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2014 Pilot Discussion

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snapthis said:
I hate to break the news to you pal, you won't be using money in the "coffers" so you had better grab your coffee cup and stand outside your NYC Habitrail and beg for donations.
I hate to break the news to you, but USAPA funds WILL be used to further USAPA causes.  YOU don't get to decide that.  It's already in the C&B-Ls.
Besides, the company keeps pouring money into my pocket to the tune of nearly a quarter million a year now, and I get another raise on January 1!
You assholes are toast.  Most in PHX know it already.  Too bad your brain is too sunburned to put together a cogent thought.
snapthis said:
I hate to break the news to you pal, you won't be using money in the "coffers" so you had better grab your coffee cup and stand outside your NYC Habitrail and beg for donations.

I've got a message for Libs like you who think they are "entitled" to other people's money.

From Mr. Liberal himself.
snapthis said:
How come AOL didn't file something?

And how come the new AOL "glossy pamphlet" isn't glossy and isn't in my mailbox?

You guys are out of money, out of court pleadings, and outside the attrition riptide current. All the risk.... All the risk....
snapthis said:
How much money do you have?
will have plenty of money if that what it takes.
you foolishly disregard our resolve as well.
Senior guys retiring. This affects most of the EAST list ....
Declaration of APA Outside General Counsel Wesley Kennedy

Has USAPA embedded Judicial Estoppel, Created a Stronger Case for Judge Silver’s Pyrrhic Victory, and Mislead the Pilots All Along?

Did USAPA in fact authorize a MOU that Waives the US Airways Pilots Rights to have USAPA negotiate seniority at the M-B ISL Arbitration, if held?

This discussion is a little long, but APA outside counsel Wesley Kennedy’s declaration is absolutely stunning and I believe could be devastating to USAPA. In addition, I believe his sworn testimony further embeds USAPA’s failing arguments and unsupportable positions; as well as further erodes any confidence that USAPA is a creditable organization. Once again, what bothers most is USAPA’s lack of transparency and honesty with the pilots under the guise of strategy. Baloney.

On May 29, 2014, Kennedy filed his Declaration with the DCA District Court. Kennedy has been “a shareholder in the Chicago, Illinois law firm of Allison, Slutsky & Kennedy, P.C. since its founding on or about January 1, 1995. I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree, with Honors, from Grinnell College, awarded in 1981; and a J.D. degree from the Yale Law School, awarded in 1984. From 1984 until the founding of Allison, Slutsky & Kennedy, P.C., I practiced law as an associate and then partner in the Chicago, Illinois firm of Cotton, Watt, Jones & King.”

Kennedy’s sworn testimony declaration is stunning. Kennedy clearly places an exclamation point on APA’s charge that ““The Court has no doubt that – as is USAPA’s consistent practice– USAPA will change its position when it needs to do so to fit its hard and unyielding view on seniority. That is, having prevailed in convincing the Court that only the certified representatives should participate in seniority discussions, once USAPA is no longer a certified representative, it will change its position and argue entities other than certified representatives should be allowed to participate. The Court’s patience with USAPA has run out. . . .[W]hen USAPA is no longer the certified representative, it must immediately stop participating in the seniority integration,” which makes Judge Silver look like a prophet with her prediction. 

Here’s why. During MOU negotiations in December 2012, over 18 months ago, USAPA argued that following SCC USAPA would be the appropriate party to negotiate in any seniority integration arbitration and that a subset of a union could negotiate seniority after SCC. This position was not acceptable to AMR, LCC, and APA almost two years ago! Then why were US Airways’ pilots not told this information by USAPA before they ratified on the MOU? 

Then USAPA flipped its position and argued that only USAPA can negotiate seniority for the pre-merger US Airways & America West pilots during the Addington II trial in January 2014, which became hypocritical.

Clearly, USAPA violated Judical Estoppel during the Addington II DFR trial with Kennedy’s new evidence and declaration and then again in its M-B lawsuit.

