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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Black Swan said:
I have seen it. And I never ask for lower than depicted altitudes on the Shine Five going into CLT for that very reason.
I guess a float trip on the Chattooga River is out of the question.
Union Fight in American Airlines/US Air Merger Continues


by Bob Price 8 May 2014, 6:24 AM PDT
Envoy Air will need to lay off over 1,100 pilots as it moves through a downsizing adjustment as a result of the merger between US Airways and American Airlines. The new American Airlines Group is reducing the carrier’s routes and equipment as part of the merger.The cutback represents a 47 percent reduction in the number of pilots according to the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA).  The downsizing also calls for the elimination of 59 of the smaller regional jets and the loss of 47 of Envoy’s larger jets due to reassignment.In March, Breitbart Texas reported on the standoff between the various pilots unions affected by the airline giant’s merger.  The conflict between the unions created an odd symbiotic relationship between the Allied Pilots Association and American Airlines who were fighting against the negotiation tactics of the US Airline Pilots Association.
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, in an article by Andrea Ahles, quoted ALPA master executive council chairman Bill Sprague as saying, “Currently the future looks very bleak.”  He said the airline will not have any aircraft available to replace the units being lost.Sprague told the Star-Telegram that Envoy Air will park 59 of its Embraer 140s and will transfer 47 of the Bombardier CRJ-700 jets to a different carrier operating under the American Eagle brand.8,000 of Envoy Air’s 12,000 employees are dedicated to ground services operations that include luggage handling and gate operations for other airlines in addition to Envoy at the smaller airports.
The move by American Airlines is seen by some as retaliation for the Envoy union rejecting a proposed contract that included a pay scale freeze until 2018.  About a month later American announced the scale back for Envoy and expansion of some of its other regional carriers’ routes and equipment.  The Star-Telegram reported American threatened to take regional aircraft away from Envoy if the contract was not approved. Envoy denied rumors about a merger with Piedmont Airlines, another regional carrier that is owned by American Airlines and that was formerly with US Airways.
Envoy Air’s president, Pedro Gavregas said he does not intend to announce any layoffs.  Current attrition rates result in net loss of about 29 pilots per month due to retirements or lateral moves to other carriers.  Some of their pilots are also hired by American’s main service operation.



snapthis said:
The move by American Airlines is seen by some as retaliation for the Envoy union rejecting a proposed contract that included a pay scale freeze until 2018.  About a month later American announced the scale back for Envoy.....
Yep. If not for any/all pesky unions; everyone would just be living in a true paradise. Keep those anti-usapa, "spartan" pom poms flashing, especially for the direct benefit of "you'se" BFF "Doug". The term "clueless" doesn't even begin to serve here....
Per: "The conflict between the unions created an odd symbiotic relationship between the Allied Pilots Association and American Airlines..." Perhaps your tender concerns should be more properly taken up with the APA, who seem so eager to jump into bed with management...?
Las Vegas hub closed many years ago.  Destination Miami service ended in 2002.
EastUS1 said:
Yep. If not for any/all pesky unions; everyone would just be living in a true paradise. Keep those anti-usapa, "spartan" pom poms flashing, especially for the direct benefit of "you'se" BFF "Doug". The term "clueless" doesn't even begin to serve here....
Per: "The conflict between the unions created an odd symbiotic relationship between the Allied Pilots Association and American Airlines..." Perhaps your tender concerns should be more properly taken up with the APA, who seem so eager to jump into bed with management...?
Agreed.  The shameless way american pilots and america west pilots allowed themselves to be concubines of management for personal enrichment is disgusting. 
No principles. 
United Airlines Pilots alpa Mec update May 7, 2014.
"[SIZE=13.5pt]California Kin Care Update[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]After a long fight, we have prevailed in our years-long effort to enforce the right of pilots domiciled in California to use up to 50% of their annual sick leave to care for close relatives. California law requires that up to 50% of your annual paid sick time entitlement be available for the care of parents, children, spouses and domestic partners.  The California court of appeal just upheld the trial court's decision in our case, which found that the law does apply to United pilots domiciled in the state.  Under this ruling, United’s policy of limiting California based pilots to using their sick leave only for their own personal illnesses is illegal.
[SIZE=medium]The Court of Appeal made its decision final April 4th and the trial court’s injunction was due to take effect that same day.  Under the terms of that injunction, the company “and its officers, employees and agents are permanently enjoined from denying its pilot employees who are members of the Air Line Pilots Association International the right to use paid sick leave to care for ill relatives in accordance with California Labor Code section 233.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Unfortunately, even though other airlines comply with this statute, United is still refusing to do so.  Instead, it is again trying to thwart California pilots’ ability to exercise this statutory right.  On April 1st, over ALPA’s vigorous objection, United convinced a trial court to give it additional time to show that it should not be required to comply with California law, based on the manner in which it now pays for sick leave. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]We will continue to fight United’s attempts to evade California law.  In the meantime, if you are domiciled in California and have an ill relative and need to take leave to care for your relative, please track any time that you take off or any time that you would have liked to have taken off.  You can also e-mail your CPO – with a cc to UALMECRI@alpa.org – that you have a need for California Kin Care Leave.  Please notify us of the company’s response to your request.  Until United is forced to comply with the California law, calling in sick for an ill relative is not allowed, pilots can use FMLA, attempt to drop it with a trip trade or work with the CPO to get the trip dropped without pay.  [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]The company's insistence on challenging California pilots' right to use this law already has cost it well north of a million dollars, and the court also has ordered United to pay ALPA's attorneys' fees for pursuing this case (over $1.1 million not counting attorneys’ fees for our successful defense of the company’s appeal).  At a rate of 10% interest per year since November 2011, this is increasing at a rapid rate. Sadly, the situation is yet another example of management's practice of pursuing litigation long after there is reason to do so, to the sole benefit of the expensive lawyers hired by the company to handle the cases.  We have urged and will continue to urge the company to shift its approach and work with us to solve problems, not perpetuate them.  No one but the lawyers gains from rigid adherence to litigation positions. "[/SIZE]
EastUS1 said:
Yep. If not for any/all pesky unions; everyone would just be living in a true paradise. Keep those anti-usapa, "spartan" pom poms flashing, especially for the direct benefit of "you'se" BFF "Doug". The term "clueless" doesn't even begin to serve here....
Per: "The conflict between the unions created an odd symbiotic relationship between the Allied Pilots Association and American Airlines..." Perhaps your tender concerns should be more properly taken up with the APA, who seem so eager to jump into bed with management...?
The "paradise" that you find yourself is in the role of a castaway. The only BFF you'll have is Claxon and if you are lucky......Wilson.

