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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Claxon said:
Numerous Pireps coming in on west aircraft.
Lavatories substandard
Cockpits smell
No chillers for food service
No Auto altitude callouts
No predictive windshear
No automatic route loading, winds etc.
F/O microphone something from Radio Shack
Overall- substandard burned out junk.
If this is all west pilots brought to AA merger, they are hosed.
This IS all west pilots brought.
america west- junk aircraft. Opportunistic pilots.
true, Junk metal......
snapthis said:
"Flew one of their hunks of chit today, very careful preflight. Looked for dents, dings, tail strikes, anything they could try to Pin on us."
snap, you continue to amaze. I've rarely seen such blatant stupidity better demonstrated in anything that anyone has ever-so-proudly posted.
Is a "very careful preflight" not the everyday norm for "you'se"? Just asking...? Is properly inspecting for " dents, dings, tail strikes" NOT your usual methodology? Was this some exceptionally heroic effort done only so none could have "anything they could try to Pin on us", or the usual behavior for normal safety concerns? One must now reasonably wonder. Sigh...Oh Well. Keep evidencing all that "spartan"..umm..."professionalism" as "you'se" see fit.
snapthis said:
We are starting to get some feedback I'll share with you..,

"Yes indeed. Flew AC 700 bEastie AC in Merican Colors today.
Coffee stained/drenched oxy mask, well lets not even look there,
Not like you'd want to put THAT mask on !
Bring Sani-Com wipes!"

"Just took 151UW from PHL to PHX this am. Had a little stench in it, I guess we'll get used to it..."

"Flew one of their hunks of chit today, very careful preflight. Looked for dents, dings, tail strikes, anything they could try to Pin on us. Be careful out there."
I've tried to tell you snapdragon, but you just don't listen. When you forward these idiotic brain droppings from your buddies, you just make your group look bad.
I spent two days in west aircraft. An A320 and an A319. They weren't even standardized between the two-except for the stupid #$#$ wrong way switches. One had an ATSU, one didn't. One had a different clock and panel layout from the other. Did you guys just pick up whatever the leasing company spit out? There is no comparison between the fleets. None.
snapthis said:
We are starting to get some feedback I'll share with you..,

"Yes indeed. Flew AC 700 bEastie AC in Merican Colors today.
Coffee stained/drenched oxy mask, well lets not even look there,
Not like you'd want to put THAT mask on !
Bring Sani-Com wipes!"

"Just took 151UW from PHL to PHX this am. Had a little stench in it, I guess we'll get used to it..."

"Flew one of their hunks of chit today, very careful preflight. Looked for dents, dings, tail strikes, anything they could try to Pin on us. Be careful out there."
How were the A330's and 767's....,  er never mind.
traderjake said:
Sounds like our 737s.
I wonder how their 737s were? I wonder why they were retired first?
What is it with you that you can only hammer your own side? I can't remember you ever saying a positive thing about anything east.
Hey, Snap... Did ya notice how many East posters have posted on web board page 666? 😀
Breaking News! I just heard the APA's plan for complying with MB after SCS. They will appoint separate, one man merger committees for the east's and west. The east will be staffed with USA320 and the west's with Mike Cleary. We can all relax now.
On that thought-have a great day.
Pi brat said:
Breaking News! I just heard the APA's plan for complying with MB after SCS. They will appoint separate, one man merger committees for the east's and west. The east will be staffed with USA320 and the west's with Mike Cleary. We can all relax now.
On that thought-have a great day.
It appears to me that we are in trouble, then.....since Cleary deals in facts and USA320 only believes in his opinion 🙂
Pi brat said:
Breaking News! I just heard the APA's plan for complying with MB after SCS. They will appoint separate, one man merger committees for the east's and west. The east will be staffed with USA320 and the west's with Mike Cleary. We can all relax now.
On that thought-have a great day.
Odds of this being done by Dec., 2015? 
Eric Ferguson must face the facts he deceived the west pilots. His incompetence in labor relations cost hundreds of west pilots 330 and 767 pay rates.
He has allowed hundreds of east pilots to claim those spots and pay. Date of Hire would have benefitted the west.
East pilots owe a debt of gratitude to Ferguson. His new Leonidas filing will delay integration and upgrades for years
USA320Pilot said:
USAPA told the pilots on May 1st that "On Tuesday, April 29, the 3 proposed agreements (proposed Protocol Agreement, proposed Merger Transition Agreement and proposed Settlement Agreement) were sent to the APA. APA can either accept our proposals, or modify them and pass back to our Merger Committee for consideration. Should they pass a modified proposal back to us, the BPR would once again have to approve them before acceptance. Since we are in negotiations, we cannot provide any more information at this time on the agreements; however, we do expect a timely response from the APA."

It's been exactly two weeks since UAPA sent their proposed PA, UMTA, GA, and Settlement Agreement (SA) to APA. What happened to the "timely response from the APA" and why has USAPA not provided an update to the pilots on such an important issue? Where is the union's transparency, again?

Demagoguery in action?
It's been 16 days since USAPA provided APA with their proposed Protocol Agreement, proposed Merger Transition Agreement, proposed global agreement, and proposed Settlement Agreement. What's happening? Did APA respond? Did APA ignore USAPA's proposals? Should the pilots receive an update? Where's the transparency?
UEL demagoguery in action, again? Me thinks so...
USA320Pilot said:
It's been 16 days since USAPA provided APA with their proposed Protocol Agreement, proposed Merger Transition Agreement, proposed global agreement, and proposed Settlement Agreement. What's happening? Did APA respond? Did APA ignore USAPA's proposals? Should the pilots receive an update? Where's the transparency?
UEL demagoguery in action, again? Me thinks so...
Does Victor still love Nikki? Will Jeb run for President? Was Y2K for real? Do you still give 20 minute F/A briefings to appear more godlike?
What is life without a little drama, huh?
USA320Pilot said:
It's been 16 days since USAPA provided APA with their proposed Protocol Agreement, proposed Merger Transition Agreement, proposed global agreement, and proposed Settlement Agreement. What's happening? Did APA respond? Did APA ignore USAPA's proposals? Should the pilots receive an update? Where's the transparency?[/size]
UEL demagoguery in action, again? Me thinks so...
Nobody cares as long as Bill Wilder has got his hands on the wheel. The ones who should worry are the APA and West guys. There is going to be one big bid after another coming. All with huge movement off the top of the 330 and 76. The pay rates are only getting better by the day. And it looks like legal battles are going to keep the East separate ops for years. Fine by me.
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