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2014 Pilot Discussion

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76 positions unfilled....  I am relieved that the West would never commute to the East coast or they would be really upset that they can't have those seats.  
Good for them they subscribe to the "sour grapes" axiom.
Al Legheny said:
9 years ago today, May 19,2005, US Airways and America West announced their intention to merge. 
At that time "Save Dave" was at the bottom of the West list but had a bright future according to lawyer Fruend.  Nine years later "Save Dave" is still at the relative bottom of the West list and that other guy who was furloughed "Dean whatever" can hold group two captain.    
Go figure??
The fallacy of Nicolau has been validated. The east was positioned for mergers by repeated attacks by management. The pension was taken with the help of management stooges. One of whom led the AirTran pilots into a swamp subsequently. Traitors' pals, Munn, and others who panicked at every opportunity. Munn is probably the biggest management lackey to fly at any airline. He will be mocked by generations of pilots.
Now, as the economy recovers- the east model is again shown to be a profit center. The PHX hub is fair, but not anywhere near the moneymaker.
Good times again in the east.
Now with the 737 draw down finally done.    You will start to see even more movement.   No more capts to backfill needed positions.    Any increase in flying plus the retirements coming along,   will be seeing a lot more movement. 
A330 in PHL I believe went all the way down to May '13.   Just over a year to hold right seat Int'l.   Not to bad.   Next couple of bids are going to be very interesting to see how it shakes out.   Sr. f/o's staying for QOL or are they going to start moving to the left seat?    Etc Etc Etc.  
Crzipilot said:
Now with the 737 draw down finally done.    You will start to see even more movement.   No more capts to backfill needed positions.    Any increase in flying plus the retirements coming along,   will be seeing a lot more movement. 
A330 in PHL I believe went all the way down to May '13.   Just over a year to hold right seat Int'l.   Not to bad.   Next couple of bids are going to be very interesting to see how it shakes out.   Sr. f/o's staying for QOL or are they going to start moving to the left seat?    Etc Etc Etc.
Glad that we listened to Captain Mike Cleary, not that idiot Munn.
dariencc said:
Glad that we listened to Captain Mike Cleary, not that idiot Munn.
No one in their right mind would listen to that idiot Munn, how he even can show his face at work is beyond me. Wait just a minute, I can think one more idiot that we know loves Munn, he hates his fellow co-workers, wants to throw them under the bus and can not upgrade, any guesses?
The west is true to form after they suffer a devastating blow. They vanish.
This is a true read on what is happening. Rest assured Captain Hale listened to Braid and his ridiculous presentation, only on the advice of legal. Hale knows the america west story well. One would imagine it like an episode of Sharktank, where some hapless idiot presents a ridiculous idea. Hale and Campbell probably exchanged uncomfortable glances while Braid went into the twilight zone with his zany spiel. Both probably wished they had a lever to trapdoor Braid immediately away.
The end of a Leonidas has come. The battlefield is littered with Liberty ties, Integrity Matters shirts, Titanium, silver, and gold pins and reels of Cat3 film. All giving off the aroma of destruction.
Claxon said:
The west is true to form after they suffer a devastating blow. They vanish.
This is a true read on what is happening. Rest assured Captain Hale listened to Braid and his ridiculous presentation, only on the advice of legal. Hale knows the america west story well. One would imagine it like an episode of Sharktank, where some hapless idiot presents a ridiculous idea. Hale and Campbell probably exchanged uncomfortable glances while Braid went into the twilight zone with his zany spiel. Both probably wished they had a lever to trapdoor Braid immediately away.
The end of a Leonidas has come. The battlefield is littered with Liberty ties, Integrity Matters shirts, Titanium, silver, and gold pins and reels of Cat3 film. All giving off the aroma of destruction.
Clax, you got a way with words, this is funny!!
PBGC MONEY...........

Every once in a while we are asked to get involved for our own good. This letter writing campaign about the PBGC Money to our legislators is an example of how we can help ourselves.

This is not about how well you compose a letter but about numbers. You and I know that these legislators will not read every letter they get from us, but what they do hear about from their aides is the number of letters they get. Remember, their only interest is to get re-elected, so to do that they need votes. They need your vote. The more pilots that send letters the more numbers and the greater interest they will show.

There is no greater frustration in my life to have a pilot come to me after the fact and ask about a specific item they had been asked to vote on and have not taken the time to find out what it was about and did not vote. A case in point was this last vote on keeping the BPR. I heard from several that had they known what the issues were, they would have voted. When I asked why they didn't know the issues, the answer was, "they are too busy and don't read the union stuff when they get home."

So, for those that have their heads in the sand or somewhere else the sun doesn't shine, the rest of us need to educate, nag and demand they spend a few minuets filling out this short form.

If you stop and talk to a pilot at the airport, or on the phone or on the crew bus, ask him if he has filled out the form. Push the issue. Make them listen and explain how important it is to all of us.

The link is: tinyurl.com/pelud5m. All they need to do is cut and paste this link and it will take them directly to the form or the can use the web address that is: http://www.capwiz.com/capapilots/issues/alert/?alertid=63201351
Claxon said:
Soon, even that clown Munn will be on the 330.courtesy of USAPA. After all his wrong predictions.
That, is wrong.
He won't bid the 330.  He will be outnumbered by TWO F/O's who hate him.  Besides, the 330 doesn't have WiFi, so how will he get any of his misinformation work distributed while he is supposed to be flying?
luvthe9 said:
No one in their right mind would listen to that idiot Munn, how he even can show his face at work is beyond me. Wait just a minute, I can think one more idiot that we know loves Munn, he hates his fellow co-workers, wants to throw them under the bus and can not upgrade, any guesses?
No one on the east (with one exception) listens to anything CM has to say.  While his credibility had been waning for years, he lost it all with the July, 2001, failed UAL "Unique Corporate Transaction" bovine excrement.  Then, he iced that cake with his loud screeching to immediately take an unsought (by the company) 10% pay cut in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.
But he is now basking in his glory as the "east insider" for the west pilots who seem to hang on his every word....or, should I say, his every lie.  But I think they are beginning to catch on.  We see a symptom of that growing distrust in the lack of west input on this, our favorite forum to argue everything to death.  Soon, the west pilots will hate him (and mock DE) just like the rest of us do.
Will he be able to get a renewed audience in the American pilots?
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