Where's the Birth Certificate?

I can't help but shake my head when I read “It’s not a birther bill, it’s a common-sense bill”. If the president’s father was born in jolly old England and not Kenya, if his father were a Baptist and not a Muslim, and if he had an Anglo-Saxon name instead of Barrack H. Obama this would not be an issue.

It sort of surprised me that Bobby Jindal said he would sign such a bill if it came in front of him. People could go after him just like they have gone after the President. Ironically it could pose a dilemma for birther Republicans were he to run for President one day.
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Face it. You are an alarmist who can sit on the sidelines and shout at everyone. You can continue to do that because your views will never be challenged because they are so absurd that they will never be implemented in our society.

So keep on screaming in the mirror...that man believes you and is your confidant.

Absurd? Most of what the Hawk speaks of are what the basis of the country was founded on and the lack of sticking with those tenets is why we are on the edge of collapse.
I can't help but shake my head when I read “It’s not a birther bill, it’s a common-sense bill”. If the president’s father was born in jolly old England and not Kenya, if his father were a Baptist and not a Muslim, and if he had an Anglo-Saxon name instead of Barrack H. Obama this would not be an issue.

It sort of surprised me that Bobby Jindal said he would sign such a bill if it came in front of him. People could go after him just like they have gone after the President. Ironically it could pose a dilemma for birther Republicans were he to run for President one day.

I'm sure Bobby Jindal could walk into his bedroom, reach into one of his drawers and produce a birth certificate, just like most Americans, especially ones running for office !
It wouldn't say Bobby Jindal, or even Robert Jindal, his name is Piyush Amrit Jindal..

His mother was pregnant with him when his parents immigrated to the United States.

Does that make him an anchor baby?

All depends on if his parents his parents went through the legal process of gaining citizenship !

Dropping a kid, on U.S. soil , should not constitute automatic citizenship, for the parents !

As far as citizenship for the kid :

"No European nations grant birthright citizenship!"

Isn't that who you prog-libs want to model the U.S. after !

I'm sure Bobby Jindal could walk into his bedroom, reach into one of his drawers and produce a birth certificate, just like most Americans, especially ones running for office !

I guess that would disqualify my wife (in your eyes at least). She does not have her original birth certificate. She ordered a copy when we went to Europe. Her copy actually has less info on it than Obama's does. The time is not listed and neither is the race of the parents.

Interestingly enough, my original is a "Certificate of Live Birth" I have had this ever since I can remember. It's a certified copy (says so on the bottom with a raised seal. Never had anything else. Both my certificate and my wife's were adequate to get a passport.

I have no idea if mine is a replacement or not. I remember seeing it when I was a child (6 yrs old or so?). My mom would have been able to tell me all about it but she passed several years ago and my dad will not remember stuff like that. I guess I won't toss my hat into the 2012 election pool as you would not approve of my proof of birth either even though the federal government says it's A-OK.
I'm sure Bobby Jindal could walk into his bedroom, reach into one of his drawers and produce a birth certificate, just like most Americans, especially ones running for office !

Anybody who leaves their birth certificate in a drawer is an idiot. Besides, do you think it's going to matter to some people how he produces his birth certificate? All they are going to see is a brown face and a set of paretns not born here. I hope does run, so a lot of these birthers can look like hypocrites when they don't question his citizenship.
All depends on if his parents his parents went through the legal process of gaining citizenship !

Dropping a kid, on U.S. soil , should not constitute automatic citizenship, for the parents !

As far as citizenship for the kid :

"No European nations grant birthright citizenship!"

Pretty tough to get naturalized in the six months between when they arrived in the US and little 'Bobby' was born.

Dropping a kid on US soil does not constitute automatic citizenship for the parents.

Sounds like you don't think Jindal should be considered a citizen of the United States.

The exclamation point at the end of each of your sentences is the only thing making sense in your post. The idiocy is astounding.
I really am growing weary of this bogus issue as the truth is IMO no one is acting like they deserve US Citizenship.

For ten years we've had a potted plant in the White House. We'll call it the Obama Bush.

The "Potted Plant Presidency" now has us involved in not one, not two but THREE wars. All three without the advice and consent of Congress which if you actually read the US Constitution are three impeachable offenses. Hell even Mr Left of Lenin, Dennis Kucinich figured this out. Now you know the country is screwed up when Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich agree on anything much less anything that could result in impeachment of a sitting President.

Next up for indictment is the Republicrat House and Senate who allowed these two globalists to run amok sending the flower of our youth into harms way as part of some geopolitical chess game only to have thousands come home in a box.

So far we have 2 Presidents, 2 Vice Presidents and 533 Members of Congress who IMO are guilty of treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors and should be removed from office (The previously mentioned are spared)!

The Globalists want us fighting over the man's birth certificate and ignoring the debt until it's to late and the Globalists complete their agenda and Freedom and Liberty gets strangled out of existence. The birther issue is the "Shiny Metal Object" used by the Globalists to take our eyes off the prize, Time to learn Chinese folks.
IMO, the whole "Birther" Issue if you can even call it that is merely the current shiny metal object used by BOTH parties to distract the American Public from keeping the heat on Congress over the debt and budget crisis looming.

The reason for this is simple:

  1. The American Public has the attention span of a Golden Retriever and is often less astute then our canine friends who can at least smell crap when they see it.
  2. Once the Public sees the sacrifice required to get our debt under control, they'll Lynch Congress and anyone else in office
  3. The ruling class is fearful that the Gravy Train is really going to be dog food going forward,

Remember the very last thing a corrupt Government wants or needs is public scrutiny and demands for reform. Thus we have the Birther Shiny Metal Object to obfuscate and lead us away from the undeniable fact that we as everyday US Citizens have been had big time.

Obama is not the disease, he's the symptom of the disease.

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