PBGC MONEY...........
Every once in a while we are asked to get involved for our own good. This letter writing campaign about the PBGC Money to our legislators is an example of how we can help ourselves.
This is not about how well you compose a letter but about numbers. You and I know that these legislators will not read every letter they get from us, but what they do hear about from their aides is the number of letters they get. Remember, their only interest is to get re-elected, so to do that they need votes. They need your vote. The more pilots that send letters the more numbers and the greater interest they will show.
There is no greater frustration in my life to have a pilot come to me after the fact and ask about a specific item they had been asked to vote on and have not taken the time to find out what it was about and did not vote. A case in point was this last vote on keeping the BPR. I heard from several that had they known what the issues were, they would have voted. When I asked why they didn't know the issues, the answer was, "they are too busy and don't read the union stuff when they get home."
So, for those that have their heads in the sand or somewhere else the sun doesn't shine, the rest of us need to educate, nag and demand they spend a few minuets filling out this short form.
If you stop and talk to a pilot at the airport, or on the phone or on the crew bus, ask him if he has filled out the form. Push the issue. Make them listen and explain how important it is to all of us.
The link is: tinyurl.com/pelud5m. All they need to do is cut and paste this link and it will take them directly to the form or the can use the web address that is: