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2014 Pilot Discussion

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dariencc said:
Bottom Captain:  R.J. Dodds  #993.   MM!
Mike Cleary is the King of Rock and Roll.
Soon, even that clown Munn will be on the 330.courtesy of USAPA. After all his wrong predictions.
That, is wrong.
Claxon said:
Soon, even that clown Munn will be on the 330.courtesy of USAPA. After all his wrong predictions.
That, is wrong.
That's not right at all he should have stayed fired, he owes his job to Mike and Tracy.
Claxon said:
Ask SNAPTHIS when he lurks to man up and answer. When given the Nic with a fence, why did he turn it down???
Good luck with that I have tried already, no answer.

"Yes, the East offered the NIC. They just wanted to protect their retirement attrition, which stalled by the change in Age-60. Looking back, that offer must look like a home run to any West pilot right now,"
Claxon said:
Soon, even that clown Munn will be on the 330.courtesy of USAPA. After all his wrong predictions.
That, is wrong.
That's a scary thought.  A less narcissistic individual would realize he's done enough damage to the Transatlantic operation and steer clear.
Once again, we'll have to rely on our dedicated F/Os to keep that doofus out of trouble.
Mike Cleary is the King of Rock and Roll.
Congrats to my east brothers and sisters. We have been thru hell and back since 1997. At that time things were going along nicely... and then that dreaded day in sept of 2001. This is all we ever wanted. No we did not want to take west jobs but we did want our attrition
We certainly are running with it now. I need to look closely now as im within striking distance of group 2...
Again congrats to all.
Speakin of TRACY that is INTL 767 Capt tracey as of this bid I believe!
And Danny Boy Traitor still cowering in the right seat!   MM!
flyer63 said:
Congrats to my east brothers and sisters. We have been thru hell and back since 1997. At that time things were going along nicely... and then that dreaded day in sept of 2001. This is all we ever wanted. No we did not want to take west jobs but we did want our attrition
We certainly are running with it now. I need to look closely now as im within striking distance of group 2...
Again congrats to all.
Found on the internet.........

I am sending this out as an example of disinformation along with a concerted effort to mislead the pilots on the west along with those on Chip's website. No one pilot has done more to promote discourse between the two sides. Chip exclusively parrots the west reps, any pilot that trashes USAPA or the east and uses distorted facts to make his point.

He not only has a differing point of view of the east, everyone has that right, but by his actions he pushes an agenda to keep the west suspicious, angry and in a continued frenzy against anything east.

In every post that he has professed inside information, it is with the west point of view or west Rep's point of view. In every post that he claims some knowledge of events, he takes the west side in the argument.

This post is an example of what I am talking about. He states no facts but asserts that USAPA has not lived up to it's contractual obligations. To an uninformed but angry west F/O, that sounds like the truth.

He goes on to explain how economic issues forced a contracting of the west flying and base closings. But never mentions the fact that they are now flying former east routes and without that more than 25% of their pilots would have been furloughed.

He assets that without the merger US Airways (east) would have been liquidated. Does he explain that without the merger, the west would have almost immediately entered bankruptcy, furloughing 20% of their pilots immediately and probably liquidating? Which side, east or west, had more assets and more lucrative route system and yields? No question it was the east. None other than Kirby and Parker has explained that fact. But Munn ignores that fact in his reply.

He also asserts that the union created a situation where one pilot group is benefiting at the expense of another segment of the pilot group. No where does he mention that USAPA has formally asked the LOA 5 times to work out a solution to the seniority issues, that the west has sued USAPA repeatedly and so has held up any opportunity to merge the two sides and that the company has jumped into the fray to keep both sides fighting. If the east is benefiting, it is because of the intransigent behavior of the LOA and the west that supported them. By their actions, they have created a situation where they are fighting a lost cause and losing the chance to benefit from a strong east system and retirements. In Chip's world, it is always the fault of the east and USAPA.

Then, in his extensive experience as a lawyer, he asserts this is clearly a DFR. Show me his diploma from Harvard, Yale or even the Acme School of Truck Driving and Law School.

Again and again, he fans the flames of the west anger by asserting that those of us on the east are intentionally trying to harm the west pilots. No wonder they hate everything east. To a west F/O that has seen no movement and is stuck on reserve now for years as he watches new hire east pilots get right seats on the A330, it must be difficult to accept. Instead of looking in the mirror to see where the problems's lay, they simmer with anger and then listen to an east Captain tell them that it is all our fault and we are doing it intentionally.

It is unfortunate that we are at war with each other. Had the west worked out a solution to the seniority issue after USAPA became our bargaining agent, they would be moving up right along with the rest of us. But they refused to budge off their precious Nicolau Award that would have placed nearly every east pilot at a sever disadvantage and created a windfall for the west. How is it working out for them now?

I guess in Chip Munn's world, only when every east pilot was stapled to the bottom of the west list would all the pilots find justice in this world. As long as he distorts the truth and fans the flames of anger, there can be no reconciliation and that is really what we needed. Now with the APA and USAPA in a fight that will affect all of us, we should have been united. But not with people like Chip Munn working against us.

I find his behavior loathsome.
dariencc said:
And Danny Boy Traitor still cowering in the right seat!   MM!
Cowering at home 5 days a week laughing at you.
Funny but I haven't moved up a single number in the last three bids.
traderjake said:
Cowering at home 5 days a week laughing at you.
Funny but I haven't moved up a single number in the last three bids.
To bad for you, look at this way you did not lose 800 numbers thanks to USAPA. What a self centered scumbag.
9 years ago today, May 19,2005, US Airways and America West announced their intention to merge. 
At that time "Save Dave" was at the bottom of the West list but had a bright future according to lawyer Fruend.  Nine years later "Save Dave" is still at the relative bottom of the West list and that other guy who was furloughed "Dean whatever" can hold group two captain.    
Go figure??
Al Legheny said:
9 years ago today, May 19,2005, US Airways and America West announced their intention to merge. 
At that time "Save Dave" was at the bottom of the West list but had a bright future according to lawyer Fruend.  Nine years later "Save Dave" is still at the relative bottom of the West list and that other guy who was furloughed "Dean whatever" can hold group two captain.    
Go figure??
Read Arbitrator Bloch's award in the matter of the US/AWA dispatchers. He did indeed figure and acted rightly and accordingly.

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