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Why I Voted Yes

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If the TWU local is going to all this trouble to get Yes votes that tells me that they are very concerned about the outcome. That makes me feel a little bit better about the outcome. In the past the TWU was never concerned or pro active in these issues since they knew things went their way. But now it's a different story and they are worried. VOTE NO!!!!!!! Even the company big boys are doing a road show. They are all worried.
Local 514 is THEIR OWN WORST ENEMY !!!They will pay dearly for decisions they've made.If you can get out of there,you
better do it while you can!!!
That made about as much sense as I heard your feather ruffle did yesterday and your constant talking at the end of other peoples Q & A. In my opinion those 777s were going to be outsourced one way or the other. It isn't a question of if or how but when. Until China puts themselves into a situation to where they close their borders and hold the worlds widebodies hostage or everyone accepts and demands everyone be held accountable for 145 standards instead of trying to lobby for laxed standards the trend will grow. Europe has been holding the world accountable for emissions by charging higher landing fees etc while China kicks sand and welcomes the high emission output aircraft. U.S. companies such as Boeing partnering and granting 747 Gold Care to the Chinese all the while organizations such as ARSA aide in whatever way possible. If you and others are so worried about our "Craft" why don't you use some of your influence if you have any with AMFA to combat the monster of outsource that looms. You talk a good game and whine and #### like a pro as do your other compadres that advocate Craft but will you "Act where it really would Make a Difference"? I doubt it.
AA is supposed to be Gold Care provider for 787 !!!
Again, pure speculation on your part. Got anything relevant to add to the conversation?
You may need to read again or don't no big deal, but I made reference to the industry as a whole and China not AMFA contracts. I think everyone is well aware how you are voting.

That's right! Let it be known I'm

VOTING NO just in case some one missed it.
AMFA did not stop the outsourcing of all AO at UA even though the IAM had language in the existing contract. AMFA did not stop AS from closing down the OAK base and outsourcing AO. AMFA wrote "killer" scope language at WN that allowed four lines of overhaul to be opened in El Salvador while adding ONE in-house overhaul line.

I hope I did not confuse with facts.

And where is our language? Vote Yes and it's all gone with the wind.
Wow I finally found someone who voted for the 2003 concession of course were using aliases is why, I actually voted against the 2003 concession because at the time no Airline had filed bk so I thought they were bluffing, knowing what I know now I would have voted for it, so I guess we are swapping this time.
The bolded portion is incorrect. At the time of the 2003 concession vote at AA, UA and US were already in bankruptcy and had already suffered concessions. CO and HP had been thru bankruptcy a decade prior to that and were still earning bankruptcy-era wages. Perhaps your memory is failing you?
Im hearing theres going to be a big sign waving party oitside the gate this afternoon. Local 514 is paranoid saying a bunch of line guys are going to be coming here to hold vote no signs so they want to be out there with there vote yes signs. Was told the sheriffs dept will be there to keep the peace. Vote No stand tall

I saw the vote yes sign crew out there when I left wish I could have been out there with them but I have a full day planned today, there were several out there, i'm betting the vote no group will be much smaller if any at all.

It appears both the company & the TWU have taken the gloves off this time & are fighting back, their not taking any chances that this might not pass, personally i'm glad their fighting back against the line station no brigade, it's definitely going to pass now.
Read it. Not good for us or any other US carrier.
If AA succeeds (I'm sure they will) more jobs outsourced.
Vote Yes and they can do whatever they want in the next six years. Vote NO and we
can still try to save jobs.
AA has always been able to get as much contract work as they want weather its TULE or Line Stations.
Tulsa is almost MRO,if they have unlicensed doing cabin work thats 1/2 of heavy ck .Believe me they know what their doing.
And to top it off the TWU and lawyers are going to be reimbursed by AA to do it.
I saw the vote yes sign crew out there when I left wish I could have been out there with them but I have a full day planned today, there were several out there, i'm betting the vote no group will be much smaller if any at all.

It appears both the company & the TWU have taken the gloves off this time & are fighting back, their not taking any chances that this might not pass, personally i'm glad their fighting back against the line station no brigade, it's definitely going to pass now.
NEWS FLASH It did'nt pass !!!!
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