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2014 Pilot Discussion

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USA320Pilot said:
.... I believe the union is not being transparent about the JCBA process. In light of USAPA suing APA and then APA counter suing USAPA; as well as the pending NMB SCS determination expected shortly, is the US Airways pilot's union participating in the JCBA process?
I think the APA answered your question. USAPA IS involved... Should we count this as something you were right on? 
You were COMPLETELY wrong on this Chip... Care to comment??
Joint Negotiating Committee Update: July 8, 2014

It has been a little over two years since APA and US Airways began discussions on the Conditional Labor and Plan of Reorganization Agreement (CLA) that led to the eventual merger of American Airlines and US Airways. Since that time, the APA and USAPA Negotiating Committees have been working extremely well together with the common goal of achieving the best possible contract for our Membership. While this is the first joint communication you have received from us, you can be assured that the committees have been engaged in a partnership working behind the scenes on numerous contract related issues.

Our first significant joint milestone occurred when we combined forces in December 2012 to successfully reach agreement on the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Contingent Collective Bargaining Agreement (MOU), without which the merger would likely have not occurred. The MOU also provides the process by which the two pilot groups will meet with the Company in an effort to amend the MTA and create the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA). In the interim, both the APA and USAPA Negotiating Committees have cooperated on many contract implementation issues and are fully prepared for the next step in the process – negotiations for the JCBA.

Today, July 8, marks the beginning of JCBA negotiations between American Airlines management and the combined APA/USAPA negotiating team. This negotiation is somewhat different than a traditional Section 6 negotiation. The current CBA for both pilot groups is the Merger Transition Agreement (MTA), which isn’t amendable until January 1, 2019. Because of this, there will be no National Mediation Board (NMB) oversight or involvement in the negotiation process. There is neither a mediation process nor any statutory self-help process provided. The JCBA discussions do, however, have a defined timeline and an interest arbitration process to settle any outstanding issues remaining at the end of that timeline.

Timeline: The pilots and the Company must complete JCBA negotiations no later than 30 days after the National Mediation Board certifies a single bargaining representative. If the JCBA has not been completed within this time period, a three-member arbitration panel will be seated and charged with concluding the process and rendering the JCBA.

Through cooperation with numerous committees and the Boards of both Associations, we have developed a strategy we believe will result in contractual improvements for all of our pilots. We will begin this week with the first step of proposing some select no cost and low cost proposals to improve upon certain provisions in the MTA along with some no cost and low cost provisions similar to those that existed in the US Airways pilot CBAs. As we progress, there will also be proposals made that bring more significant value to our pilots.
We all know this merger would have likely not occurred without the pilots being at the forefront of the effort. It is not lost on any of us just how successful this merger has become. The new American Airlines has achieved tremendous financial results at a much faster pace than almost anyone could have imagined. We expect Management to recognize the value we have brought to this venture and to respond by compensating the pilots for their steadfast support of the merger and professional contribution everyday to the operation of our airline. We strive to, as expeditiously as possible, reach parity with our peers in the industry who are enjoying substantially better pilot contracts.

We are hopeful that Management will join us in agreeing to changes to the current MTA that yield a JCBA that is beneficial to both American Airlines and its pilots. The pilots of the new American Airlines can all be proud of our accomplishments thus far. We are confident that our efforts will lead to a successful outcome in these talks.

Your USAPA and APA negotiating teams will continue our partnership in this effort and will update you as we proceed through the JCBA process. Thank you for your support.
USA320Pilot said:
By asking a question?
I didn't think you would actually comment Chip. You have been advocating that USAPA was NOT involved in the JCBA negotiations and were hiding something from the pilots. Today the APA  posted an update that completely proved that is not the case. And yet you can't even admit you were wrong... While this was a joint update, the APA was a party and said that USAPA was and is involved in the JCBA negotiations. What the APA said goes directly against what you were preaching. Just say you were wrong, and that USAPA has been involved and continue to be involved in the JCBA negotiations.... Can you at least do that? Then we can all move forward and argue about the SLI... 🙂
snapthis said:
USAPA enjoys steady, mandatory dues, but produces nothing in return except costly lawsuits, of which it has won none.
I wonder if we took a stroll through history at all the lawsuits over the past many years and weeded out everything except the actual rulings from the judges involved.... Do you think this statement would prove to be true?? Just wondering snap...
algflyr said:
I wonder if we took a stroll through history at all the lawsuits over the past many years and weeded out everything except the actual rulings from the judges involved.... Do you think this statement would prove to be true?? Just wondering snap...
Snaps' statement quantifies the mentality that allows Harper to lead them by the nose into lawsuit after lost lawsuit. It is actually a good thing.
algflyr said:
I wonder if we took a stroll through history at all the lawsuits over the past many years and weeded out everything except the actual rulings from the judges involved.... Do you think this statement would prove to be true?? Just wondering snap...
Do not forget the wests "successful" protest letters.
Claxon said:
Do not forget the wests "successful" protest letters.
How funny is that! The Westicles were proven wrong last January.
Chip just STEPPED in his own manure today.
Talk about integrity.... Chip and these two knuckle heads just CANT ADMIT THAT THEY WERE WRONG!

Hey Chip, I'll ask you a question.... After today, were you right or were you wrong?

(Hint, don't explain it, just a simple "I was _______.")
algflyr said:
I wonder if we took a stroll through history at all the lawsuits over the past many years and weeded out everything except the actual rulings from the judges involved.... Do you think this statement would prove to be true?? Just wondering snap...
Because snap along with all the other Westicles would rather eat ALPA $hyt rather than admit to anyone USAPA was RIGHT!

They simply don't live in the real world.
Updated Leonidas Contributors List
Original Cactus Pilots

Today we updated the Cactus Pilot Contributors list consolidating the Gold/Titanium/Platinum List and The Push for Justice List into one. http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/

West Pilots are as committed as ever to finishing strong. We would like to encourage every pilot to sign up for Push for Justice. With solid participation from the majority of our pilots we will be able to fund an effective campaign to protect West seniority while holding USAPA accountable. If you are on the list, thank you, now encourage your fellow West pilots to join you on the list.

Our previous update emphasized the importance of being prepared to file suit against remaining USAPA officers should they withhold our funds after decertification. We also need solid, reliable funding for our own merger attorney Jeff Freund.

As Mitch articulated in a recent web post:

This ain't no game folks. We're going to be provided our seat at the table, so we need to make sure that we give this our all. We already have the industry's BEST seniority integration expert on our side - and we need to be able to pay the man and whatever expert witnesses he suggests. Believe you me - APA and USAPA are WELL aware of our self-funding situation and are more than prepared to take full advantage of it.
snapthis said:
Updated Leonidas Contributors List
Original Cactus Pilots

Today we updated the Cactus Pilot Contributors list consolidating the Gold/Titanium/Platinum List and The Push for Justice List into one. http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/
Mike Daley's a Gold contributor!  Cheers, Mate.  (More than I can say for that cheapskate T-Bone)
algflyr said:
I wonder if we took a stroll through history at all the lawsuits over the past many years and weeded out everything except the actual rulings from the judges involved.... Do you think this statement would prove to be true?? Just wondering snap...
The 9th punted and there was DFR II. Silver ruled and if you think that was a win??

I'd call it more of a stalemate which is going to be broken.
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