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Where Was Us Airways' Media People?

firstamendment said:
Keep adding on the reasons to pull the PIT Hub and get the hell out of that ungrateful city. It's going to happen and I can't wait to slam those unsupportive SOB's when it happens. You will be reduced to the second rate city that you are when US leaves. Buh, Bye...jerks!! :down: :down:
Pittsburgh, and the surrounding communities do not want U to leave. They have a plan to present to U, but management has made no mention of any more interest.

When you slam Pittsburgh, you slam 8,000 employees of USAirways and their famlies. Your outburst just is not called for against the U employees of the Pittsburgh sister hub.
firstamendment said:
Keep adding on the reasons to pull the PIT Hub and get the hell out of that ungrateful city. It's going to happen and I can't wait to slam those unsupportive SOB's when it happens. You will be reduced to the second rate city that you are when US leaves. Buh, Bye...jerks!! :down: :down:
Are you by any chance a Browns fan? :shock:
firstamendment said:
Keep adding on the reasons to pull the PIT Hub and get the hell out of that ungrateful city. It's going to happen and I can't wait to slam those unsupportive SOB's when it happens. You will be reduced to the second rate city that you are when US leaves. Buh, Bye...jerks!! :down: :down:
You sir, are a walking piece of human garbage. Who are you and where do you live? Are you an employee? What is your status in the DM program?I'm quite curious. I don't know where you get off taking a slam at PIT and at the employees in Pittsburgh and the people who live there. I'm a CP flyer and ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY connect via PIT unless there is no flt to do so. The employees there are nothing but total class and have been nothing but kind and gracious to me over the years and i've gotten to know quite a few of them on a personal level. I even spent close to $700 just to change my LGW-PIT-PHL to a FRA-PIT-PHL when they took out the LGW flight last fall so I personally take offense to your ignorant, loud, insensitive, and f***ed up comments. PIT is FAR from a second rate city and the fact that you are spewing that crap shows how much you know about it. The residents of PIT do not want US to leave but they are tired of the lousy fare game that they are facing and I honestly can't blame them. As for Wendy Bell's story, good for her. I don't think it was meant as an anti usairways piece, but more as an informational piec.

Jerks? I think you're looking at yourself in the mirror. Get a life.
PITbull said:
Pittsburgh, and the surrounding communities do not want U to leave. They have a plan to present to U, but management has made no mention of any more interest.

When you slam Pittsburgh, you slam 8,000 employees of USAirways and their famlies. Your outburst just is not called for against the U employees of the Pittsburgh sister hub.
couldn't have said it better myself
firstamendment said:
Keep adding on the reasons to pull the PIT Hub and get the hell out of that ungrateful city. It's going to happen and I can't wait to slam those unsupportive SOB's when it happens. You will be reduced to the second rate city that you are when US leaves. Buh, Bye...jerks!! :down: :down:

Sounds like you have an attitude problem for no reason. But if I remember correctly you're a disgruntled F/A. Get over yourself. As someone who grew up in Pgh and has lived all over the country including NYC, Pgh is no worse or better than any other city in this country. You make yourself at home anywhere if you so choose to. Obviously you didn't when/if you lived here.

As for the news report...........big deal! Everyone in this area knows that US charges more to fly out of PIT than any other US hub city. Why do you think people drive to CLE and CMH.

And when PIT does have it's mainline flights reduced and we are left with MAA, so what. I have lots of other options to spend my money on.
Actually this could be a good thing frpom a marketing perspective -- remember there's no such thing as bad publicity 😉 The article does mention that US is actually making changes to address the problem. It's also refreshingly detailed for a change. Yeah, it panders a bit but it could have been a lot worse.

Marketing ought to take the ball and run with it. Be straight, be truthful. This kind of pricing is, in fact, exactly why the airline is hurting. Fix it, be proud of having the courage to do so and grow.
TomBascom said:
Actually this could be a good thing frpom a marketing perspective -- remember there's no such thing as bad publicity 😉 The article does mention that US is actually making changes to address the problem. It's also refreshingly detailed for a change. Yeah, it panders a bit but it could have been a lot worse.

Marketing ought to take the ball and run with it. Be straight, be truthful. This kind of pricing is, in fact, exactly why the airline is hurting. Fix it, be proud of having the courage to do so and grow.

