months ago I was commuting home. I had a window seat, and this guy took a seat on the isle next to me. I noticed that he was carrying a tote bag with "ALPA MEC" engraved on it. We started talking and I found that it was Jack Stephan. I had never met the guy but found that he was a stand up guy. We had a couple of drinks and I really enjoyed talking to him. I think he had some big cajones to step into the fray when he did and tried to do the right thing. Unfortunately, he was stricken with some sort of eye disease and retired on medical several years ago, mostly blind in one eye. As far as the AA merger, his main concern is just what kind of deal Parker and the APA have agreed to for the future.
I found him to be a very personable guy.
I never had the pleasure of more than a few passing words with the man. It's good to hear that he tried his best under impossible circumstances. I didn't know about his medical retirement, but can fully sympathize, having a few years back lost a half year+ to 4 surgeries on the same eye to get the dang thing to work right again. There's more fun things in life than being even just one-eyed-blind for a short period...Kinda' like the turn left versus right at any stop light = Everything's fine/or "sh-t!...where'd THAT azzhole come from!?"/crash...sometimes it's just plain luck for any/all of us. I hope he's doing well in life now.