Where's the Birth Certificate?

Like 777 said. Fed law beats state law. AZ is wasting tax payer money again.
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Like 777 said. Fed law beats state law. AZ is wasting tax payer money again.

Only for progressives....or does that only apply in Texas?

Wake up.....

Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Oh no, Tingles, aka Chris Matthews a birther now? :huh:


If you visit Orly Taitz' web site there was a banner advertisement foe Lyndon LaRouche which should be all anyone needs to know to determine the credibility of the "Birther" Movement.
If you visit Orly Taitz' web site there was a banner advertisement foe Lyndon LaRouche which should be all anyone needs to know to determine the credibility of the "Birther" Movement.

Birhters keep strange company that's for sure.

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From Drudge:

Wed Apr 20 2011 10:35:52 ET


This year's high stakes publishing project quietly went to press this week, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

After years of research and digging by the nation's top private investigators, here it comes:

"WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President."


The street date is a LONG month away, and author Jerome Corsi, the man who torpedoed John Kerry's presidential dreams with SWIFT BOAT, has gone underground and is holding his new findings thisclose.

"It's utterly devastating," reveals a source close to the publisher. "Obama may learn things he didn't even know about himself!"


Does Corsi definitively declare the location of Obama's birth?

Will the president's attorneys attempt to interfere with the book's distribution? [The publisher vows to vigorously fight any legal action that may be taken.]

Will the book finally -- once and for all -- put an end to the growing controversy?

Or will it just ignite new ones!?

"When Donald Trump said he sent PIs to Hawaii to get to the bottom of all this, he meant this book," declares an insider.

[THE CASE ranked #1,341 on AMAZON's hitparade late Wednesday morning.]


The only way this current crop of Republicans could win in 2012 is to run unopposed.

A little early for a Hail Mary, but it is all they have.
I've struggled with trying to figure out exactly what the big deal is with this whole "Birther" thing. Oh sure I get that if the Birthers are right he's not the legitimate POTUS. OK suppose they're right, then what happens? Does the VP take over automatically or do we have to impeach him? With the fragile state of the world economy and all the wars we're involved in, is an impeachment proceeding really in the best interests of the United States?

For me him not being a citizen matters little as IMO he's an EMPTY SUIT with or without his "papers" being in order. Again suppose he is found to not be a citizen this very day, how long does it take to impeach the guy assuming we have to so we can remove him from office?

OK so now he's out of office do you think Biden can stay awake long enough to run the country? :lol: :lol: :lol:

To me all of this Birther crap obfuscates the fact that he is a bad President who has done more damage to the US in 24 months then any other President. Believe me I could make a list. The other thing the Birther issue does is make a lot of people look like kooks because even if true I don't think there is a smoking gun out there. If there is then he fooled a lot of people and is the Bernie Madoff of politics. Given his first 24 months I don't think he's smart enough to fool Sox the Cat much less the world.

Liberals - Paving the road to hell with Good Intentions since FDR.
US law places the burden of proof on the plaintiff. As if this moron has found something that everyone else missed. May be he will tell us who killed Kennedy, where Capon is buried and .....
US law places the burden of proof on the plaintiff. As if this moron has found something that everyone else missed. May be he will tell us who killed Kennedy, where Capon is buried and .....

We shall see! Just as a small point of order it's Capone. and..... what if by some perverse miracle he has found the proverbial smoking gun? Then what?

The thing that troubles me is that the whole issue won't go away and two+ years is a lifetime in politics.