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Where Was Us Airways' Media People?

GadgetFreak said:
TomBascom you raise a very interesting point. I dont know if the contract of carriage with all of those rules has been upheld in court. Some of the things would seem really shakey to me. Especially since I can absolutely assure you are not enforced in any consistent way. In fact the structures and rules are so complicated Im not convinced anyone understands them. I have personally been told nested, back to back tickets to the same city to get a cheap fare were okay as long as they were all on the same ticket. Huh? So at the time I bought them and no problem. I know others have had problems with that. It is crazy complicated. I think we also had a recent instance where an associate justice of the US Supreme Court was publically talking about throwaway ticketing he used.
There is a case running through the system dealing with throwaway tickets. I'm not sure how it proceeded. It was granted class action status, but I dont there has been a verdict yet.

You are totally right. Pittsburgh has bent over backward for USAirways for many many years. Yes, the city, county and surrounding areas have greatly supported US in the past while all along putting up with astonomical fares.

Pittsburgh now is just about to their breaking point. US has gouged, bullied and threatened once too many times. US has bitten the hand that has fed them for so long. Pittsburgh is to the point of which most employees now are...Let them leave or shut down operations. Pittsburgh is a strong city with strong residents and they will survive. They did it before and they'll do it again.

Hopefully this time Pittsburgh and US employees will say enough is enough!
Thank you, Bobcat! :up:

You know, the other thing PIT has going for it is the fact that it has a very good layout with room to expand. If the ACAA could somehow find a way to pay off the debt for construction and reduce fees for airlines, the airport could seriously consider adding another big X out there in the cow pasture, assuming it had an airline or airlines willing to use the facility.

And yet another thing: no one has mentioned how well Mainline and Express for US take care of business in PIT during Winter Ops. Pilots actually enjoy flying into PIT during winter weather because they know that they're going to actually get out of the station in a reasonable amount of time. PHL and CLT have nothing on the PIT station when it comes to that. Same thing with connecting baggage. PIT has fewer PAWOBs (pardon the conceit) when compared with the other two hubs. PHL regularly dumps bags on PIT when they don't feel like doing their own reroutes, and CLT lets bags sit for hours if not days while angry passengers threaten to sue every last agent for losing their Louis Voitton crocodile skin bag that they bought on their last trip to the French Riviera. PIT agents, especially at Express, are the best at finding missing bags and reuniting them with passengers......quickly.

And the airline doesn't want PIT as a hub? That is a big mistake.
PIT is an excellent airport. After US leaves other airlines, if they're smart, will jump on it if they can strike a decent deal with the airport.

There is plenty of room to expand in the "cow pasture". The location for passengers is great if the people on the other side of Pittsburgh can get through the congestion of the tunnels. There is never any traffic backups near the airport, sans road construction. Getting there is a breeze for most due to location.

PAWOBs your right about Mainline and Express taking care of business. During inclement weather there is no place better than PIT. Same with baggage and customer service.

Another plus is passengers actually love PIT and do not mind connecting there. They actually request PIT as their connecting city if they must connect. I can't tell you how many times people will refuse to connect in PHL, DCA or LGA but request PIT.

The best thing Pittsburgh can do is let US leave, somehow get the airport costs down and get someone else in here that will treat this city and surrounding area right and both will reap the benefits.
I thought it was a good article - the point being that consumers of sick and tired of the revenue management schemes the legacy carriers have used for years.

The carriers that are making money now use simplified fare structures. Hmmmmm....any correlation here?

You guys gotta stop bashing the consumer and listen to what they want......and give it to them!! This is how you succeed in this country.
bobcat and Prince of PAWOBs:

PIT is a great airport. Well designed, planned, and operationally efficient. However, if all it took to run a successful hub was a well designed efficient airport, there would be about 10 hub airports in the middle of Kansas cornfields.

The fact is that for a hub airport to work, you need a sufficient base of O&D traffic. This is something that PIT doesn't seem to have. Also, as the airline costs rise, marginal hubs are abandoned, as the hubs with smaller amounts of O&D traffic can no longer support the cost of the hub, which must increase more than the trafffic to supprt it... RDU, BNA, CMH, MCI, COS... All marginal hubs which have been abandoned by the hub carriers...

I'll agree with the O&D argument to a point, but PIT has many other things going for it that makes it attractive as a hub. If O&D is to increase, then we have to get involved with local tax structure, which is a whole other can of worms which may be better suited for another thread. At least the traffic choices to the airport locally are improving quickly, so you never know how soon that number might change.

Lemme throw this out there:

Joe Blow is a passenger out of ROA going to ORD. If I'm not mistaken, US flies there from all three hubs. If I'm a (hypothetical) ticketing agent, and available seats on all ORD flights are equal at all three hubs, where am I gonna route Mr. Blow? He doesn't care when he gets there.

CLT? Send someone south to go north? I never understood that logic. Deal with employee shortages at random times during the week? Especially in the winter months? No way!

PHL? Hmm......east to go west? Lost bags? Employees on the ramp who could care less if planes depart on time? Periodic nightmares at the gate if you are unlucky enough to get an agent having a bad day and sharing it with others? No, thank you.

PIT! Go north, young man. The Sunday Night Blues are OVER at PIT. Bags making destinations are the norm, not the exception. Professional employees who do their very best for the passenger. An easy to figure out airport layout.

Now, it may seem over-simplified, but in my experience routing a passenger anywhere other than PIT is a risky proposition. PIT is consistent in doing a good job, and frankly the other two hubs have some catching up to do in the risk category, PHL moreso than CLT.

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