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2014 Pilot Discussion

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prechilill said:
Stupid.  No other way to call it.  Call us whatever you want, but you are just stupid dude.  
Once the APA takes over, EVERYTHING that the USAPs have go to the APA, EVERYTHING.
Just another 10 years of legal fighting that the resulting destruction of pilots unions will become reality. It's not what I wanted but it has been what I have expected ever since ALPA destroyed the meaning of seniority. Pilots won't be allowed to wipe their behinds before they enter the cockpits without a full body cavity search, cameras in the cockpit and a full array of medical sensors strapped to their heads monitoring their every thought.

Enjoy the ride new hires..... You're going to love what's coming. Especially after they find the black boxes of MH370 and learn the real reason that the pilots are responsible for the loss.
prechilill said:
It is hard to nail down USAP's death, but it seems to be really close.   Are you going to be a good union pilot when that happens?
Just as much as you....NO.
prechilill said:
I agree about Syzmanski being called out by Kennedy, but also in Kennedy's statement of facts he basically laid out the point that Syzmanski really wasn't involved in negotiating the MOU in December 2012 (where most of the heavy lifting was done on the MOU).  Kennedy was sort of telling the judge that Syzmanski's statement is coming from a person that wasn't even around for most of the meetings, therefore indirectly impeaching Syzmanski's statement as even legitimate.  How can Syzmanski file "facts" about what he remembered the MOU discussions to be when he wasn't even around?
And then, you gotta love the part about Kennedy calling out Wilder in his position as Republic counsel and how Wilder's position is 180 degrees different as USAP counsel.  I can think of two words for this: BILLABLE HOURS
Here's the real truth of the filings. It just may be possible that the company and the APA prevail on the court ordering it to go to arbitration. However, it doesn't preclude the court from ordering a stay on the APA or the company a continued execution of the SLI provisions of the MOU until the arbitration is complete AND the court has review of the arbitration award after it is completed.

In any case, the company will continue to benefit while the APA will attempt to seek unity in 2019 when a new CBA comes up for renewal.
end_of_alpa said:
You're going to love what's coming. Especially after they find the black boxes of MH370 and learn the real reason that the pilots are responsible for the loss.
You are thinking the pilot(s) is/are responsible for 370?
end_of_alpa said:
Here's the real truth of the filings. It just may be possible that the company and the APA prevail on the court ordering it to go to arbitration. However, it doesn't preclude the court from ordering a stay on the APA or the company a continued execution of the SLI provisions of the MOU until the arbitration is complete AND the court has review of the arbitration award after it is completed.

In any case, the company will continue to benefit while the APA will attempt to seek unity in 2019 when a new CBA comes up for renewal.
I believe the USAPA delay card is just about all used up.  
snapthis said:
What exactly does AOL have to file?
.... :lol:
AOL has nothing to file, no where to file, and no authority to file... But you donate money to them... That was the point. :lol:
USA320Pilot said:
Legal Postings – McCaskill-Bond Injunction and Proposed Agreements Response: May 31, 3014
These filings (also posted in the Legal Library) were made by APA and the Carriers in the McCaskill-Bond Injunction proceeding yesterday (Friday, May 30):
Doc 30, APA Reply Brief
Doc 30-1, Declaration of Wesley Kennedy
Doc 31, Carriers Reply Brief
The reply papers generally repeat arguments made in the original motions filed by APA and the Carriers.  The Declaration filed by Wesley Kennedy disputes some of the statements made in the Declaration by Pat Szymanski which was filed with USAPA's responding brief.  The factual disputes support our assertion that the discovery we are seeking should be allowed to go forward before the case is decided.
This completes briefing on the motions by APA and the Carriers to require arbitration of MTA Dispute #5 and defer further proceedings in this case until the arbitration is completed.  The parties have asked for oral argument.  The Court may schedule oral argument or may decide the motions without argument.  There is no fixed deadline for the Court either to schedule argument or decide the motions, but Judge Howel, has the reputation of promptly disposing of issues before her.
Additionally, we have not received a response from APA to the comprehensive proposal (proposed protocol, proposed merger transition, and proposed global settlement agreements) we submitted to them on April 29.
USAPA Communications
Hey "fact meister"... Do you still believe in the preeminence of "facts"? :lol:

"The factual disputes support our assertion that the discovery we are seeking should be allowed to go forward before the case is decided."
Phoenix said:
AOL has nothing to file, no where to file, and no authority to file... But you donate money to them... That was the point. :lol:
Sure Fenix, whatever..............

What's the point?

prechilill said:
It is hard to nail down USAP's death, but it seems to be really close.   Are you going to be a good union pilot when that happens?
The good union pilots defeated ALPA then hammered the Nic into oblivion.
The APA will be led to arbitration, and will cut a deal or risk their big aircraft. They will not.
The PHX Pilots will bring what they have to the deal, burned out ancient airbusses.
"Captain Munn and his few supporters have put out a constant stream of misrepresentations that are easily disproved."

