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US Airways MEC August 2007.
"MCF CBA Funding Resolution WHEREAS of the top 14 ALPA Carriers operating similar aircraft as US Airways, the AAA flight hour pay rate sets the bar for the lowest rate, and
WHEREAS the AAA MEC has been granted MCF Funds to be used in conjunction with the AWA MEC to fund a campaign to achieve a better CBA, and
WHEREAS the AWA MEC Chairman reported publicly that he approached management with a message that AWA pilots would be outraged if management granted the AAA pilots equal pay rates as compared to the AWA pilots, and
WHEREAS ALPA President John Prater has committed to providing all recourses necessarily to raise the bar for pay for all ALPA pilots and WHEREAS it is unacceptable for any union group to object to another group being paid the same for doing the same work, and
WHEREAS the recently passed MEC Resolution “equivalent contract negotiations” sets the foundation of the AAA MEC’s strategy in dealing with the Nicolau award, and calls for separate operations and separate contracts from the AWA pilots, and WHEREAS the use of MCF Funds have been approved for seeking pay raises for the AAA pilots via the JNC process, and
WHEREAS at minimum these same MCF Funds should be made available to also seek pay raises via parity raise for the AAA pilots, as the first step in seeking an industry standard plus contract,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AAA MEC directs all three MEC Officers to meet initially with ALPA President John Prater and then with ALPA’s Executive Council as soon as practical and request the release of AAA MEC’s portion of the MCF funds with an updated time line for their use, so as to mutually achieve the goals of both the AAA MEC and all ALPA pilots by raising the lowest pay rate bar, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the AAA MEC Officers report back to the AAA MEC as soon as practical on the results of both meetings
"US Airways Pilots MEC
Resolution passed 08-15-07
WHEREAS this September will mark two years since the merger between US Airways and America West Airlines, and
WHEREAS US Airways management has benefited from scope relief granted by the US Airways pilots allowing the use of the US Airways marketing identity on America West flights for nearly two years, and
WHEREAS there has been little substantial economic progress made during Joint Negotiations for both pilot groups, and
WHEREAS there has been a disparity of pay between the pilot groups since the onset of the US Airways and America West merger, and
WHEREAS this disparity between the two pilot groups has increased due to the recalling of US Airways furloughed pilots that are not at top of scale, and
WHEREAS the America West Pilots received the support of the US Airways pilots in dealings with management that culminated in the America West pilots successfully achieving substantial gains in the areas of Defined Contribution Retirement Plan and Corporate Profit Sharing Plan, and
WHEREAS since the US Airways and America West Merger, management has seen fit to grant other employees pay and parity raises throughout the corporation, and
WHEREAS US Airways management continues to reward themselves with lucrative compensation packages, and
WHEREAS the profits are reported separately for US Airways and America West by the company, and they indicate an extreme disproportionate profit generated from the East operation resulting in East profits disportionately funding items such as West profit sharing plans, other employee raises and executive compensation packages and
WHEREAS the Transition Agreement envisioned substantial progress being made by June of 2006, and
WHEREAS Management has intentionally manipulated the timeline and slowed the progress of the JNC process, in particular during it's ill conceived hostile takeover attempt of Delta Airlines, and
WHEREAS during that failed Delta Airline Takeover attempt, management clearly promised that all pilots would be brought up to the highest contract of the three pilot groups, and
WHEREAS CEO Doug Parker on July 26, 2007 during the 2nd Quarter Report publicly stated that US Airways has already budgeted 122 million dollars for 2007 and beyond for the assumed cost of matching US Airways pilots pay with America West pilot pay plus an additional three percent, and
WHEREAS also during this same public forum CEO Doug Parker declared that employees performing the same work should be paid at the same level of pay, and
WHEREAS the expense of continued fruitless negotiation is not in the best interest of the US Airways East pilots.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AAA MEC immediately reassign our members of the JNC back to Negotiating Committee duties, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that our members of the JNC will not reengage in Joint Contract Negotiations until the US Airways Pilots are provided parity with our Brother and Sister pilots at America West, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that parity is defined as pay as put forth to the company in our June 28th proposal, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That retro pay for all US Airways pilots will take affect starting September 1, 2007, including a fair interest charge of 8% that will be calculated onto any future agreements, and
THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the US Airways MEC authorizes a media campaign, including but not limited to informational picketing and other forms of lawful demonstrations, in order to inform the traveling public of the un-American pay discrimination that the professional union pilots at US Airways have been enduring for the last two years."
GuntherA320 said:
Too bad it's not a fact since you make $123.14 an hour right now.  Maybe you should do a fact check before you post.  Your latest posts really call into question any "facts" you've ever posted before. 
Do I get the international override when I fly to the islands?
What does that make my payrate?
What did a 320 Captain flying to the islands make before the MOU?
traderjake said:
Do I get the international override when I fly to the islands?
What does that make my payrate?
What did a 320 Captain flying to the islands make before the MOU?
The islands? What do mean the islands? The only captains you respect and count as mentours don't fly to the islands, do they... or have they taken over our routes to the islands too?
traderjake said:
The funnest fact of all is when I fly to the islands I make more than the Captain did before the MOU.
Well that's nice since we all know you are afraid to upgrade, it all makes sense now.
traderjake said:
Somebody's jealous I only work 8 days a month.   :lol:
Actually between sick calls and calling out personal you've worked fewer days than that!  And you won't even work next month.  Believe me we are all thankful.  BTW, technically, override or not you didn't make more because you're on the 75 hour option.  Even though I'm junior to you by 13 years (I was a sophomore in high school when you got hired) and not top of scale, I've made more than you for the last 3 years working fewer days per month than you.  Not sure what that says.  And yes, I consider a work day having to show up at the airport.  A day that I spend working in the yard, playing golf at the country club, or out on the lake on reserve is not a "work" day.  You enjoy working 8 weekend days a month going back and forth to Punta Cana.  I enjoy spending 8 weekend days a month with my family and friends. 
GuntherA320 said:
Facts are fun!  Here are some more.  Any implication is on you.
August Bid year over year:
Equipment                Primary Lines Aug 13           Primary Lines Aug 14                      Net
CLT B767                   Capt   28/39   F/O                           30/38                                     +2/-1
CLT A330                              29/58                                     38/76                                     +9/+18
CLT A320                              255                                         310                                         +55
CLT B737                              38                                           1                                              -37
DCA A320                            70                                           82                                           +12
PHL B767                              45/63                                   38/60                                     -7/-3
PHL A330                             56/108                                  68/131                                  +12/+23
PHL A320                             110                                         130                                         +20
PHL 737                                1                                              0                                              -1
PHL E190                              68                                           68                                             0
Total Lines                           968                                         1,070                                     +102
Total Pilots                          2,899                                     3,014                                      +115
Great post Gunther! Combine the growth above with the attrition and you can see why things are moving so rapidly on the East! Wow, bid after bid and the movement is huge!

Can you post the numbers for PHX? LOL!

flyingskier said:
Great post Gunther! Combine the growth above with the attrition and you can see why things are moving so rapidly on the East! Wow, bid after bid and the movement is huge!Can you post the numbers for PHX? LOL!Skier
They are in big trouble right now with 330 staffing. And there are a multitude of pilots in their last 12 months compounding things.
Black Swan said:
They are in big trouble right now with 330 staffing. And there are a multitude of pilots in their last 12 months compounding things.
True enough. Scheduling just called me in POTA, begging for an F/O for the Rome trip tonight, totally out of reserves.

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