Will The-mechanic Post?

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
John meena wrote;
I'd like one Team TWU member to answer one simple question;
If you wanted to debate AMFA Organizers in Tulsa, why didn't you send an invitation to Don Rogers, Dave Stewart, or any of the other organizers? You know who we are. What possible excuse could you have for sending an invitation to the leader of another labor organization so you could debate your own members? You can't possibly be THAT stupid, can you? Then you didn't even sign the invitation. This just shows your unprofessional attitude and intellect.
The display you put on at the corner of 36th & Mingo on Friday, and in front of the Brady on Saturday was rediculous. Standing in the street blocking AMFA signs so no one could read them, and yes you did attempt to block the entry to the theater if only temporary. If you guys knew how to act, you could have come in and asked questions. But you don't want and won't accept answers from AMFA leaders as proven on Sept. 12th. Real professional of you, and typical of the idiotic intimidation you've become so well known for.
Let me tell you this. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves for exploiting children in your stupid demonstration. I can't wait to see the membership throw you out.
Ok. Now you can all go back to your 2nd grade name-calling.
BTW, it's not TWU - 2 AMFA - 0

Don rogers, Dave stewart, Dan cunningham and Gart schible came to the Thursday meeting and refused to debate. The TWU came to the Saturday event and were denied the oppurtunity to debate, If Delle is so confident? Than why did he deny the audience the oppurtunity to hear both sides? The majority of the members in Tulsa wanted to hear what both sides had to say! This is'nt the first time amfa has run, won't be the last. The TWU has not run from amfa in Tulsa and never will!!!! The somber looks in Tulsa from the amfa supporters showed they were disappointed. Well we the members of Team TWU are confident in the members to represent the members. We do not have to hide behind the International!!!!!!

This was posted today on the-mechanic site, Sanderson has censored several posts in the last couple of days. Will the amfa spokeperson have enough balls to allow both sides to post? Or will he continue to censor?

Amfa is repeatedly showing their true colors (yellow belly)!!!!!!! Spineless and scared?
Well I hate to agree with CIO, I mean that I really do hate to agree with CIO but I think the majority did in fact want to hear from both sides and many were disappointed including myself that the TWU supporters did not come in, but I was not at the door and do not fully know why you did not or could not come in, I would have allowed the stock clerks in even though I don't know why they would want to come in but I would not have allowed anyone from another Union to come in as this is between the TWU and AMFA not any other Union.

When you call AMFA supporters yellow bellied and scared lets remember that most were not at the doors when you wanted to come in, we were all in the meeting. <_<

I for one am not scared of anyone.
The following is my post on the-mech. I cut and pasted to Word.

First off .... Don Rogers and party were asked to come and debate on Thursday. They stated "we are not qualified or knowledgeable enough to debate on an International level". I heard it myself, not hearsay. They were present for one purpose, the media.

You attempted to have TWU members debate themselves...period. Your repeated deceit is sadly indicative of industrial unions, and is certainly a major cause for the continued decline of unions throughout this country.
BTW, I suspect that many viewers considered the TWU use of the U. S. flag atop a coffin to be an act of desecration, rather than merely a mindless stunt perpetrated by drunks, wife abusers and check bouncers. - TM

TM- by Alf's own words of admittance, AMFA is only 80% AMT's, that makes you industrialist wanting to someday be craft and class. I don't blame you on picking at the American flag issue, but here's a newsflash for ya...normally when an American union is present, so is the American flag, twist and turn that so your Kool-aid drinking, alf worshippers believe ya man.

Drunks, wife abusers? I thought Cunningham was an AMFA puke, guess I owe him an apology...ask him how the wife's doing and what grounds she filed under to leave his fat but for.
Steve Connell said:
The following is my post on the-mech. I cut and pasted to Word.

First off .... Don Rogers and party were asked to come and debate on Thursday. They stated "we are not qualified or knowledgeable enough to debate on an International level". I heard it myself, not hearsay. They were present for one purpose, the media.

