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2014 Pilot Discussion

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nevergiveup said:
Does that pay 150%?
No and yes....
Not unless you stand on one foot, pull your left ear with your right hand, put your left elbow on your right knee, and then hold your breath for at least 45 seconds.... then turn in your pay claim file, and prepare to grieve it.... but if you are at American then the premium pay is automatic.    YMMV.
Zone5 said:
True enough. Scheduling just called me in POTA, begging for an F/O for the Rome trip tonight, totally out of reserves.
Premium pay?
Black Swan said:
They are in big trouble right now with 330 staffing. And there are a multitude of pilots in their last 12 months compounding things.
I don't understand why the west does not want to fly the 330, quite I few of them could easily hold it. The senior pilots out west have about had enough of the AOL and the little AFO club, Ferguson and Koontz have cost the west pilots big time. Time for AOL to close up shop, it's been long over.
luvthe9 said:
I don't understand why the west does not want to fly the 330, quite I few of them could easily hold it. The senior pilots out west have about had enough of the AOL and the little AFO club, Ferguson and Koontz have cost the west pilots big time. Time for AOL to close up shop, it's been long over.

The 29 330 Captain vacancies in the August bid could all go to west pilots using their date of hire. Not to mention that every west pilot could hold 330 F/O using their date of hire.

Westies are leaving a lot of money on the table right now thanks to AOL.

Did you see that of the 22 retirements in the bid, 21 are Captains? Attrition off the top, everyone moves up.

luvthe9 said:
I don't understand why the west does not want to fly the 330, quite I few of them could easily hold it. The senior pilots out west have about had enough of the AOL and the little AFO club, Ferguson and Koontz have cost the west pilots big time. Time for AOL to close up shop, it's been long over.
And cut Marty's income?
flyingskier said:
Luv,The 29 330 Captain vacancies in the August bid could all go to west pilots using their date of hire. Not to mention that every west pilot could hold 330 F/O using their date of hire.Westies are leaving a lot of money on the table right now thanks to AOL.Did you see that of the 22 retirements in the bid, 21 are Captains? Attrition off the top, everyone moves up.Skier
. I will never understand these guys they were offered the NIC by us years ago, turned it down and still continue to complain about everything and you are right DOH would benefit them all. Wake up westies!

"Yes, the East offered the NIC. They just wanted to protect their retirement attrition, which stalled by the change in Age-60. Looking back, that offer must look like a home run to any West pilot right now, but last February the EAST MEC and ALPA couldnt get to first base with it."

