JS said:
You make it sound like Wal-Mart or wholesale clubs are pleasant places to shop. I would disagree. I hate those places with a passion.
I'll give you that both Wal-Mart and wholesale clubs are a bare-bones shopping experience. But then, for a large number of passengers, air travel doesn't need to be much more than a (safe) bare-bones experience, either. Air travel is a commodity for passengers who only care about getting from Point A to Point B on time, and that describes the vast majority of passengers in the back of the plane. Nordstrom, Nieman-Marcus, Bloomingdale's, etc. all offer a higher-end product than Wal-Mart or wholesale clubs, but you pay for the privilege (if you pay full markup) and they all have far smaller market share.
As ELP said, re-regulation might guarantee a certain minimum fare on your routes, but that doesn't mean that the passengers will still be there. If the minimum fare from BOS to MCO goes up to $200, for example, how many people will choose to drive their families down to Disney instead of flying? Your average yield would certainly go up, but there would be a lot fewer people flying and total revenue for the airline would crater. And that does mean fewer flights, fewer jets, and a lot fewer employees. Moreover, probably the least affected airline would be WN for two reasons -- first, their costs are so low that they'd make enormous profits at those fares and second, they probably do the most intrastate flying of any major carrier. Given that intrastate commerce may not be regulated by the federal government, they'd still be free to price as they like within Texas, California, Florida, etc. -- and you might see them enter larger intrastate markets like PIT-PHL, ISP/NYC-upstate NY, etc.
If you re-regulate fares, how do you decide whose costs to use to set them? Do you base them on the most efficient or least efficient operator in the market, or simply on an average? How do you compete if a lower-cost operator improves its product beyond yours in competitive markets (let's say, individual TV's, free alcohol, greater pitch in coach, etc.)?