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2014 Pilot Discussion

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mrbreeze said:
About 6 months ago I was commuting home. I had a window seat, and this guy took a seat on the isle next to me. I noticed that he was carrying a tote bag with "ALPA MEC" engraved on it. We started talking and I found that it was Jack Stephan. I had never met the guy but found that he was a stand up guy. We had a couple of drinks and I really enjoyed talking to him. I think he had some big cajones to step into the fray when he did and tried to do the right thing. Unfortunately, he was stricken with some sort of eye disease and retired on medical several years ago, mostly blind in one eye. As far as the AA merger, his main concern is just what kind of deal Parker and the APA have agreed to for the future.
I found him to be a very personable guy.
I never had the pleasure of more than a few passing words with the man. It's good to hear that he tried his best under impossible circumstances. I didn't know about his medical retirement, but can fully sympathize, having a few years back lost a half year+ to 4 surgeries on the same eye to get the dang thing to work right again. There's more fun things in life than being even just one-eyed-blind for a short period...Kinda' like the turn left versus right at any stop light = Everything's fine/or "sh-t!...where'd THAT azzhole come from!?"/crash...sometimes it's just plain luck for any/all of us. I hope he's doing well in life now.
snapthis said:
I know, all in all a good meeting. I know, because I was there.
Remember, he has an open door policy, even for Westies.
That's a nice change.
Yeah, open then close it on the nuts. Just ask DB, he really hit a home run, didn't he? Go tell him that again that he should go to his boss and tell him how stupid he is for the way he has run the airline. Great idea, really a stoke genius. Good Lord.
Pi brat said:
Possible. Did we liquidate you jack wagon? NO! Belittle and denigrate your contribution and career, but don't do it for the rest of us.
Jack wagon?
Were we going to liquidate without the merger?
How and why did we come out of Chapter 11? 
Where did the money to make the last payroll come from?
traderjake said:
Jack wagon?
Where did the money to make the last payroll come from?
Show me in a 10-k, or other factual document. A simple question, yes or no-Did US Airways ever shut it's doors?
snapthis said:
Sorry Tony, I don't care if you like it or not, the list was fair. Eat it.
"Eat it."..? Sigh! Grow up already!  "You'se" have had over seven full years now to make it happen, and you can't.
traderjake said:
Jack wagon?
Where did the money to make the last payroll come from?
I guess you've never read Bloch's award either. I guess it might make you stop flogging yourself "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!"
"Airways has substantially more cash on hand, following the merger agreement."
traderjake said:
Jack wagon?
Where did the money to make the last payroll come from?
Outside investments along with the ATSB loans was the only cash flow at the time......again, all agreed to months before. It's not like AWA pulled USAir back from the brinks of hell in a 2 week period. Surely your not that shallow.
mrbreeze said:
Outside investments along with the ATSB loans was the only cash flow at the time......again, all agreed to months before. It's not like AWA pulled USAir back from the brinks of hell in a 2 week period. Surely your not that shallow.
Umm...Given that his "philosophy" on "Honor" and courage comes straight from merely the movies (LT. Hardy/Striking Distance), shallow's a distinct possibility, but stop calling him "Shirley" anyway! 😉
EastUS1 said:
"Eat it."..? Sigh! Grow up already!  "You'se" have had over seven full years now to make it happen, and you can't.
Seriously? Have you passed out (that's a given) any pink panties as an USAPA supporter? Athletic supporters maybe?
From: Kevin Smith <
Date: August 4, 2011 17:05:38 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: July Int’l Captain Pink Panties WinnersJuly Int’l Captain Pink Panties Winners
"First of all I would like to say we have a snitch among us.
Lower than life.
Someone who would turn in or forward an email to management.
You are the biggest looser.
You better hope we never find out who YOU are."
Be a good "union" pilot, like Kevin. Remember, safety first, then comes the injunction.
During the summer of 2011, US Airways East pilots engaged in an illegal slowdown of the airline. The thought was that hurting the operation would bring Doug Parker to the negotiating table and he would agree to break the Transition Agreement and accept a date-of-hire seniority list. Thousands of passengers were inconvenienced and the illegal work action cost the corporation millions of dollars. In response the work action, US Airways filed for a Temporary Injunction against USAPA and all US Airways pilots to cease and desist. The lawsuit was filed in North Carolina District Court and assigned to Judge Robert J. Conrad. After a series of hearings, Judge Conrad agreed with US Airways and issued an injunction citing the overwhelming evidence of a work action.
Nice job, Cleary
snapthis said:
Seriously? Have you passed out (that's a given) any pink panties as an USAPA supporter? Athletic supporters maybe?
Nope. I don't subscribe to that sort of childish nonsense. The farthest I'll delve into petulant adolescence here is to, as always open, offer up the usual recreational flying engagement wager, which "(that's a given)" no purely blow-hard, mighty "spartan" like yourself will apparently ever accept...?
You may now resume your "spartan" fantasies about panties and athletic supporters...."pilot".
Pi brat said:
Just a snippet for you Bean, as I'm guessing you won't read it. It would crumble the foundation of your beliefs.
"However, Wests claim that U.S. Airways emerged from bankruptcy only because it [was] acquired by a stronger enterprise is reflected neither in the KPMG audit report (cited by West) nor in any other portion of the evidence. Instead, each carrier had something to contribute. Airways, for example, was much larger. It served almost twice as many destinations as AWA and carried twice the number of passengers. Airways has substantially more cash on hand, following the merger agreement."
As a beancounter, I'm guessing you know who KPMG is?
Is this just an opinion? If so, is the person who gave the opinion on KPMG's audit a CPA? An accountant? An auditor? Ever been involved in an audit?

Yes, I've heard of KPMG. Ever hear of Moss Adams?

Beancounter said:
Now I remember why I took a break from here. You guys post such crazy stuff I can't help but respond. Who said this? Was it KPMG? Is the person a CPA? An accountant? An auditor? Ever been involved in audit? Don't worry responding, I already know the answer.

Yes, I've heard of KPMG. Ever hear of Moss Adams?

"You guys post such crazy stuff"...Be fair here Bean. It's tough to even try to fairly match people blathering on about "pink panties" and "Athletic supporters"...Just sayin'.... 😉
EastUS1 said:
"You guys post such crazy stuff"...Be fair here Bean. It's tough to even try to fairly match people blathering on about "pink panties" and "Athletic supporters"...Just sayin'.... 😉
Yeah, good point, I just changed the post. I may be on their side, but I'm not much into the Spartan and pink panty stuff.

snapthis said:
During the summer of 2011, US Airways East pilots engaged in an illegal slowdown of the airline.
Snap...Is the west's proud history of putting out that sort of stuff seriously anything you can even imagine will somehow endear "you'se" bunch to the APA? How can "you'se even perversely fantasize that a proven willingness to eagerly back-stab/sell-out/etc your "fellow pilots" will get "spartans" invited to any union family dinners anywhere? Has it honestly never even occurred to any of you just exactly what kind of message you've been sending the world regarding your true "character"?
Beancounter said:
Yeah, good point, I just changed the post. I may be on their side, but I'm not much into the Spartan and pink panty stuff.

No worries Bean. I'd hope you've long-now known that anything of that sort posted to you is purely intended for mutual chuckles. 😉 Whatever differences of opinion exist; you've always presented yourself here as a both reasonable and decent fellow...Which is more than I can say for myself at times.
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