and what are the laws in PA regarding video surveillance without recording.... or is it possible to note that video surveillance is in use and then have laws that allow the video recording to be used only if a crime has been committed? Seems like a lot of people live w/ that reality all around the world and accept it. And it also serves as a "warning" that if you cross the line, there likely will be evidence.
my position is simply one of being willing to step back from the situation and recognize how it will be perceived - and sort out the opinions and the inside (airline view) from the public's particularly in light of the facts that surround the case.
There is no shortage of opinions on this board - and that is fine... but when opinions clearly cannot stand up to the facts around a case or even if it is a case based solely on opinions (such as this one "who was at fault"), then looking at a situation the way the rest of the world sees it is worth while. I noted that it didn't really matter that US might have had rules prohibiting photography of a name tag or employee (which I'm still not sure we have totally verified to be true or the context in which it might occur), the fact is that the situation blew up way beyond what the agent and her supervisor thought would happen - because they were so focused on the rules and protecting their interest that they couldn't realize how absurb their position was..... and her name was splashed all over the news anyway.
So, no, it is not about picking out the flaws of others but it is about being able to see beyond a human reaction to know where it will end up.
And, yes, I know we are all humans and prone to mistakes - but that doesn't change the fact that the acts of humans still will resolve in repercussions.... and in this case the repercussions were likely worse for the US agent than if (s)he had just let the lady write her name.
I have never said neither was faultless in the situation... the question becomes who gets hurt worse and, if it wasn't clear before, it is very clear now.