USAPA told the pilots on May 1st that "On Tuesday, April 29, the 3 proposed agreements (proposed Protocol Agreement, proposed Merger Transition Agreement and proposed Settlement Agreement) were sent to the APA. APA can either accept our proposals, or modify them and pass back to our Merger Committee for consideration. Should they pass a modified proposal back to us, the BPR would once again have to approve them before acceptance. Since we are in negotiations, we cannot provide any more information at this time on the agreements; however, we do expect a timely response from the APA."
It's been exactly two weeks since UAPA sent their proposed PA, UMTA, GA, and Settlement Agreement (SA) to APA. What happened to the "timely response from the APA" and why has USAPA not provided an update to the pilots on such an important issue? Where is the union's transparency, again?
Demagoguery in action?