Claxon said:Liberal gibberish. Bottom line is the AWA agenda is a socialist one. It rewards those who showed up late quotas and positions for years never served.
Well put. Any and all childhood instruction I ever received directly inculcated the thought that one was supposed to actually EARN his/her position in life. There's absolutely NOTHING inherent in ANY foundational American Ideals that ever even suggests complete nonsense to the contrary to be at all appropriate...ever...Period! "quotas" and "slotting" reflects a perverted "philosophy" best suited to half-azzed communists. On a more purely laughable basis outside of even American notions alone, should anyone be in need of a serious chuckle; just even try to imagine the real King Leonidas of Sparta EVER selecting his soldiers based on "relative" or "slotted" parameters....Yeah...I didn't think so either. 😉
"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Karl Marx, who was clearly a huge fan of "relative" worth. 😉
"Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people. The general government . . . can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an oligarchy, an aristocracy, or any despotic or oppressive form so long as there is any virtue in the body of the people."
George Washington
I'll take a wild guess that cries of "This is sparta!"/"Integrity Matters" T-shirts/I don't-care-if-you've-worked-17-more-years-than-me, I wanna', even SHOULD be 'senior' to you!", and even "liberty" ties fall somewhat short of demonstrating said virtue, much less successfully camouflage the wholesale lack thereof. 😉