View attachment 10195
Claxon said:
The castaways are based in PHX.
As far as the company and the APA are concerned the castaways are:

USAPA - US Airline Pilots Association
200 East Woodlawn Road, Suite 250, Charlotte, NC 28217
snapthis said:
As far as the company and the APA are concerned the castaways are:

USAPA - US Airline Pilots Association
200 East Woodlawn Road, Suite 250, Charlotte, NC 28217
Please refer to the history of court orders not legal briefs.
Claxon said:
Please refer to the history of court orders not legal briefs.
Should I ignore this too?

"The conflict between the unions created an odd symbiotic relationship between the Allied Pilots Association and American Airlines who were fighting against the negotiation tactics of the US Airline Pilots Association."
Eric Rowe Dave Ciabattoni
PHL Captain Rep PHL F/O Rep
Council 41 Council 41
Council 94 Airline Pilots Association
August 2, 2006
Fellow Pilots of Council 94:
As you are all aware we have stated, both your Council 94 officers and the MEC as a united group, that we SHOULD NOT fly America West segments. The company is trying to gain merger synergies, without good faith bargaining to merge our contract under the parity plus strategy, by covering flying of both US Airways and America West by the other carrier. Our Transition Agreement binds all the parties to keep the operations separate until all the requirements of merging the two airlines are completed. This means we DO NOT fly America West flights and they DO NOT fly US Airways flights.
After our last letter, Al Hemenway sent a letter to Capt. Stephan voicing his displeasure with our guidance. We have attached a copy of that letter for your information. Also attached is Capt. Stephan’s reply. We feel strongly Capt. Stephan has articulated our and the MEC’s opinion on this subject. You have recently received an MEC fast read with a flow chart advising you how best to deal with this cross company flying. We have attached that letter, and flow chart, incase you have missed it. We can not emphasize strongly enough, DO NOT fly America West segments, unless specifically ordered to, by your Chief Pilot/Regional Director of Flying. Crew scheduling or office staff are not authorized to order pilots to fly.
If you have any questions or disputes, call John or Mark at any time. We will have cell phones available 24 hours a day to answer your calls.
John Brookman Mark King
Capt. Rep (612) 386 1637 c First Officer Rep (412) 606 3667 c
12 Jul 06
Fellow Council 94 Pilots:
John and I just finished a 2 day Special MEC Meeting in CLT. I am pleased to say that I have NO news of internal MEC politics to relay to you. What I witnessed was a diverse group of guys actually carrying out the business of the pilot group.
Most of what follows is only a brief introduction to matters that will be fully addressed in letters and communications coming your way.
Cross Company Flying:
Don't do-it. Call your dispatcher and refuse to fly the trip based on the Transition agreement II (B) 3. Have him find you a hotel or
transportation back to your domicile. If in domicile, go home and file for show/ no go.
Remember, if a trip or segment is in a published pairing, you must fly it. I don’t like it any more that you that, for example, PIT-FLL-PIT will soon be an AWA flight. But that is legal under our current agreement. What is NOT legal is if an AWA flight has a mechanical, and you are called out to fly one of our own aircraft on the same route. Charters, of course, are still legal…but if it smells funny, again, call your dispatcher and find out the truth. Reserves, especially, need to be wary of odd flight numbers and odd, quickly constructed trips. Pilots have been called at home to cover 9000 number trips, only to dig a little and find out they are instead covering an AWA segment (such as JFK to PHX.) Please investigate before you fly.
With this Cross Company Flying the company is using the East pilots as system wide reserves to cover AWA contingencies. I know this puts us all in difficult situations. If your Chief Pilot, or his proxy tells you to fly…then do it and contact us.
