History is repetitive only to those that do not study it and adjust their focus on a goal.
alpa minus the l is apa.
apa is not your friend. USAPA and its past and current leaders have always studied history.
Update for January 18, 2008
Part 3 of the Trilogy
Fellow Philadelphia Pilots,
We just got done reading another Chairman’s message which has inspired us to release part three of our trilogy started last month.
Does anyone really believe that there won’t be a “10 day lock down?” ALPA National and our Chairman need this to happen to legitimize what will come next. And hey, don’t worry about the cost….ALPA has it covered. Additionally the Wilson center polling will provide additional cover for ALPA self serving actions. The only thing they don’t have covered yet, is your vote…..they’ll be working on that with FUD. Did you notice Jack didn’t mention our parity and retro pay.
On December 1st our MEC Chairman Captain Jack Stephan penned another one of his messages distributed to all pilots from the Chairman’s bully pulpit. In that missive we fondly titled, The Firewall Chat, Jack disparages the actions of your PHL reps and claims inaccuracies in our Council 41 Updates.
Once again, Jack's true colors are showing.
Here are a few observations and comments your PHL reps would like to share with you regarding a few pertinent messages from MEC Chairman Jack Stephan:
May 4, 2007: He shared “in your outrage and your indignation” about the Nicolau Award. He also assured us that the MEC “will not just sit back and remain victims of this travesty.”
May 21, 2007: In front of 400 Pilots at the Bus Trip to Herndon, Jack tells Captain Prater we are not interested in “Fixing the Nicolau Award.”
Flip-flop to:
December 1, 2007: Jack writes that you will be “asked to ratify a single agreement that would implement the Nicolau Award.”
Then, in his Chairman’s message dated December 15, 2007 he’s back to:
And again, let me make this perfectly clear. The Nicolau Award, as is, will never see the light of
September 6, 2004: MEC Communications Chairman Jack Stephan is the ultimate master of incendiary
and divisive communications as he served ex-MEC “Chairman-For-Life” Bill Pollock in the attempt to
get you to buy onto the ALPA-sponsored 6 cents CASM scheme. This time period, the summer and fall
of 2004 found this pilot group divided and fighting among themselves, loaded with misinformation and
political mudslinging under the leadership of Bill Pollock and Jack Stephan. Does anyone believe we
would still be working some three years later under a bankruptcy court 1113 imposed contract, today?
Great advice.
November 7, 2007: Jack warns us that “Incendiary and divisive communications will only bring us back
to the dismal days of LOA 93. It didn’t work for us then and it won’t work now.”
Waffle House doesn’t have this many waffles.
What’s the difference between then and now?
The short story is that someone is up to something, but their actions are not out in the light. This
illegally-formed and illegally staffed Blue Ribbon Committee has begun to morph into a Shadow
MEC/JNC, complete with ALPA National lawyers doing behind-the-scenes support, and members of
the JNC hard at work. The phrase “implementation of the Nicolau Award” is showing up more and more
in official MEC Chairman’s communications on both sides of the Mississippi. Just who was it who
helped Jack get over his outrage and indignation?
We won’t be part of it.
No, Jack, we will NOT stop turning on the kitchen light when the cockroaches are at work. Your feeble
attempt to shame us into shutting our mouths by crying “Unity” will only bring us back to the dismal
days of LOA 93. It didn’t work for us then and it won’t work now. The pilots are tired of back room
deals, secret meetings, ACPCs, and closed MEC meetings. But mostly the pilots are tired of the politics
and the infighting. The pilots are tired of failed leadership that has been rampant for the past several
Instead of Firewall Chats from the bully pulpit, Jack, why don’t you start giving the dues-paying pilots
some answers to the following questions:
Page 2 of 4
• Why was the election for this ‘Blue Ribbon Committee’ not on any Agenda? Why was it born
from the shadows?
• Just who invited the lawyers into this process? Was the effort to keep them away from DEN
merely a smoke screen?
• Who wrote this “counter-proposal” to the process? Where is it, and what exactly is it a
counter-proposal to?
• Why has the de-facto Chairman of this ‘Blue Ribbon Committee’ re-commissioned the JNC in
violation of a standing MEC Resolution?
• Why have you, Jack, interfered with the stated position of this MEC and the desires of this
pilot group by interjecting your will to re-enter the JNC process, demonstrated by calling 9
special MEC Meetings during a 3 months period?
• Do you think the pilots have finally figured out who looks out for the membership first and
who looks out for the Association first?
• Who wrote the “Pledge of Allegiance to ALPA” letter which, to your chagrin, we refused to
sign? And why was it written?
• Why is the term "implement the Nicolau Award" showing up in every proposal to move
The pilots have supported this MEC all summer and fall, and the resolutions this MEC has passed. The
desire of the pilots is to continue this path, as we continued to capture our attrition and protect our
precious seniority. This pilot group has unified like never before. Only this time Jack, the pilots see the
ALPA mothership and its failed leadership for what it is. The line pilots see ALPA National as an
obstacle to their futures, not the path to a better profession. Unfortunately, this is in direct conflict with
the few who see ALPA National as a meal ticket to a better job outside of US Airways.
We have been beaten to the bottom of the barrel by the very people who claim to represent us. We may
be slow learners, but we have collectively awakened.
Your world has changed, Jack.
It’s time to honor the MEC resolutions and work to represent the will of the line pilots. Its time to stop
the back room deals, the secret meetings, the closed meetings and the political backstabbing. It’s time to start working for the line pilot of US Airways. It is happening with, or without you, Jack!
Follow the three prong approach, Fly safe, Family First, and SAP down for quality of lif
Eric Rowe Dave Ciabattoni Jim Portale
Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary/Treasurer