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2014 Pilot Discussion

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William Wilder, the author of M/B just took a strafing run on American Airlines legal.
Depositions coming, and we shall see how "neutral" Siegal was. Let us see how the back channel was running with the america west pilots. This will be the final death blow to Leonidas, and their hand in hand operation with Siegal, AA, and the APA.
Get your stories straight, you are going to face William Wilder.
america west pilots, your absence is noted. Now everyone knows how it felt for the B17 crews over Germany when the country below was in ruins and P-51 s flew the wing. Not a Bf109 in sight.....
How does eric ferguson enter the west crew room after he turned down the Nic and the fence would now be down? The america west pilots have had their careers ruined by the lottery ticket called the Nic.
luvthe9 said:
PBGC MONEY...........

Every once in a while we are asked to get involved for our own good. This letter writing campaign about the PBGC Money to our legislators is an example of how we can help ourselves.

This is not about how well you compose a letter but about numbers. You and I know that these legislators will not read every letter they get from us, but what they do hear about from their aides is the number of letters they get. Remember, their only interest is to get re-elected, so to do that they need votes. They need your vote. The more pilots that send letters the more numbers and the greater interest they will show.

There is no greater frustration in my life to have a pilot come to me after the fact and ask about a specific item they had been asked to vote on and have not taken the time to find out what it was about and did not vote. A case in point was this last vote on keeping the BPR. I heard from several that had they known what the issues were, they would have voted. When I asked why they didn't know the issues, the answer was, "they are too busy and don't read the union stuff when they get home."

So, for those that have their heads in the sand or somewhere else the sun doesn't shine, the rest of us need to educate, nag and demand they spend a few minuets filling out this short form.

If you stop and talk to a pilot at the airport, or on the phone or on the crew bus, ask him if he has filled out the form. Push the issue. Make them listen and explain how important it is to all of us.

The link is: tinyurl.com/pelud5m. All they need to do is cut and paste this link and it will take them directly to the form or the can use the web address that is: http://www.capwiz.com/capapilots/issues/alert/?alertid=63201351
I totally agree. I have sent my letters. After you send your letters, there is opportunity to forward the info to 6 other pilots. Usually a little nudge from a pilot friend moves one to action.
what happened anyway? all the west posters seem to have disappeared like a cockroach with the light on
To the extent APA and the company argue that they don't have to follow the MB Statute...to the same extent the APA gets to capture their own attrition, the company keeps the pilots busy fighting each other, and the lawyer wannabes sell another new tie.  
There is only one group that suffers under further court delays, and it really isn't fair that they are in effect being used as fodder. Their only recourse is to refuse to buy another tie... Or they could manufacture their own ties...   solid white, to be waved on a stick.  
Last of the real men. Captain Mike Cleary motivates his boys and takes it to the house.

Phoenix said:
To the extent APA and the company argue that they don't have to follow the MB Statute...to the same extent the APA gets to capture their own attrition, the company keeps the pilots busy fighting each other, and the lawyer wannabes sell another new tie.
Everyday of delay is a day closer to APA replacing USAPA as our CBA.
I thin the company and APA are going to get spanked on this one. Wilder and Pat have done great job so far. Mcaskill bond will rule in end. Labor law rules and MOU will get straight ened out
flyer63 said:
I thin the company and APA are going to get spanked on this one. Wilder and Pat have done great job so far. Mcaskill bond will rule in end. Labor law rules and MOU will get straight ened out
I agree, we have great lawyers. I wonder how much the westies owe Marty for the superb job he has done. Poor Traitor is on the verge of a major meltdown, I think he is calling EAP now. Traitor should be on his knees thanking USAPA for not having hundreds go ahead of him.
traderjake said:
Everyday of delay is a day closer to APA replacing USAPA as our CBA.
Just because you choose to never upgrade doesn't mean your coworkers don't appreciate the retirements, even yours, maybe. 🙂
The Company and APA already decided to hold negotiations with the "West Merger Committee" without any legitimate contractual or statutory authority to do so.   More actions, by the Company and APA, will come to light during discovery.   If the NMB steps in and replaces USAPA, it will be even more tempting for the APA and the company to violate the MB Statute (and the RLA, again), but that temptation will occur in broad daylight, and they have no more mulligans.   😀
I'm just trying to help you understand the big picture, APA may have motivation other than attrition.
You're welcome.
Yeah, the APA believes that stapling is the only way to ever do an SLI (we all know that), but they are willing to take their attrition while the fight drags on, and USAPA is forced to go to court.  
In the same way, in 2007 USAPA believed that DOH principles were the only way to do the SLI, but many were willing to enjoy their our own attrition (in effect a super DOH unshared) while the West Class was forced to go to court.  (some even accused USAPA of intentional delay...) If the West has been successful at tying USAPA up in court, even though they had no statute to invoke....  Imagine the delay APA could provoke. 
Absent a settlement among the parties of the law suit, there will be a trial.  The judge will not allow an arbitrator to implicitly assume authority to rule on compliance with the statute.  
You're welcome. 🙂
P.S. It truly is unfortunate that the West Class is being disadvantaged and being excluded from advancement that even new hires are enjoying.  Really.  They have funded an LLC, and by definition can't even sue them for screwing everything up.  
traderjake said:
I'm just trying to help you understand the big picture, APA may have motivation other than attrition.
Yeah...Like the proven, wholesale stapling underneath them of anyone they can ever manage to do that to, and yet you find reasons to cheer for their undoubtedly noble endeavors? What could those reasons possibly be? No matter, I suppose....So basically; anyone but your own group are necessarily the noblest of nature's creatures with only the purest of ideals to offer?...Seriously? Just curious: WTF's wrong with you? Although "I'm just trying to help you understand the big picture" does provide some glimpse of a delusional disorder. A standing USAF joke held that only upon retirement were any of us to ever be ushered into the uber-Top-Secret chamber that held "The Big Picture", and, even with that "promise"...none have ever actually seen it. 😉
Spare no efforts. Kindly lay out "the big picture" for us all here....? 🙂
cltrat said:
what happened anyway? all the west posters seem to have disappeared like a cockroach with the light on
One must imagine they're still struggling to find some/ANY way to even possibly spin having some lisping "spartan" gerbil virtually laughed off the stage while attempting to dazzle the American folks with an amateurish powerpoint presentation that likely had the supportive musical themes of both the "The Twilight Zone" and "The Outer Limits" as backdrop...well...with perhaps a few insertions of "Madness!?"...This is Sparta!" for best effect. 😉
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