Maybe Spiinthis can tell us why they did not want the NIC.
luvthe9 said:
Maybe Spiinthis can tell us why they did not want the NIC.
I think it a fine thing that they were just far too "intelligent" for that at the time. 😉 The less kindly assumption requires envisioning them as complete fools that were too tightly locked-up within the confines of Fantasyland to be at all able to view the real world at all...For even a moment's glimpse/"snapshot-in-time"/etc.
I just saw my second-ever "liberty" tie attached to a presumed "spartan" at work in an east crew room. The poor fellow seemed the least happy of all around him, downright miserable in fact, avoided even eye contact, and looked to be in desperate need of a nurturing hug while normal conversation surrounded him, and yet none offered even the least offense or even direct attention to him for his tribal attire. Perhaps spinthis could explain at least that much? Heck!...For $675 spent on some gauche tie; I would at least hope to "impress" those around...? Hmm....Perhaps they're only truly "effective" in PHX/Fantasyland though?
luvthe9 said:
I don't understand why the west does not want to fly the 330, quite I few of them could easily hold it. The senior pilots out west have about had enough of the AOL and the little AFO club, Ferguson and Koontz have cost the west pilots big time. Time for AOL to close up shop, it's been long over.
Eric Ferguson has miscalculated on a global scale. His new hire land grab went bust. Imagine the anger of the more senior pilots out west. They have been denied the highest pay of their careers. For years. The loss will never be recouped. Never.
Claxon said:
Eric Ferguson has miscalculated on a global scale. His new hire land grab went bust. Imagine the anger of the more senior pilots out west. They have been denied the highest pay of their careers. For years. The loss will never be recouped. Never.
That unfortunate is naught more than an infantile and purely delusional narcissist...Uh Oh!....Now both of us have insinuated failings in even the entirely-self-styled "supreme commander" of the...umm...err..."army of leonidas"! (You just can't make this sort of stuff up folks). How dare we do so? 😉 If we're not careful here; the "spartans" might well declare "All out warfare" on us!...And then where would we be? 🙂 It's a true pity that instead of forming up some imaginary "army", staffed with "battle"-tested-"knights", "wizards", "lords and ladies", and even "dire wolves"; that anything even approaching the level of adult leadership found in the Boy Scouts couldn't be found anywhere in PHX/"sparta".
EastUS1 said:
That unfortunate is naught more than an infantile and purely delusional narcissist...
Speaking of the sorts: Isn't it far past time for prechil and res judicata to again offer up at least a few more "T-minus" countdown clocks?...Proud proclamations of how soon she'll sit in the left seat of a 330?...Or at the very, very least; a few more righteous "Hah!"s res...? Sigh...This place has become a bit boring without all that previously dependable, mindless "spartan" braggadocio. 😉 When can we all expect to finally see all those secret weapons "you'se" umm..."supreme commander" is undoubtedly ready to someday deploy and destroy us all with? 🙂
Meanwhile, just to keep all those uber-top-secret-V-weapons armed and fueled; don't forget to buy "you'se" selves some more ties. They truly DO make all the difference. I've now seen them "in action", and can assure "you'se" that they're indeed fearsome to behold! http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/libertynecktie.html
P.S. Should "you'se" be bored with repeating any/all of that pathetic behavior; at least buy some more APA colored pom poms to flourish, since they're, without any possible doubt, your newly found "Best-Friends-Forever", even though they'd like nothing more than to continue maneuvering to try and staple the sorry lot of "you'se" under their shoe soles. This was all well-covered in the relative wisdom of Forrest Gump = "Stupid is as Stupid does."
snapthis said:
Since the bar was set pretty low, I'm sure the APA will be an improvement for half the money.

Here's our list. Let's see your list of contributors.

Revision Date April 7, 2014
Mike Daley!  Way to go, Mate.
dariencc said:
Mike Daley!  Way to go, Mate.
No fair showing the mighty feats of a proven scab and accomplished "spartan soldier", much less one of their "TOP CONTRIBUTORS", since too few of AWA's "Integrity Matters" T-shirted, "battle"-tested-"knights" have yet had the chance to cross actual picket lines, despite their previously posted eagerness to do so. Posting the noble accomplishments of a true AWA "hero" is thus a bit unfair to their eager wannabes sir. They simply haven't had a proper test of "character" to fully fail during a strike...yet. Truly though; the APA must be salivating at the chance to have such noble sorts join their ranks....Unduly melodramatic, but the image of intentionally injecting one's self with malignantly cancerous cell tissue comes to mind....All should equally recall one of their "great leaders" Johnny M, when directly addressing the CEO about "fellow pilots" on video, whining/asking "Should I turn them in?" Oh Yeah...Sigh!...This is truly a prize bunch indeed.
We all know the truest depths of "spartan"...umm..."philosophy", as "you'se" have for so long, proudly stated: "There's an east and a west..and we HATE you guys!"  "The nic is IT!" "Final and Binding!"  "It's OVER! Get used to it!", "NO Fences!", "I hate all of you'se!" "Ho Ho Ho! St Nic is coming to town!" (2007), and even my personal favorite: "You won't even get 200 cards!...Send the cards, I DARE you!", and of course "You can live on LOA93 Forever!". In that mutually respectful spirit (akin to smacking a mosquito here): I can only offer, in utterly defeated tribute of course, the mighty "army" of "sparta" chorus worshipping at the holy shrine of "St. Nic". Partaking of the sacred peyote before entry is, as I understand, a required part of the ritual. 😉 Don't dare forget to "Push for" more supposed "Justice"! Contribute large-scale, and at least buy some more ties AWAsome ones! "Stupid is as Stupid does". 🙂  http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/contribute.html   http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/libertynecktie.html
East, most people were enjoying time with their wives and mothers. You, on the other hand, sitting there in your dark little corner quoting yourself because most people have a life so you go at it alone.
snapthis said:
East, most people were enjoying time with their wives and mothers. You, on the other hand, sitting there in your dark little corner quoting yourself because most people have a life so you go at it alone.
He really has a sad life, all weekend typing out his maniacal musings.  Another cry for help.
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