Ed Norton
Of course it will pass. Why would anyone in their right mind vote no and let the creditors decide their fate. Honestly, to vote no is just dumb.
Once again:

Of course it will pass. Why would anyone in their right mind vote no and let the creditors decide their fate. Honestly, to vote no is just dumb.
I saw the vote yes sign crew out there when I left wish I could have been out there with them but I have a full day planned today, there were several out there, i'm betting the vote no group will be much smaller if any at all.
It appears both the company & the TWU have taken the gloves off this time & are fighting back, their not taking any chances that this might not pass, personally i'm glad their fighting back against the line station no brigade, it's definitely going to pass now.
Of course it will pass. Why would anyone in their right mind vote no and let the creditors decide their fate. Honestly, to vote no is just dumb.
You trying to convince me or yourself?
Then dont be to upset if it fails and the vote no crowd does a little gloating next week
It is about progression and you appear to be okay with regression.How So BUCK ?
I simply cannot believe you goofs are falling for this line vs. overhaul garbage.We are one group.One seniority list.What happens to one affects the other.We at the line do have the advantage of interacting with other employee groups more then TULE.Therefore the company's lies are more readily apparent, and the TWU cannot use tools like Hewett to advance the international agenda without us seeing what is really at play.I'm a line guy.I voted no mostly because this will gut Tulsa.No job protection.None.No Eagle ASM cap.They can run an unlimited parallel operation.So many articles do not even have finished language.Are you going to go on someones word that this will "save jobs" even when the contract language itself says that it won't?I'm an average line mech at ORD, no hidden agenda,I want the best for all of us and this isn't it.I saw the vote yes sign crew out there when I left wish I could have been out there with them but I have a full day planned today, there were several out there, i'm betting the vote no group will be much smaller if any at all.
It appears both the company & the TWU have taken the gloves off this time & are fighting back, their not taking any chances that this might not pass, personally i'm glad their fighting back against the line station no brigade, it's definitely going to pass now.
Nope, that's not accurate. The size of the Eagle (or parallel) operation could only be as large as the pilot scope clause allows. Employees are fond of saying that "managing the business is management's job," yet many of you favor arbitrary limits on management's ability to operate the business..No Eagle ASM cap.They can run an unlimited parallel operation.
Made up stuff?show me anything in OUR contract that protects scope.Are you willing to depend on the pilots defending our turf?.What if their T/A fails?Talk to the line pilots, there is a good chance it may.Then I'd like you to take a trip to ORD and see how eagle makes up nearly 65% of AMRs daily departures.That is WITH the current scope language in place.Imagine the next step as more of our flying is outsourced to low wage regional feed.Nope, that's not accurate. The size of the Eagle (or parallel) operation could only be as large as the pilot scope clause allows. Employees are fond of saying that "managing the business is management's job," yet many of you favor arbitrary limits on management's ability to operate the business.
If management intended to grow the regional operation to "unlimited" size, then management would not have agreed to limits on the number of regional aircraft (in its offer to pilots) nor would the company have placed orders for more than 500 single-aisle jets. Yes, Eagle will grow, as UA and DL have many more 60-76 seaters than AA.
There are plenty of reasons to vote no, so no need to spread made-up stuff.
Which is your biggest problem? Low wages or scope? I would have guessed the former, especially for you in relatively high-cost suburban Chicago. Look across the airfield at FedEx or UPS. UPS has what? About four mechanics per airplane at about $50/hr. I realize you'd like both (high pay plus jobs for everyone), but IMO, you can't have everything. The current pardigm ain't working for you as it yields just $33 and change per hour.Made up stuff?show me anything in OUR contract that protects scope.Are you willing to depend on the pilots defending our turf?.What if their T/A fails?Talk to the line pilots, there is a good chance it may.Then I'd like you to take a trip to ORD and see how eagle makes up nearly 65% of AMRs daily departures.That is WITH the current scope language in place.Imagine the next step as more of our flying is outsourced to low wage regional feed.
Again, Can anyone show one instance where the workers fared better after a judge abrogated their contracts? To think the judge will not abrogate the contract this time is PURE SPECULATION.
Communist China owns most of the United States' debt. Whats wrong with that picture?
Agreed. China owns just slightly more US debt than does Japan. Here are the facts:Wrong!!!
Once again:
Seems to me, that just a few short months ago all I read here was SEPARATE contracts for OH and LINE. Now were supposed to be one?I simply cannot believe you goofs are falling for this line vs. overhaul garbage.We are one group.One seniority list.What happens to one affects the other.We at the line do have the advantage of interacting with other employee groups more then TULE.Therefore the company's lies are more readily apparent, and the TWU cannot use tools like Hewett to advance the international agenda without us seeing what is really at play.I'm a line guy.I voted no mostly because this will gut Tulsa.No job protection.None.No Eagle ASM cap.They can run an unlimited parallel operation.So many articles do not even have finished language.Are you going to go on someones word that this will "save jobs" even when the contract language itself says that it won't?I'm an average line mech at ORD, no hidden agenda,I want the best for all of us and this isn't it.