Again, USAPA once again flipped its position, again violating established labor law/practice, when the union attempted to convince AAG and APA during PA discussions that USAPA must be allowed to represent all US Airways’ pilots during the M-B ISL arbitration, if held. 

Let’s be honest here. Since the beginning of MOU discussions USAPA’s sole strategy has been focused on virtually stapling the West pilots to the bottom of the ISL. I believe USAPA’s position is more unsupportable than ever and the BPR is being advised by attorneys who are more concerned about billable hours than providing sound legal advice. And, I believe it’s wrong for the pilots to support positions that might lead to malpractice and Judicial Estoppel, which is something the former bargaining agents legal staff never did! 

Furthermore, USAPA negotiated a MOU knowing full well that Doug Parker, Tom Horton, and Keith Wilson all supported a 3-way M-B ISL arbitration and that USAPA would be given a seat at the table; along with the West pilots, following SCC. But, USAPA hid this information from the pilots and let the pilots ratify the MOU thinking Section 10h would prevent a West MC, but this strategy is failing.

What bothers me the most is USAPA’s lack of transparency and honesty again! 

For example, why were the pilots not told that by ratifying the MOU USAPA knew full well that AAG and APA would require USAPA to cease all M-B ISL work even before Judge Silver’s ruling that USAPA would unequivocally cease to represent the US Airways pilots post SCC. USAPA knew this point while they were negotiating the MOU creating the problem!! 

USAPA’s actions are solely intended delay the proceedings while it tries to figure out how to prevent the West pilots from having a voice at the M-B table. Furthermore, USAPA will not represent the West pilots fairly and attempt to force an 8.5:1 SLI on the West pilots before a M-B ISL arbitration. However, AAG and APA have formed an alliance to prevent multiple lawsuits to be filed for DFR and liability if the partners permit USAPA to implement its strategy.

According to Kennedy, “In fact, during the negotiations leading to Section 10 of the MOU, there was a disagreement as to who the appropriate parties would be in any seniority integration arbitration. USAPA’s (MOU) negotiators contended that USAPA should remain the only party to the seniority integration arbitration representing the US Airways Pilots (including both the East and West Pilots) until the conclusion of an integrated seniority list, even if that occurred after APA or another organization was certified by the National Mediation Board (“NMB”) as the bargaining representative of the combined craft or class of American and US Airways Pilots, and USAPA thereby lost its status as a bargaining representative of any affected pilots. The negotiators for American, US Airways, and APA took the position that, once a single bargaining representative was designated for the combined craft or class, that single bargaining representative would as a matter of law assume responsibility for assuring the representation of the constituent pilot groups, consistent with the MOU, the organization’s duty of fair representation, and the organization's other legal obligations.” 

Kenney continued, “APA was unwilling to agree to the USAPA formulation, which made USAPA the representative of the US Airways Pilots even after certification of a single bargaining representative for the combined craft or class.”

Now it appears USAPA’s SLI strategy is to file a lot of legal petitions (NMB petition, M-B lawsuit, Addington II DFR appeal for a case the union won) in hopes the NMB will not rule on SCC. This would allow USAPA to remain as the collective bargaining agent and relevant as long as possible and prevent an operational integration of pilot groups.

In addition, APA said, “Accordingly, APA was unwilling to agree to a Protocol that would permit USAPA to block changes that APA may deem necessary to fulfill its duty of fair representation – particularly in light of the fraught history between USAPA and the America West pilots."

Once again, why did USAPA not inform the pilots of this important point? Where’s USAPA’s transparency, again? 

Why hasn't USAPA told us this? Seems there's our answer to the question as to what APA thought of USAPA's proposals.

Make no mistake about it, USAPA’s actions are harming every New American Airlines stakeholders and threatens the long-term profitability of the combined business entity because the new corporation would not be able to obtain the cost and revenue synergies of a fully integrated company as described in American Airlines’ Disclosure Statement if the integration is delayed. 