You attempted to have TWU members debate themselves...period. Your repeated deceit is sadly indicative of industrial unions, and is certainly a major cause for the continued decline of unions throughout this country.
BTW, I suspect that many viewers considered the TWU use of the U. S. flag atop a coffin to be an act of desecration, rather than merely a mindless stunt perpetrated by drunks, wife abusers and check bouncers. - TM

TM- by Alf's own words of admittance, AMFA is only 80% AMT's, that makes you industrialist wanting to someday be craft and class. I don't blame you on picking at the American flag issue, but here's a newsflash for ya...normally when an American union is present, so is the American flag, twist and turn that so your Kool-aid drinking, alf worshippers believe ya man.

Drunks, wife abusers? I thought Cunningham was an AMFA puke, guess I owe him an apology...ask him how the wife's doing and what grounds she filed under to leave his fat but for.
AMFA is 80% A&Ps, 100 % class and craft as determined by the NMB.

Becsides who cares if you want to call it an industrial union, its still a union of, by and for aviation workers. Where does Sonny come from?
Steve I thought we were going to stick to the issues and not get personal.
None of us like the personal attacks do we guys ?

Just my opinion I am trying to keep this debate somewhat friendly and on subject. :D
I apologize...it was a direct cut from my post to the-mech., I'm tired of the attacks actually.Nothing to be gained from this, my problem is that I have met most here now and cannot see taking their lies and unwarranted accusations. As I told my friends in TUL, "I didn't come here for a bad time".
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This worked, If you have problems posting on sanderson's site come here and show topic. Apparently someone emailed him. First post in a while he did not edit or delete.
Checking it Out said:
The TWU came to the Saturday event and were denied the oppurtunity to debate, If Delle is so confident? Than why did he deny the audience the oppurtunity to hear both sides? The majority of the members in Tulsa wanted to hear what both sides had to say! This is'nt the first time amfa has run, won't be the last. The TWU has not run from amfa in Tulsa and never will!!!! The somber looks in Tulsa from the amfa supporters showed they were disappointed. Well we the members of Team TWU are confident in the members to represent the members. We do not have to hide behind the International!!!!!!
CIO, you think you can hide behind lies and deceit?

We invited the TWU international to debate and they failed to show up. TWU loses, that’s all there is to it. Maybe you forgot that you sent a flyer around stating the TWU mob could enter but only five at a time, so you decided to leave. Yes, I beleive your flyer was correct but, if you are going to be a coward at least be man enough to admit it.

We all know you are paid by the TWU to spin as best you can but, sometimes I wonder who's side you are really on. Your lies have shown the true colors of the TWU and we have received many cards from them. Are you sure you don't lie just to screw the TWU???

The somber looks in Tulsa from the amfa supporters showed they were disappointed.

Yes, personally I was very disappointed that TeamTWU had to hide the unaccountable international officers and I did feel sorry for the ones trying to hide in the background of your charade while a few of the TWU clowns made complete asses of themselves (literally). Mooning the AMFA group might be one thing but, there was a young lady at the counter of the snack bar. We do not need TeamTWU's obscenities and they are totally uncalled for. I can appreciate your rights to demonstrate but, please clean it up for the sake of the women and children that are around!!!
Lets call for a vote!!!! How about tomorrow? Everyday you wait means more cards are expiring, from the talk on the floor is the daily drop off rate increases as mid February gets closer.

The above is from cio. Tomorrow would be OK for an election but to make sure that enough cards are presented to allow an election we are in no rush. Why take the chance that the twu/AA will not pull the same stunt that the iam/UAL pulled allowing management to vote?

And what fact are you using that states that more crads are expiring everyday we wait? Just another example of either your stupidity, the twu's stupidity or just fear of the inevitable; this particular crad drive began on St. Patrick's Day of 2003. (That's in March cio.) So ALL cards acctepted will expire a year from then. So please inform all of us exactly which cards will expire.

Will the cards you claim will expire "everyday" we wait happen to be cards signed by those you invited to inflate your size on the 17th across the street from Brady? You know, teamsters and stock clerks.

This election will be for craft and class cio. Only those eligible will be able to sign a card and vote for a better future for our profession. But then you knew this already.
Nice post Ken, I agree most of the people across the street from the Brady Theater will not be able to vote in the AMFA vs TWU election.

So what was the point of them being there ? :unsure:
Thanks for clearing that up for me Kev3188 I just knew there had to be a point to that dumb clown show. :down: