Pi brat said:Operational meltdown? Just a friendly reminder guys. USAPA is still under a federal injunction that prohibits any job action. You know, the one that some of you did everything possible to put in place, cheered when it came out, and protested against being lifted. Watch yourselves.
AWE Dog said:I have always said, If enough time goes by the west will BEG for DOH. Bid closes tomorrow .
Perhaps Capn Aux will roll out another safety football video. One he and T Bone Anger can star in. Mark Peeper will star in a Planet video. This time- Planet Phoenix. Captain Steve Gay can approach Parker in his creepy manner in another crew news. Raincoat man will mystify a visiting Capt Hale.Pi brat said:Operational meltdown? Just a friendly reminder guys. USAPA is still under a federal injunction that prohibits any job action. You know, the one that some of you did everything possible to put in place, cheered when it came out, and protested against being lifted. Watch yourselves.
Pi brat said:Really, really good bedtime story:
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Fellow America West pilots,
Several weeks ago, Captains John Hale and Bob Johnson, Flight Department leadership from American Airlines, invited AWA First Officer David Braid to meet with them at American Airlines Headquarters in Dallas to discuss a variety of issues facing West pilots. David, taking the invitation very seriously, spent countless hours of his free time researching and preparing a 46-page PowerPoint presentation to present to Captains Hale ....
I heard he mixed his power point presentation with the Larry POTA youtube video and blew his chance to restore PHX to it's right and just position.Phoenix said:
46 page PowerPoint...? 46 pages?
First, PowerPoint is made of "slides" not "pages"..
But the real issue... A 46 slide presentation (to someone of Hales level) is akin to assault and battery. If Hale actually let them drone through 46 slides then he was extremely gracious.... you can be sure of one thing...
Hale's apparent accommodation of that colossal waste of time was the full extent of his gifts. The West is now deeper in debt, but still think that the. "Nic or nothing" strategy is the best course forward. 😀
Well there you go Traitor, aren't you tired of always being wrong.flyer63 said:You are f ing unbelievable. ... im shuttle and just fine with the way it worked out. Lost 9 months.... not 18 years....with NIC2.....you make my blood boil...
I think they are getting the big picture now, no growth in PHX, AA and US will grow, AWA going nowhere.end_of_alpa said:What's really revealing is the way they continued to RUB.... yes, RUB our noses in the FACT that their contract was better than LOA 93..........
What did they say about KARMA???
Now that's not true he still has his lover, Chippy.Claxon said:Trader? His homies got humbled. He has no friends now. Not even the APA. A true turncoat.
Stuff it Chip. Nobody's listening to you.USA320Pilot said:Are US Airways' Pilots Mushrooms? Where is USAPA's Transparency?
Nearly 3 weeks ago on April 28th USAPA held their last BPR conference call (where rank-and-file members could not watch or listen to the meeting) where the Board passed a resolution that authorized a new draft PA to be provided to APA the very next day on April 29th. In addition, USAPA passed a Union Merger Transition Agreement, Global Agreement, and M-B lawsuit settlement proposal that was also sent to APA. Two days later on May 1st USAPA told the pilots that "we do expect a timely response from APA."[/size]But, that's the last the pilots have heard from USAPA. How come?[/size]Did APA respond to USAPA's proposals? Did APA ignore USAPA's proposals? Or was APA and AAG seeking a "Stay" to the M-B lawsuit proceedings along with a Motion to Compel USAPA to honor the pilot's contractual and RLA requirement to arbitrate minor disputes the actual APA BOD response to the BPR's April 28th resolution? [/size]And, what's the status of the Company scheduling an arbitration on June 15-17, 2014 with Arbitrator Bloch and USAPA ignoring its requirement to arbitrate per the RLA when a grievance has been filed?[/size]Why is USAPA keeping the pilots in the dark? Are US Airways' pilots mushrooms who do not need to know what USAPA and APA may or may not be discussing with so much on the line? What does USAPA not want the pilots to know? [/size]Where's the open, honest, and transparent communication from this illustrious union whose WWHQs are located on Woodlawn Avenue?[/size]