Did you scabs read his hair club for men article in the paper, this is who you believe!

You west scabs keep following this guy, we want you to and remember what ever he says he was working with Mike to feed you scabs misinformation, sorry there is no growth for you but you chose that path
AOL is soon to be gone, the intelligent west pilots want to move up and make more money they are fed up with the little AFO club. Tic toc tic toc.
Let's be honest here. USAPA's goal is to abrogate the final and binding process and jeopardize the labor-management dispute resolution process by disregarding a final and binding arbitration. USAPA's goal is to unilaterally impose an 8.5:1 ratio on the West pilots, which would virtually staple the entire West pilot group to the bottom of the joint seniority list then go to M-B. To assure this happens USAPA wants to continue to represent all US Airways pilots post SCC, but that violates the pilot’s contract and the RLA.

But, let’s look at this a little deeper. We now know from Wesley Kennedy's declaration and other filings that AMR, LCC, and APA proposed a 3-way arbitration before the MOU TA. In addition, AMR, LCC, APA, and USAPA negotiated the MOU with the understanding that post SCC USAPA would cease to represent the US Airways pilots except as authorized by APA.

In my opinion, this is why the CLT and PHL Reps fought the MOU, but under the threat of recall the CLT Reps made the MOU a TA and agreed to send out the MOU. Why? Political survival was more important than killing the MOU’s SCC authorization. Instead the UELs attempted to kill the MOU during the ratification process. But, the rank-and-file ratified the deal while the recall election was taking place.

Little did the pilots know that by ratifying the MOU the pilots agreed to a process that would eventually permit the West pilots to introduce the Nicolau Award to the M-B BOA. Why? USAPA hide the truth from the pilots! Wow!

Knowingly full well what had transpired, and keeping the truth from the rank-and-file, Pat Szymanski then successfully argued in the Addington II DFR trial that only the bargaining agent could negotiate seniority for its members and non-members. And, as I have said before Szmanski is right. Interestingly, unbeknown to the pilots and Judge Silver Szymanski was committing a Judicial Estoppel violation when arguing against US Airways' Summary Judgment seeking a 3-way arbitration based on USAPA’s SCC MOU agreement.

Next Judge Silver compounded USAPA's growing problem and placed in her order that USAPA must cease all SLI work post SCC per the MOU and the RLA. 

This order exasperated USAPA’s problem and boxed the union into a corner. Then in a desperate move USAPA asked the NMB to set aside our contractual requirement for a 3-member arbitration panel and then filed a lawsuit against APA/AAG seeking a court order to remain the US Airways pilots (East and West) post SCC, which violates the MOU and RLA. 

Here's the salient point: By negotiating and ratifying the MOU USAPA waived its right to independently represent the US Airways pilots in the M-B arbitration, if held, because USAPA reached a TA and authorized SCC before the arbitration is held. 

So what's the bottom line? All USAPA has to do is agree to a 3-way arbitration with an APA, APA Legacy USAPA East, and APA Legacy USAPA West MC as proposed by APA and AAG and all of this fighting stops.

But, USAPA is refusing to agree to this and is likely now waiting for the NMB and the District Court to issue an order favorable to APA and AAG. Why? USAPA did not want us to know their strategy failed and the UELs cannot politically agree to permit the Nicolau Award to be included in the M-B arbitration. Instead, this must be imposed on USAPA because the UELs cannot accept responsibility for their actions.

The good news? Because of the West pilot's potential DFR lawsuit claim against APA and the West pilot's potential liability claim both AAG and APA are offering USAPA a 3-way arbitration where USAPA will have a seat at the M-B arbitration table to ensure a F&E ISL process.
luvthe9 said:
The truth is you are a psycho. Cleary and Tracey never should have helped get your job back.
luvthe9 said:
The truth is you are a psycho. Cleary and Tracey never should have helped get your job back.
luvthe9 said:
The truth is you are a psycho. Cleary and Tracey never should have helped get your job back.
You are not honest. Captain Munn never lost his job and he never left the payroll. His situation was handled by ALPA long before USAPA was certified. And, Cleary (who is suing USAPA - nice) became USAPA's president more than one year after USAPA became the US Airways pilot's agent. 
Moreover, Captain Munn was selected by management to become a US Airways Ambassador, he was selected to write/published in PACER meeting information for other employees working with HR-Employee Communications, he was selected by Rosemary Murray, US Airways' VP of Government Affairs to lead teams on Capital Hill to lobby for the ATSB Loan Guarantee, and he was selected by ALPA to lead teams on Capital Hill to lobby for pension reform in an attempt to save the DB Plan(s). And, he was a recipient of Above and Beyond Awards including a $10,000 bonus award provided at a State of the Airline drawing.
Just the facts and no personal insults.  
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