Where's the Birth Certificate?

What if MIB was a documentary?

MIB??? In my Business MIB is Management Information Base as in your HP Printer is MIB 3 Compliant which means I can manage it used WebJet Admin.

As to the thread topic, ponder this.

Are the "birther" folks wackier than the majority of Democrats who believe George W. Bush had prior knowledge of 9/11 or are unsure that he did?

Are the "birther" folks wackier than the majority of Democrats who believe that "Bush Lied, People Died" our way into the Iraq War or are unsure that he did?

Are they wackier than the majority of Democrats who, in 2008, held Bush responsible when gas prices hit $4 a gallon?

What's the point? When people are unhappy with a politician and/or his policies, they sometimes see the worst -- whether or not there is a factual basis. But the media do not even have a name for the Democratic equivalent of "birthers," despite these vicious, unsubstantiated and irresponsible accusations of Bush.

Legally, the birther issue is deader than Elvis. Besides, Obama's principal 2008 primary opponent, then-Sen. Hillary Clinton, couldn't nail him on the issue. If there were something there, the hounds of the Clintons would have found it.
MIB??? In my Business MIB is Management Information Base as in your HP Printer is MIB 3 Compliant which means I can manage it used WebJet Admin.

As to the thread topic, ponder this.

Are the "birther" folks wackier than the majority of Democrats who believe George W. Bush had prior knowledge of 9/11 or are unsure that he did?

Are the "birther" folks wackier than the majority of Democrats who believe that "Bush Lied, People Died" our way into the Iraq War or are unsure that he did?

Are they wackier than the majority of Democrats who, in 2008, held Bush responsible when gas prices hit $4 a gallon?

What's the point? When people are unhappy with a politician and/or his policies, they sometimes see the worst -- whether or not there is a factual basis. But the media do not even have a name for the Democratic equivalent of "birthers," despite these vicious, unsubstantiated and irresponsible accusations of Bush.

Legally, the birther issue is deader than Elvis. Besides, Obama's principal 2008 primary opponent, then-Sen. Hillary Clinton, couldn't nail him on the issue. If there were something there, the hounds of the Clintons would have found it.

Your arguments are getting weaker by the day.

How many candidates in 2008 even mentioned the idea that Bush knew of the attacks before hand? Are there people who believe this? Sure there are. There are also people who believe the moon landing was a hoax and that the world is flat. None amount to any significant numbers, sure not the percentage of birthers.

Did Bush lie. Not to the point where they purposefully with held evidence (at least not proven) and knew other wise. I believe they did use unsubstantiated reasons (which they knew were unsubstantiated) to get the US in to a war with Iraq. They used WMD which did not exist. They used the excuse that Iraq was involved in 9/11 which they were not. We then went in to protect the oil fields from extremest (that one would be true because we killed the SOB protecting them) and the list goes on. According to Devon M. Largio there were 27 rationals for the Iraq war of which 24 were from the Bush administration.

Holding a POTUS responsible for things beyond their control is a bit different that looking for a conspiracy. Ignorance of the presidents powers is one thing. Claiming he is not a US citizen in the face of definitive proof is some all together different.

I do agree that were there any evidence to be found it would have been found. I do not agree that the issue is dead. It's getting revived by the likes of Trump, Palin and others.

MIB = Men In Black
The only way this current crop of Republicans could win in 2012 is to run unopposed.

A little early for a Hail Mary, but it is all they have.

Of course, progressive-liberals could care less whether or not Barrack Obama is a legal citizen !
I do not agree that the issue is dead. It's getting revived by the likes of Trump, Palin and others.

Those arguments are political in nature and pretty weak IMO. A leap of faith is fine if we're talking religion, but we're not and IMO it takes a pretty big leap of faith to buy into the whole birth certificate thing. But tell me why after the court case failed why this whole thing is sticking around? That's what the puzzle is with me.

