Ya know Ames,
When this JS situation happened, I was surprised that the FO was upset. We sat on the ground in Philly with both engines shut down for at least an hour due to weather......he never said a negative word to me. Later, after we were airborne, he turned around and bitched me out for the way that I entered the cockpit, which, btw, is the way I have always entered the cockpit and asked for JS. He obviously had a big chip on his shoulder and his blood pressure must have been climbing while we sat on the ground.
I apologized that I had offended him, but was unsure as to what his problem was. He has claimed that I came in the cockpit and tossed the fuel slip on the console, saying "here is your fuel slip". He also claimed that I came in the cockpit and shoved the fuel slip in his face. Well, neither of those things happened. He claimed that he looked up at me and saw an American lanyard......how does that happen when my lanyard and ID are being offered to him in my left hand?
He was just looking for a reason to #### at an East pilot who happens to be 14 yrs senior to him, 14 yrs being a key time stamp.
Anyway, I did apologize, the 3 of us shook hands and agreed that that was the end of it. I went home and forgot about it. A day later, I hear from a friend the this unethical SOB went on to the AOL web board and told a different story as to what actually happened......bragging about how he put me in my place. That is after shaking my hand, accepting my apology, and saying that was the end of it as far as he was concerned.
While cruising and after replaying in my mind the way things actually happened, I realized that this guy with his fancy tie was just out to give an East pilot some ####. (which later has been confirmed by 3 other pilots to me)
The problem is his attitude and his unethical behavior.
Now, recording in the cockpit, I wholly agree that it's not a good idea it sucks..... it's the first time I have considered such a thing. This guy had attacked me and called me unprofessional in how I approached him, however, how can he chew me out based on my so called unprofessional manner as compared to his iPad behavior? The attack on me was undeserved.
I have been here 28 yrs and am one of the most trustworthy commuters you will meet.....this was an unusual incident. You do whatever you think you must, I will live with it. Just try to be more ethical than this other azzhole.....if you shake my hand and we agree to something on a personal level, well, I expect that you will keep your word, just as I will keep mine.