This year will be my 29th anniversary to the first and only woman I have ever married so I believe your post is addressing the wrong person. What your post tells me is that you are most likely divorced and therefore take commitment lightly. Regardless, I do believe our situation is the only time an arbitration has been treated as it has and that says volumes as to the character of those handling it this way. You, of course, being a clear example of one with no character or integrity.
You eastholes can cry and whine about the fairness of the Nicolau but the bottom line is you agreed to a legal process and then took a dump on it when it didn't fit your wants and desires. Just how would society function if everyone handled every arbitration this way?
The reason I have been posting recently after wisely staying away from this sespool is that I heard of this jumpseat situation and just knew there would be a whole new spin about it on this board. I couldn't believe though that Breeze would actually be bragging about recording cockpit activity for use as ammunition against the west pilot involved.
Just another example of how corrupt and really, really stupid eastholes can b[SIZE=14.399999618530273px]e[/SIZE]