SCOTUS has basically told Orly Taitz, the "birther" Lawyer to do the legal equivalent of "Now run along and play nice with the others in the sandbox and don't bring us anymore dead animals"
If you asked that guy if the Earth was flat he would claim it was true.

For no other reason than the progressive-liberal (when liberal just isn't enough), and the pot-smoking socialist leftist media (when media just isn't enough) have made the ridiculous claim the earth is almost round.

He will then claim because the Earth is flat, his President Obama is responsible for the possibility the United States could fall off the edge.
If you asked that guy if the Earth was flat he would claim it was true.

For no other reason than the progressive-liberal (when liberal just isn't enough), and the pot-smoking socialist leftist media (when media just isn't enough) have made the ridiculous claim the earth is almost round.

He will then claim because the Earth is flat, his President Obama is responsible for the possibility the United States could fall off the edge.

No one cares what u think.

I missed something some where. Southward is not liberal. He is conservative and stated above ur post that liberals do not care that Obama is not a US citizen. What are u referring to?
I missed something some where. Southward is not liberal. He is conservative and stated above ur post that liberals do not care that Obama is not a US citizen. What are u referring to?

OK, When you have an individual be they Liberal or Conservative who is so drunk with their particular flavor of Kool-Aide that it becomes clear that the person has never had an independent thought pass between their ears and out their mouths then it becomes much easier for the opposition to paint that individual into a corner.

Make better sense now?
From Drudge:

Wed Apr 20 2011 10:35:52 ET


This year's high stakes publishing project quietly went to press this week, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

After years of research and digging by the nation's top private investigators, here it comes:

"WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President."


The street date is a LONG month away, and author Jerome Corsi, the man who torpedoed John Kerry's presidential dreams with SWIFT BOAT, has gone underground and is holding his new findings thisclose.

"It's utterly devastating," reveals a source close to the publisher. "Obama may learn things he didn't even know about himself!"


Does Corsi definitively declare the location of Obama's birth?

Will the president's attorneys attempt to interfere with the book's distribution? [The publisher vows to vigorously fight any legal action that may be taken.]

Will the book finally -- once and for all -- put an end to the growing controversy?

Or will it just ignite new ones!?

"When Donald Trump said he sent PIs to Hawaii to get to the bottom of all this, he meant this book," declares an insider.

[THE CASE ranked #1,341 on AMAZON's hitparade late Wednesday morning.]



Guess it does not matter that every argument the birthers have come up with turn out to be bs. Nor does it seem to matter that Jerome Corsi is a pathological liar who says 9-11 was an inside job. Guess that means GWB was totally incompetent or is guilty of a most heinous form of treason, murder of his own citizens. Mr. Corsi also like to appear on Jew bating shows like The Political Cesspool. But I'm repeating myself, I've pointed this out before. So why you try and make him appear to be anything but a wacko is beyond me.
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Guess it does not matter that every argument the birthers have come up with turn out to be bs. Nor does it seem to matter that Jerome Corsi is a pathological liar who says 9-11 was an inside job. Guess that means GWB was totally incompetent or is guilty of a most heinous form of treason, murder of his own citizens. Mr. Corsi also like to appear on Jew bating shows like The Political Cesspool. But I'm repeating myself, I've pointed this out before. So why you try and make him appear to be anything but a wacko is beyond me.

He's my uncle.
I suppose you were smoking the same stuff last November too.

Palin is back to pass. Looking downfield for an open receiver.

Wait, she is being chased by her own team. Trump slaps the ball away. He goes to pick it up but a gust of wind blows his har acros his face. He can't see and gets a mouthful. The defense is stunned and amazed.

Here comes Bachman off the sideline. She grabs the ball and is running with it. But she's going the wrong way. Romney is open in the right end zone, but no one on his team likes him anyway. The Tea Party follows Bachman into the wrong end zone cheering madly. She spikes the ball. Obama recovers for a touchdown.

The Tea Party raises Bachman to their shoulders, and carry her off the field.

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