In conclusion, USAPA’s arguments are inconsistent and unsupportable. According to Kennedy as early 2 years ago USAPA attempted to negotiate MOU language that would permit USAPA’s MC to have its own seat at the M-B ISL arbitration table post SCC, if held, but LCC, AMR, and APA said “no.” The parties then negotiated a MOU that provides SCC that would likely permit APA to be designated the combined pilot group’s agent before the M-B arbitration would be held. It is likely USAPA took this action at the risk of Judicial Estoppel so the union could prevent the West pilots from having a seat at the M-B arbitration table, if held, per US Airways’ Summary Judgment, Reply and Counterclaim, and AAG/APA’s PA discussions.

Make no mistake about it USAPA duped the rank-and-file. The union negotiated and ratified a MOU that permitted SCC knowing full well the new contract prevented USAPA from being antonymous at the M-B arbitration table, if held, before Judge Silver ever ruled on the Addington II DFR complaint! 

Moreover, the timing of AAG and APA’s Replies and Kennedy’s declaration shortly before the NMB rules on SCC is likely no coincidence. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds, but it appears to me USAPA’s actions are moving us closer and closer to Judge Silver’s prediction of a Pyrrhic Victory.

And, not only has USAPA committed Judicial Estoppel multiple times, the union has mislead the pilot group with communications that misrepresent the situation. Where’s the transparency from this rogue organization that clearly commits DFR?
LCC, AAG, and APA Reply & Argument Bullet Points:

US Airways and American Airlines’ Argument:

I. The Parties’ Disputes Regarding The Interpretation And Application Of MOU Paragraph 10 Must Be Resolved By The Appropriate Adjustment Board Before The Court Can Adjudicate USAPA’s Claim Under The McCaskill-Bond Statute 

A. USAPA’s Section 117(a)(2) Argument Is Dependent On Disputed Issues Of Interpretation And Application Of The MOU

B. USAPA’s Allegheny-Mohawk Section 13(b) Argument Is, Likewise, Dependent On Disputed Issues Of Interpretation And Application Of The MOU

II. USAPA’s Reliance On The Proceedings In Addington Is Misplaced

A. The Application Of McCaskill-Bond Section 117(a)(2) To The Issues Raised By USAPA’s Current Lawsuit Was Not Decided In Addington

B. US Airways’ Motion To Enjoin Arbitration In Addington Sought To Preserve The District Court’s Jurisdiction Over Statutory Claims Under McCaskill-Bond

III. There Are No Disputed Issues Of Material Fact With Respect To The Company’s Motion To Compel Arbitration 

IV. A Stay Of This Case Will Aid The Court In Adjudicating The Matters Before It Without Undue Delay



A. APA seeks to arbitrate only narrow questions of MOU interpretation, not statutory questions that arise under McCaskill-Bond. 

B. The McCaskill-Bond claims contain embedded contract disputes that must be resolved by the MOU System Board. 



A. USAPA’s arguments that the MOU does not satisfy the requirements of McCaskill-Bond Section 117(a)(2) or Allegheny-Mohawk Section 13(b) rest on disputed interpretations of the MOU. 

B. Before it filed this suit, USAPA itself took the position – including in numerous court filings – that MOU Paragraph 10 governed the seniority integration process and was consistent with McCaskill-Bond. 

