I've not the slightest sympathy anymore. Let us not forget those wonderful people were so mindlessly selfish and arrogantly intent on placing even their 3 month/new hires ahead of "fellow pilots" with 16+ years already worked, that they wouldn't ever consider discussing even the slightest compromise. "NO fences!"..."Final and Binding!"..."It's OVER!...Get used to it!"..."The nic will be crammed down your throats!"..."You can live on LOA93 forever!"/etc, ad nauseum. Well? "F" 'em if they can't take an entirely self-inflicted joke, much less realize themselves to be jokes. 😉 It's my honest estimation that the bulk of these self-styled "spartans" will never be good for anything more than serving as knee-pad-attired little scabs/'ladies"-in-waiting on management whims in any case.
BTW...Aren't we now long overdue for some mindless "spartan" providing us all yet another lecture on "karma"? 🙂