Where's the Birth Certificate?

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Palin is back to pass. Looking downfield for an open receiver.

Wait, she is being chased by her own team. Trump slaps the ball away. He goes to pick it up but a gust of wind blows his har acros his face. He can't see and gets a mouthful. The defense is stunned and amazed.

Here comes Bachman off the sideline. She grabs the ball and is running with it. But she's going the wrong way. Romney is open in the right end zone, but no one on his team likes him anyway. The Tea Party follows Bachman into the wrong end zone cheering madly. She spikes the ball. Obama recovers for a touchdown.

The Tea Party raises Bachman to their shoulders, and carry her off the field.

None you mention will be serious contenders......including Obama.
The Republicans have a whole football team of not serious contenders.

Are they waiting on Dan Quayle to step up?

If all the hype, hand wringing and such regarding Gas Prices comes to pass and we end with a gallon of gas at $6.00 (as Predicted) the Republicans could run a sock puppet and win by a landslide.

We see that kind of Gas Pricing in the run up to the election and you can stick a fork in the Supremer Leader of the Peoples Republic of Barackistan as he is DONE!!! Not a moment to soon for me.
Coincidence? Passport Witness To Testify Against Obama Fatally Shot Outside Church

Another day, another creepy murder related in some way to Barack Obama. There is something about this guy that leads to unusual murders wherever his name arises. The most recent unusual death involves the fatal shooting of a key witness in the passport file fraud investigation. If you recall, during the campaign it was discovered that Obama, Hillary and McCain’s passport files had been breached. It was Obama’s that was reported first with the implication that Hillary had something to do with it. Then, sort of as an afterthought, it was reported that both Hillary’s and McCain’s files were also violated.

Anyway, the story is reported in the Washington Times:

A key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Department was fatally shot in front of a District church, the Metropolitan Police Department said yesterday.
If all the hype, hand wringing and such regarding Gas Prices comes to pass and we end with a gallon of gas at $6.00 (as Predicted) the Republicans could run a sock puppet and win by a landslide.

We see that kind of Gas Pricing in the run up to the election and you can stick a fork in the Supremer Leader of the Peoples Republic of Barackistan as he is DONE!!! Not a moment to soon for me.

The 2011 Depression isn't working out, and the Birthers can't seem to get any credibility out side of their own two-legged zoo.

The Obama Haters can only hope everyone pays $6.00 a gallon for gas so they can have their way.
Demand goes up, fuel prices go up. Not sure why folks have a hard time understanding this. Look at the Chines and Indian economies. This is not rocket science.
Demand goes up, fuel prices go up. Not sure why folks have a hard time understanding this. Look at the Chines and Indian economies. This is not rocket science.

Only problem is demand is FLAT

$6 per gallon and Obama Lama Ding Dong is GONE
Flat since when and till when? Do you think that the demand in China and India will go up or down?
Flat since when and till when? Do you think that the demand in China and India will go up or down?

Hey don't get up in my grill. I went to a US gubmit website.

Secondly the consumption WILL rise in China & India which to date has been offset by US conservation to date.

If the Supreme Leader of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Barackistan were to even announce approval for more drilling in the US the price of oil would drop. Never mind if we actually drilled for oil. He's a statest, Gobalist so that will never happen.

Face it! The man is a scar upon Freedom & Liberty
Face it! The man is a scar upon Freedom & Liberty
Face it. You are an alarmist who can sit on the sidelines and shout at everyone. You can continue to do that because your views will never be challenged because they are so absurd that they will never be implemented in our society.

So keep on screaming in the mirror...that man believes you and is your confidant.
Hey don't get up in my grill. I went to a US gubmit website.

Secondly the consumption WILL rise in China & India which to date has been offset by US conservation to date.

If the Supreme Leader of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Barackistan were to even announce approval for more drilling in the US the price of oil would drop. Never mind if we actually drilled for oil. He's a statest, Gobalist so that will never happen.

Face it! The man is a scar upon Freedom & Liberty

I hope he does not. I feel that would be incredibly irresponsible. All that would do is delay the inevitable. I would rather force the change ow when it is not critical as opposed to when fuel really sky rockets.

We are long over due for a price increase for fuel. We are not conserving nearly enough. Put the price at $6 and all gas guzzlers will start to disappear and we will see real economy cars. Then some alternative fuel cars will start to appear and eventually we can tell the ME to pound sand.

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