I believe you made the point. 🙂
TomBascom, nobody wants bad publicity. Especially, US Airways whose corporate faux pas have been plastered all over the place in the media. You cannot have the press running wild onboard an airliner. If I was a passenger on that plane I would have been completely annoyed by Wendy Bell's intrusion. It was not sanctioned and given the free reign she had, it's an absolute joke that someone did not stop it. Everyone that has seen the video cannot believe why and how this happened. It made the airline look stupid. Worse yet, it clearly shows there is no control from management! It's clear that CCY cannot handle anything media related. This airline needs to hire a seasoned New York City public relations firm to get the ball rolling in the right direction.
Firstamendment, what were you thinking (or smoking) when you posted that? Your comments are totally stupid, dumb, retarded, anal, banal, moronic, hideous, pathetic, jerky, and dippy. You should apologize to everyone in PIT.

I think that maybe First thought that WTAE represents the people of Pittsburgh.

Now, that's a Faux Pau
EyeInTheSky said:
Firstamendment, what were you thinking (or smoking) when you posted that? Your comments are totally stupid, dumb, retarded, anal, banal, moronic, hideous, pathetic, jerky, and dippy. You should apologize to everyone in PIT.
Lord oh Lord,

Sometime I just like to stir the pot. It was getting a little boring out here. A heartfilled apology to all the employees and citizens of Pittsburgh. Now, can I come off the cross.
PITbull said:

I think that maybe First thought that WTAE represents the people of Pittsburgh.

Now, that's a Faux Pau

I love you. You always seem to understand that sometimes I put my foot in my mouth. You see the good in me and that is classy.
This is typical sensationalistic reporting by the media. I'll take a stab at a few comments in the story.

Christopher Elliot, travel expert: "Not at all. The airlines have had a confusing fare structure for years."

Elliott says the pricing software that most major airlines use is designed to react to each other's fare changes. If Southwest Airlines changes its fares, US Airways follows suit.

Elliott: "Travel agents can sit at their terminals and they can literally watch the fares change by the minute."

That's what happened to us. The price of our flight on USAirways.com dropped from $658 to $246 in 30 minutes. One day later, the price rebounded to $1,096.

Elliott: "You get a price online, you get up, get a cup of coffee, come back, price is gone."

This supposed "travel expert" acts like US has a chicken sitting at a keyboard, randomly pecking away at prices to change them... But the price change for the particular flight could have been caused by all kinds of things... inventory selling out or becoming available, new fares or the discontinuation of fares, fare rule changes, or changing the advance purchase. And that is what I bet happened to send the price from $246 to 1,096 overnight... it probably went from 7 or 3 days advance to 6 or 2... But the story doesn't give any hint of this, or any information as to whether or not this could be the case.

On our flight alone, there were 1,764 possible fares. In the week before our flight, US Airways made 3,215 airfare changes to flights into and out of Pittsburgh.

Huh? This has to include fares such as BWI-MIA where travel could be BWI-PIT-MIA. US does not publish 1700 fares in one market. That is absolutely ridiculous.

US Airways is in the business to make money. They have to do everything they can to squeeze the most amouny of revenue out of a given flight. Seats on an airplane are extremely perishable; once it takes off it can never be sold. All airlines price-discriminate. That is how you maximize revenue. Prices are based on demand, not based on what is "fair" or what it costs. And if someone is willing to purchase a fare, then it is "fair".
With May sweeps, this TV station is going for the "sensational" story to get ratings. So, it's easy to pick on airline fares.

I bet WTAE doesn't have a "simple" rate structure for their own revenue stream...their advertising rates. If they have unsold commercial time available a day before it airs, you know that they are pricing it at a deep discount to sell it. Like a plane seat after takeoff, once a show airs, the TV commercial slot and its revenue potential are gone.

You don't see WTAE asking the advertiser that bought the same show a month ago at top-rate how he feels about someone else getting a better deal at the last minute.

Companies that buy advertising in volume (like big car dealers) are getting better ad rates than small-volume advertisiers...just like airlines offer corporate discounts to large-volume corporations.

But you'll never see this on the news.....
EyeInTheSky said:
I watched LUV raise the fares out of BWI as soon as US Airways pulled the hub plug. Southwest DOES NOT always have the cheapest fares.
The government has there hand in airline business in a lot of ways. Somewhere on these forums I saw pilot pay rates, which are about the same at all the carriers (majors) with a few exceptions. If the government wants to keep their hand in it and not let the free market prevail, then they should set a minimum fare on every route flown. This would gaurentee a profit at average load factor for each route. Each carrier would be free to set fares up from here but would not be able to undercut the other. Then we would really have a service oriented airline business.

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