Q: What’s going on in PHL with our operations and an incentive program to get employees to report to work?
A: PHL has been operating under a triple whammy this summer of staff shortages made worse by unusually severe and frequent storms (a result of long and frequent ATC delays in the Northeast corridor) and high load factors. Facts are, we were overstaffed in the spring, and so held off new hiring until mid-May. Today, we’re working on putting up to 60 new employees into training every week. We expect to be at full staffing on the ramp, with adequate reserves
sometime in September; in the meantime, we’ve launched a short term program to reward attendance, for working extra shifts, and to slow down attrition.The program is a four-week raffle drawing for prizes like TV’s and MP3 players for ramp employees who schedule and work overtime on weekends. Some employees have suggested the raffle is too generous (giving a prize just for showing up?), but the facts are that these kinds of attendance programs aren’t unusual in the airline industry or any industry in general, and this program is already paying off in terms of improved staffing and attendance at PHL, which was the goal. We’ve also invested in more ground equipment, better-looking hold rooms, break rooms and gate areas, and otherwise putting a lot of effort into helping our employees be successful at PHL. Already, baggage performance has improved by 30 percent year over year and on-time is on the rise by 15 percent from this time last year. These investments help PHL run more smoothly a