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2014 Pilot Discussion

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History lesson 102
History has shown that the company (doug and friends) takes care of the upper echelon of pilot union reps. So nice of them.  When deciding for your family, 50 percent of pay or 200 percent of pay, human nature?
From: "AAA041 Fastread" <AAA041-Reviewer@mail.alpamail.org> To: <aaa041-fastread@mail.alpamail.org> Subject: Council 41 Update, 7 December 2005 Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 01:42:18 +0000 Council 41 Update 7 December 2005
Fellow pilots,
The usual suspects are sending their attack emails about the PHL Reps' "Pollock Compliance Resolution" dealing with his medical certificate or lack thereof. As usual, these suspects are trying to complicate the issue by entrenching it into the political arena. This myopic view is common with those MEC members who demonstrate their complete lack of forethought and strategic thinking about their own pilot groups and about how best to represent them.
We, your PHL Reps, just want to know the truth of Pollock's medical s tatus from 2002 until the present. If Bill, in fact, had no medical for any or all of that time and he still collected full pay and benefits, then we want EVERY PHL PILOT TO RECEIVE THE SAME TREATMENT THAT BILL HAS RECEIVED. Your PHL reps do NOT believe that some pilots "are more equal than others." Does it appear some reps think differently?
These are the ones that go after the messenger instead of the message? If any of Bill's lack of a medical is true, we will file a grievance on behalf of every affected PHL pilot to make you whole. We must all be treated the same. Bill claims to now have a medical certificate. Simple disclosure of such certificates from 2002 until the present will quickly and decisively settle the question on which direction we follow. Fraternally,
John Crocker Chairman
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2006
"And, By the way if you think your MEC Chairman is on top of the situation created by Mr. Hemmenwy's letter of November 15th you're wrong! The first correspondence to Mr. Hemmenway from the Chairman the MEC has been copied so far is one asking Hemmenway's permission to carry out a MEC resolution."
Al, fool me once.........................
snapthis said:
Huh? Put down the jug of Shine....
Good one!
snapthis said:
I take it you've seen Deliverance, Swan.. 😱
Wow! A whole "life" based on merely movies and bizarre, personal fantasies? How truly sad. Small wonder that "Lt Hardy"-trader/hair-plug-chip and "you'se" sorry "spartan" sorts get along so well. 😉 "You'se" seriously need to get out into the real world more often, or even at all...and "you'se" could ever wonder why any people just laugh? 🙂 I miss the likes of res judicata and prechill, who made laughter an obvious and inescapable response...while "you'se" still haven't begun to figure yourself out in that respect at all....No worries. Buy some more ties and be well. http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/libertynecktie.html
EastUS1 said:
Wow! A whole "life" based on merely movies and bizarre, personal fantasies? How truly sad. Small wonder that "Lt Hardy"-trader/hair-plug-chip and "you'se" sorry "spartan" sorts get along so well. 😉 "You'se" seriously need to get out into the real world more often, or even at all...and "you'se" could ever wonder why any people just laugh? 🙂 I miss the likes of res judicata and prechill, who made laughter an obvious and inescapable response...while "you'se" still haven't begun to figure yourself out in that respect at all....No worries. Buy some more ties and be well. http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/libertynecktie.html
It's called satire, East. Swan gets it and I am sure Pi did too. I'm just using a stereotype to lob the ball back at him.
Obviously, the ball went whizzing by your head.

15-Love :lol:
snapthis said:
It's called satire, East. Swan gets it and I am sure Pi did too. I'm just using a stereotype to lob the ball back at him.
Obviously, the ball went whizzing by your head.

15-Love :lol:
Judge Wake was 15-Love, of the first game.  That match is over and since 9 Dec 13 we have all started a new match.  If you think Walter Cronkite has the latest, you are way behind.  Catch up already.  

I guess our management missed this part at business school. It's ashame we have the worst leadership in the industry.

"Southwest succeeds through a culture of mutual respect, where a high percentage of employees "own" their jobs. It's right there on the company's careers webpage: "Not just a career, but a cause." Leadership urges a well-balanced work/life equilibrium in which employees "value the opportunity to work hard, be creative, and have fun on the job."
luvthe9 said:
I guess our management missed this part at business school. It's ashame we have the worst leadership in the industry.

They will never "get it."  It's almost like a rite of spring, i.e. the annual "change in corporate culture," that will make for happier, more productive employees.  With great fanfare, they hire a Senior VP for Employee Relations (or hire a replacement for the one they hired last year), and then....VOILA!  Nothing changes other than some syncophant gets a half-million dollars a year to continue the employee beatings.  Or, if it does change, it gets worse.
If US Air(ways) had treated its employees with even a semblance of dignity and respect for the past 20 years, it would have ripped right through this industry and been on top for most of it.  
In the late 1990s, when Wolf and Gangwal made a concerted effort to get the employees all rowing in the same direction, US Airways was the Number One carrier in most metrics and customer saitsfaction.  Almost before the ink was dry on those reports, the inexpicably declared war on the employees, the morale tanked and never recovered.  Then there was the post-Wolf parade of labor-hating CEOs (and yes, Parker is one of them.)
luvthe9 said:

I guess our management missed this part at business school. It's ashame we have the worst leadership in the industry.

"Southwest succeeds through a culture of mutual respect, where a high percentage of employees "own" their jobs. It's right there on the company's careers webpage: "Not just a career, but a cause." Leadership urges a well-balanced work/life equilibrium in which employees "value the opportunity to work hard, be creative, and have fun on the job."
you'd probably get shot for that here.
snapthis said:
It's called satire, East. Swan gets it and I am sure Pi did too. I'm just using a stereotype to lob the ball back at him.
Obviously, the ball went whizzing by your head.

15-Love :lol:
Any whizzing by is, as always, taking place within "you'se" own skull. The intended point was/is that your expectations, assumptions and "life" are apparently taking place entirely within Fantasyland, as is again demonstrated by your imaginary tennis game..."Ace".  😉  That goes some distance towards explaining why it was completely impossible to ever reason at all with "you'se" fine little buncha' "spartans".
cltrat said:
you'd probably get shot for that here.
They say the way we treat each other should come first as that is reflected in how we treat our customers. I've non-revd  here enough to feel our customers pain. Ouch!
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