You will soon be getting a much more detailed accounting of your options when faced with this type of flying, including a better definition of just who can order you to fly.
Transition Training
There is not a more experienced, safe pilot group on the planet than the one in which you all belong. We are constantly tested and monitored by the FAA and other Government Agencies and ALWAYS come out as one of the most compliant and consistent pilot groups ever. We have a wealth of operational knowledge, especially having recovered from the horror of our accidents so long ago.
Now the very training philosophy we treasure (“Train Like You Fly” and “Flow and Verify” to coin a couple) is about to be thrown out the window to accommodate an ill advised changeover to some sort of AWA hybrid procedures. We are shocked and outraged, and I don’t just mean John and I. The MEC, as well as our Training and Safety Committees are on top of this. You will soon hear from them all about this.
Can we stop this implementation? Maybe, probably not. Can we all adapt safely to these procedures? Of course. But the WAY they are being thrown in our lap, after basically a question and answer 1980’s Atari game, is wrong, and in our opinion, not a safe way to do business.
This is NOT a public matter, and please do not make it one. However, if you show up next week on the changeover day, make darn sure you have your books
out and follow their guidance. Make especially sure you have your fuel before you leave the gate. If you are uncomfortable, do not complicate your cockpit procedures by using single engine taxis. This is about operating a safe aircraft. And in this particular instance, with all the stress and fatigue we already endure, we MUST remain vigilant.
Contract Negotiations
All is not well in contract land. As I have told you before, I do not believe you are simply going to wake up one day and have a better contract dropped in your lap. This is a dogfight, and right now we are not even the big dog. In case you have not heard, most of the important stuff being shoved across the table to us is right back down the road called “LOA 93.”
This MEC is COMMITTED to bringing you a contract that the best of both airlines and BETTER. You may hear it called Parity and Beyond or Parity Plus…either way that is the minimum this MEC will put in front of you.
Doug Parker had the audacity to crash one of our Crewroom meetings in PHL and announce, yet again, that he will accept only a cost neutral combined contract. BULL. We are currently the lowest paid airline pilots in this Country. This is NOT bankruptcy. Pull your heads up and start walking proud. This company is a going concern and is making money with billions in the bank. If you encounter Mr. Parker, don’t let him leave without letting him know it is time for YOU to be paid for all you hard work and sacrifices. Carry this attitude to the rest of your crew, and stop walking around resigned to the fact that this is all you will ever have, and that the company could go out of business tomorrow. It will not. Mr. Parker also thinks he can take advantage of the lower cost aspects of each pilot contract without merging the two airlines. My PERSONAL opinion is we could be a year or MORE away from even starting to put the two airlines together. This gives them little reason to even care about a merged contract.
Folks, lots of stuff going on now. It is time to be informed and participate in your union. We need all our Pittsburgh pilots to be on board and to pay their dues. Although I hinted at a new and improved working relationship on the MEC, John and I still need your representational vote to accomplish the work of this pilot group. Update your contact numbers and email on the ALPA website. Ask the guy you are flying with to get connected. We have a lot of happy go lucky guys driving to work every week and seemingly, embarrassingly, totally unconnected to what is going on in our Union and Company. Soon, you may be called on to do what is necessary to get a fair contract. I don’t want to whip anyone into a frenzy just yet, but please be just a little MAD about what is going on. Prepare yourself and your family by STAYING INFORMED.
Mark King and John Brookman
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