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2014 Pilot Discussion

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USA320Pilot said:
Today US Airways/AAGs filed their Reply Brief, APA filed their Reply Brief, and AA pilot Wesley Kennedy filed a Declaration in D.C. federal court today.[/size]
According to APA, (Quoting from Judge Silver) The Court has no doubt that  as is USAPAs consistent practice USAPA will change its position when it needs to do so to fit its hard and unyielding view on seniority. That is, having prevailed in convincing the Court that only the certified representatives should participate in seniority discussions, once USAPA is no longer a certified representative, it will change its position and argue entities other than certified representatives should be allowed to participate. The Courts patience with USAPA has run out. . . .[W]hen USAPA is no longer the certified representative, it must immediately stop participating in the seniority integration.
Id. The court erred in only one respect: USAPA did not wait until it was no longer the certified representative to change its position. [/size]

OUCH! -- USAPA = Pyrrhic Victory.[/size]
The APA missed its best, and last chance, to demonstrate that they are in compliance with MB, and intend to remain in compliance. Instead, they magnify the necessity of the injunction, as well as prove the prescience of MB. And USAPA predicted exactly that in their filings, already.

The APA hopes the court will implicitly assume MB really isn't binding after all (not even on the ones who caused its necessity). We all know how implicit assumptions end. We have seen it before.

Tic, Toc. Tic, Toc.
traderjake said:
Oh, I was suppose to take what you say seriously?
If you look at all the arbitrations the mean and the median is closer to my position (category and status) than your's (DOH/LOS).
I do not support DOH/ LOS posting that many times.

You claim the last 5 arbitrations went category and status.

That is false.

It annoys me you are too lazy to educate yourself, however since you've begun back pedaling to ' mean and median ' perhaps it is starting to sink in.
I find it very interesting that once the westicles left this thread, CM started posting his drivel incessantly.  What's with that timing?  For years now we would see CM's crap only once or twice a month here, but now he's doing the electronic equivalent of plastering his nonsense the way he did on the bulletin boards in the PIT crew room, taking up all the space and leaving no room for anyone else to say anything.  (At least here there is unlimited space for response to his crap.)
Now we have this post about "US Airways Pilots Begin Effort to Decertify USAPA."  What a joke!  Especially with his disingenuous disclaimer that he has no idea where this information is coming from.  Yeah....right.
If the westicles are beginning such an effort, I would certainly never repeat their prediction that: "You won't get 200 cards."  But I will assert that they will get about 1700 cards, and that's far short of what is necessary to keep them from being the laughing stock that they prove they are every day.  Come on westicles: Give it your best shot.  Maybe your planned operational "protest" this summer will give Parker the impetus to start ridding the company of some of those decrepit Airbuses and starting the west furloughs again.  The AA deliveries can now take up any slack, and PHX can take its rightful place in the dustbin.
And, as far as the East pilots view of USAPA:  Despite the ugly political intrigues that have marred USAPA's existence, for the most part USAPA has done a marvelous....an EXCEPTIONALLY MARVELOUS....job of protecting US Airways pilot jobs.  The East, at least, is seeing incredible upward movement which would not have been quite as incredible for the East pilots had Nicolau been in place.  Do you really think, westicle, that you will get a card from that 18-month E190 captain or 767 F/O?  While admittedly USAPA fell into it due to the merger, with the new TA and commensurate pay rates there is little complaint to be had from the line pilots in the East.  USAPA is not going anywhere.
But go right right ahead.  Spin your wheels, westicles.  It's always fun to watch your circus, anyway.
Talking to some west pilots they have begun a campaign to start the removal of AOL and to shut that operation down. They are fed up with the losses that been brought to them by Ferguson and Koontz and are tired of being lied to. The senior pilots now realize they could be in wide body planes now and enjoying a pay raise and f/o's could be upgrading.

Most know PHX is going nowhere and the growth is on the east side and the AA side, they have been boxed into a corner by trusting AOL. The move is on to get rid of AOL, calls are coming in from west pilots that are tired of stagnation with no end in site. AOL days are numbered.
luvthe9 said:
Talking to some west pilots they have begun a campaign to start the removal of AOL and to shut that operation down. They are fed up with the losses that been brought to them by Ferguson and Koontz and are tired of being lied to. The senior pilots now realize they could be in wide body planes now and enjoying a pay raise and f/o's could be upgrading.

Most know PHX is going nowhere and the growth is on the east side and the AA side, they have been boxed into a corner by trusting AOL. The move is on to get rid of AOL, calls are coming in from west pilots that are tired of stagnation with no end in site. AOL days are numbered.
All I can say is:  What in the name of heaven have they been waiting for?
But, does AOL have any standing at all that would require their "removal?"  If I understand it correctly, the only power that the west rank-and-file has over AOL, and its principals, is to stop funding those whack-a-doodles.
Remove the money and AOL is totally cutoff from any real power.  The only thing that might keep it going would be the personal financial liability incurred by its principals and the (unlikely) help of an attorney willing to work on the contingency of getting a piece of all those "damages" we've heard so much about.
I don't think AOL will just shut down. Shutting it down would be admitting that it was a total failure and the money was a total loss. Probably just die on the vine.
Bus, you are 100 percent right. Had a 2012 hire on jS yesterday. He totally gets it and loves the delays. He is going to the right seat FO
flyer63 said:
Bus, you are 100 percent right. Had a 2012 hire on jS yesterday. He totally gets it and loves the delays. He is going to the right seat FO
True. The newer guys are realizing the amazing results of the attrition and having an entire group in PHX unable to participate. Some of these guys are going to get left seat little bus in 4 yrs. very shortly. And due to the legal battles it will go on for years.
If Munn thinks they are going to disrupt this in any way, he is clueless. They LOVE USAPA.
snapthis said:
Good reading. There does not appear to be a remedy in case a protocol agreement can not be reached. Any side can inject a poison pill to make an agreement impossible. It appears on the surface that is what APA did in hopes of getting single carrier status and thus driving the process in whatever direction they wish.
Should that happen:
Who will represent the US Airways pilots?
Who decides the process going forward?
Can APA set aside the provisions of M-B since there are no opposing representatives?
A320 Driver said:
Good reading. There does not appear to be a remedy in case a protocol agreement can not be reached. Any side can inject a poison pill to make an agreement impossible. It appears on the surface that is what APA did in hopes of getting single carrier status and thus driving the process in whatever direction they wish.
Should that happen:
Who will represent the US Airways pilots?
Who decides the process going forward?
Can APA set aside the provisions of M-B since there are no opposing representatives?
I'm still reading the docs, both USAPA and the APA are quiet. I'd like to see a response from either.
nycbusdriver said:
All 3400 of us?  Quite a bit.  That's in addition to what we've already built up in USAPA coffers; a nice sum thanks in part to your contributions, and those of your fellow westicles.
I hate to break the news to you pal, you won't be using money in the "coffers" so you had better grab your coffee cup and stand outside your NYC Habitrail and beg for donations.

I've got a message for Libs like you who think they are "entitled" to other people's money.

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