C. The negotiating history of the MOU confirms that the parties intended MOU Paragraph 10 to displace the default procedures of Allegheny-Mohawk Section 13(a).
Did Chip bring up his points before we voted for the MOU? I do not recall see a vote no campaign sign. I voted no, but just because I thought we deserved a sweeter pot!
nycbusdriver said:
That's exciting news for USAPA given your track record of being WRONG EVERY TIME!
Anyone receiving support from him should be very concerned.
Everybody interested in the M-B lawsuit should read Wesley Kenney's Declaration. Click here to read the Declaration: http://leonidas.cactuspilots.us/USAPA_v_AAG-APA/Doc_30-1_Declaration_of_Wesley_Kennedy.pdf
It's rather stunning and under oath Kennedy shows how USAPA duped the pilots. USAPA negotiated a MOU knowing full well that LCC/AMR (AAG) and APA fully intended for USAPA to cease all M-B SLI work before Judge Silver issued her Addington II DFR ruling.  
In another message board a US Airways pilot  said, “I too was struck by the fact that USAPA went into the MOU with eyes wide open. They didn't have the wool pulled over their eyes after all. I guess they must just be thinking they can use the courts as their shield, as they have been doing for the past 7 years. Other than that, I think USAPA has always been about deception and shady dealings. To their way of thinking, and the thinking of all who support them, the ends justify the means. USAPA knows nothing of honor, justice, or fairness.”
USAPA negotiated and then ratified the MOU knowing full well that LCC/AMR (AAG) & APA were negotiating for USAPA to cease all SLI work following SCC before Judge Silver ruled on this point in the Addington II DFR trial. USAPA grossly mislead the pilots during the MOU ratification process and did not have the wool pulled over their eyes as the BPR professes by AAG and APA. In fact, Judge Silver recognized SCC would prevent USAPA from negotiating seniority during the M-B ISL while USAPA was committing Judicial Estoppel during the Addington II DFR trial arguing a subset of a union could not negotiate seniority.
USAPA's strategy back fired and now the union has an enormous problem with an argument it cannot support.  

I have always professed that the union should listen to the advice of their advisors, but not with USAPA. It's clear to me USAPA's advisors are taking actions demanded by the East BPR Reps because they know if they don't the BPR will fire the attorneys just like they did to Lee Seham when he refused to file Mike Cleary's lawsuit against the company. 
USA320Pilot said:
In another message board a US Airways pilot  said, “I too was struck by the fact that USAPA went into the MOU with eyes wide open. They didn't have the wool pulled over their eyes after all. I guess they must just be thinking they can use the courts as their shield, as they have been doing for the past 7 years. Other than that, I think USAPA has always been about deception and shady dealings. To their way of thinking, and the thinking of all who support them, the ends justify the means. USAPA knows nothing of honor, justice, or fairness.”
Yeah.  And who is that US Airways pilot on the other message board?  You, no doubt.  Quoting yourself.
nycbusdriver said:
I hate to break the news to you, but USAPA funds WILL be used to further USAPA causes.  YOU don't get to decide that.  It's already in the C&B-Ls.
Besides, the company keeps pouring money into my pocket to the tune of nearly a quarter million a year now, and I get another raise on January 1!
You assholes are toast.  Most in PHX know it already.  Too bad your brain is too sunburned to put together a cogent thought.
When the APA takes over, Usaps are going to fold your little tent and get off this property. They will be the ones who will decide how dues money is spent.

And seniority.....FYI
 [SIZE=10pt]Legal Postings – McCaskill-Bond Injunction and Proposed Agreements Response: May 31, 3014[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]These filings (also posted in the L[/SIZE]egal Library) were made by APA and the Carriers in the McCaskill-Bond Injunction proceeding yesterday (Friday, May 30):
[SIZE=10pt]Doc 30, APA Reply Brief[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Doc 30-1, Declaration of Wesley Kennedy[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Doc 31, Carriers Reply Brief[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]The reply papers generally repeat arguments made in the original motions filed by APA and the Carriers.  The Declaration filed by Wesley Kennedy disputes some of the statements made in the Declaration by Pat Szymanski which was filed with USAPA's responding brief.  The factual disputes support our assertion that the discovery we are seeking should be allowed to go forward before the case is decided.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]This completes briefing on the motions by APA and the Carriers to require arbitration of MTA Dispute #5 and defer further proceedings in this case until the arbitration is completed.  The parties have asked for oral argument.  The Court may schedule oral argument or may decide the motions without argument.  There is no fixed deadline for the Court either to schedule argument or decide the motions, but Judge Howel, has the reputation of promptly disposing of issues before her.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Additionally, we have not received a response from APA to the comprehensive proposal (proposed protocol, proposed merger transition, and proposed global settlement agreements) we submitted to them on April 29.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]USAPA Communications[/SIZE]
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